I need 1 Discussion with 2 student Responses and 1 Journal Article

  1. Journal Topic: Impact of Big Data on Businesses. (900 words) APA Format. I need an answer for this with N0 plagiarism.
  2. Discussion Topic: four ways that networks contribute to business success.Need a discussion on 400 Words 
  3. 2 Student responses each contains 160 words. (Please find the attachments)

Student 2 Discussion:

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Digital Transformation Strategy is always a key for the successful growth of a business. The digital transformation always depends on the alignment between the business stake holders and the IT. In order to perform a digital transformation, network readiness should be in place and the network infrastructure should be configured in order to provide agility, performance and the security for the overall business growth. Organizations invest money to upgrade their network infrastructure in order to provide reliable services to its customer base and incur higher revenue and improve the organizational efficiencies. There are many advantages of the networks with regards to the business success (Kelly, 2004).


Accelerate Digital Business Initiatives: 

            There is a lot of scope for the business initiatives when the organizations have equipped with advanced networks. Organizations with the well-equipped network infrastructure in place will take less time to deploy any of the digital initiatives in an organization compared to the others. Through the network upgrades and the automation, organization not only provide their services faster but also gives enough time to develop and deploy new applications (Jing Long, & Li Wang, 2019). 

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Business Opportunities:

            Organizations with advanced networks can provide agility and the security and there could be scope for the innovations which can improve the customer experiences. Many organizations having the proper network infrastructure were able to reduce the time to market for their services and many manufacturing companies states that with the advanced networking in place they were able to produce more goods and yield more revenue to the organization. 


Reduced Risk:

            The risks associated with the organizations reduce when organizations have better network infrastructure. Organizations becomes more efficient and can determine the risks in the early stages of the deployments if has proper network infrastructure. This always creates a positive impact and brings value addition to the organization. Organizations with more security and reliability will thrive and incur more revenue to the organization (Gupta, Perez & Gleeson, 2019).


Cost Effective and Efficient:

            Organizations with the more digital workplace and the network infrastructure become more cost efficient and produce better and better services. When digital transformation is applied to an organization, all the virtualization, automation and the orchestration will yield better results with the reduced human intervention. By the digital transformation, organization can reduce their overall costs by 30% in terms of the infrastructure and can be more cost efficient.


Jing Long, & Li Wang. (2019). Networking and creativity: Entrepreneurial teams in high-technology startup enterprises in China. Social Behavior & Personality: An International Journal, 47(8), 1–14. 


Kelly M. (2004). How the aging NETWORK can work with business: an overnight success after thirty years. Generations, 28(4), 64–70.

Gupta, P., Perez, J. A. W.-, & Gleeson, M. (2019, January 17). Listen Up: More Advanced Networks Contribute to Business Success. Retrieved from https://blogs.cisco.com/digital/listen-up-more-advanced-networks-contribute-to-business-success

Student 1 Discussion:

Business owners use networking as a means to form relationships with others, in like or related fields, that help to expand their business’ ability to find new customers, partner and grow. A key element to effective networking is to make The premise being that the more people you meet, the more people there will be to get to know and remember both you and your business. Here are some reasons why networking should be an essential aspect of a business. 

It makes you noticeable

Individuals that seek publicity either for business, politics or even fame leverage more on networking. People quickly notice others that have stronger capabilities to make them relevant. When you stand out in both your expertise and the services you offer, it creates room for a partnership which in turn builds a career. Many professionals have been able to understand how to nurture their networking strength and create more visibility for different associates and clients in their career path.

Reassessing your qualification

Networking is one thing. But to be able to utilize it is another. You might think that your current level in your discipline might be the greatest height you could ever achieve. But have you ever taken an in-depth look at the different levels of your chosen career and how other people with similar positions have attained their present height? But let’s be very factual here; admiring certifications are allowed, but the roadmap to that height can be reached if only you have a strong network and a good relationship with others.

Improves your creative intellect

Aspirations and great innovations are most times form the external factors around where we find ourselves. The intellectual ability in different careers is significantly improved upon from contacts we have built with other persons over a period. Even a simple interaction with one person can transform a year-long research work and result in a breakthrough.  Likeminded people that have been able to share ideas have strongly developed their intellect to foster growth in their career path and unleash the creative talent in them.

Support from high profiles of individuals

Everybody has one way or the other passed through some hurdles in their career development. This can be as a result of the lack of materials available, or even the lack of financial aid. However, good networking with high profile individuals from the same career path can serve as support whenever there is any eventuality at any time. These high profile individuals can help you manage your challenges effectively by either giving you advice or linking you to the right financial support.


B. Donnellan, B. Fitzgerald, B. Lake, J. Sturdy, “Implementing an open-source knowledge base”, Software IEEE, vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 92-95, 2010.

Jing Long, & Li Wang. (2019). Networking and creativity: Entrepreneurial teams in high-technology startup enterprises in China. Social Behavior & Personality: An International Journal, 47(8), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.2224/sbp.7972

Kelly M. (2004). How the aging NETWORK can work with business: an overnight success after thirty years? Generations, 28(4), 64–70.

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