In-depth interview


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You will conduct a real in-depth interview, which involves preparing interview guide, recruiting interviewee, leading the interview, recording and analyzing the interview and writing brief commentary to it.


The aim of this assignment is to put you in the shoes of an interviewer. You are going to conduct a 1 true in-depth interview that lasts ca. 60 minutes (no less than 50 minutes, no more than 80 minutes). This is a semi-structured interview which means that you shall have a list of key investigative questions prepared before you start the interview. These questions will be supplemented with various probing and clarifying questions (that you will add while conducting the interview – you come up with them on the spot, when needed).

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You should prepare and then lead the in-depth interview following the scientific process:

Step 1: Plan

  1. Identify what information do you need and from whom, in other words decide on the topic, set the scope of your interview, establish objectives
  2. Identify potential interviewees

Step 2: Prepare

  1. Decide what to say to interviewee when recruiting them and setting up the interview
  2. Decide what to say to interviewees when beginning the interview, including ensuring informed consent and confidentiality of the interviewee – it means you must develop a consent form
  3. Decide what to do during the interview (Ask questions only? Show any visuals too?) – it means you must develop a list of key investigative questions and themes to be explored during the interview
  4. Consider “what-if” scenarios (What will I do if there is a silence? What will I do if the interviewee do not want to tell me enough details? What will I do if I finish my questions too early?)
  5. Decide what to say to interviewees when concluding the interview

Step 3: Do

  1. Recruit interviewee and set up interview
  2. Seek informed consent of the interviewee (written or documented oral)
  3. Ask for a permission to do the recording – and start the recording
  4. Conduct the interview
  5. Summarize key data immediately following the interview
  6. Verify information given in interviews as necessary (with other people or via secondary research)

Step 4: Analyze

  1. Review data
  2. Analyze all data
  3. Enlist key findings, name the strengths and limitations of the information
  4. Write conclusions and recommendations

Step 5: Present and Conclude

Complete this step by writing a paper that reflects the above research steps. I am not looking for a transcript of the interview but a summary of the conversation and your observations, comments. The content of this paper:

  1. Topic, scope, objective (max. 250 words)
  2. Brief description of your interviewee (max. 100 words)
  3. Consent form
  4. List of key investigative questions and themes
  5. Summary of what you learnt during this interview – analyze what you heard, draw conclusions, summarize (include few quotes from the person you interviewed, and include at least 2-3 insights) (max. 900 words)
  6. Some personal reflections on the experience would be a plus (max. 250 words)


  1. Written paper: This paper should be a well-developed and edited text, using 1.0 vertical line-spacing, in Word format with 12 Times New Roman font with 1 inch margins. Submit it to Assignments section on Canvas.
  2. Audio recording of the interview, submitted as a file or YouTube link, to Assignments section on Canvas.


NOTE 1: You must use APA formatting, references, and citations. Do not use footnotes. For information on APA formatting, references, and citations, please consult: (Links to an external site.)

NOTE 2: All words, sentences, and paragraphs must be your own. The use of another author’s words without quotation marks and a citation constitutes plagiarism. If you are working with a case from this course, you must paraphrase the ideas in your own words and cite the author. For examples of In-Text Citations, please consult: (Links to an external site.)

NOTE 3: You may not use words, sentences, or paragraphs that you have written for another assignment. You may not submit a paper that you have submitted to another class or at another institution. Resubmission of work you have previously submitted is self-plagiarism, which is still plagiarism.

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