In-Text Citation

In-Text Citation Practice 2

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Each of the following sentences makes at least one error (often more than one) in MLA citation format or usage. Correct all the errors in each example.  You are looking for how the in-text citation is connected and what is in the citation.  Submit to the Assignment Drop Box.  Due Sunday.  12 points

A major reason families succeeded in the 1950s was that “federal assistance programs were much more generous and widespread than they are today.” (Coontz, p. 62). 

According to Stephanie Coontz, in the 1950s “federal assistance programs were much more generous and widespread than they are today” (Coontz, 62). 

Stephanie Coontz argues that it was the generosity and availability of federal aid programs that made families seem so successful and reliable in the 1950s. 

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Even politically conservative scholars admit that we “should not hide from students that Columbus and other European explorers were often brutal” (Cheney, 267.) 

Lynne Cheney is forced to admit that students should learn that even European explorers were “often brutal (Cheney 267).” 

Lynne Cheney concedes that students must be told the errors of our European past (p. 267). 

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