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0 Assignment #1: Ch. 1 & 6 (8%)

Due on 2/28 at 11:30 PM; Submit your answers in a Word document to D2L

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Short-Answer Questions

Read Chapters 1 and 6 carefully. Reflect on your recent experience of buying an important product (say Product X made by Company Y), which you spent a relatively considerable amount of time and effort researching, e.g., a car, a house, a laptop, a digital camera, a TV, or a vacation in Hawaii. Answer the following questions,

(1) Describe in detail the five stages of your consumer decision-making process.

a) Problem Recognition. What needs did you buy the product to satisfy? How did you realize your need(s)?

b) Information Search. What information sources did you check?

c) Evaluation of Alternatives. What evaluative criteria did you use? Why did you use them?

d) Product Choice: List and compare the benefits and costs of all the alternatives in your consideration set. Use a table when necessary. Why did you pick the Product X? What heuristics did you use to make your choice?

e) Postpurchase Evaluation: Are you satisfied with your purchase? How does Product X meet your expectation?

(2) Discuss how Product X/ Company Y won your business, i.e., how it beat its competition at each of the stages of your decision-making process. Based on your experience, advise the seller to improve its marketing plan at each step of the consumer decision-making process.

(3) Analyze how the following internal influences and social influences affected your decision-making process.

a) Motivation. Use Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to analyze the need(s) you bought the Product X to meet.

b) Learning. How did you learn the benefits and costs of Product X? Which learning model fits your learning process better? Behavioral learning or cognitive learning?

c) Attitude. Do you have any lasting evaluation of Product X and Company Y? Describe the three components of your attitude.

d) Describe those personality traits that influenced your purchase.

e) Describe other influences (such as culture, social class, opinion leaders, group membership, and sub-culture) that influenced your purchase.


· Late submission will not be accepted.

· Only digital copy in Word format will be accepted.

· Use endnotes to specify the sources of information in the Reference. Use a superscript number to flag the portion of the text that one endnote is in reference to.

· You don’t need to write an essay; instead, you can answer each question with one or two paragraphs.



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