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This unit will be assessed by assignment only which has two parts.

You are strongly advised to read “Pearson-set Assignment Guidance for Unit 18” before start working on your assignment. Also, you should follow the agreed work plan as in the

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‘Project proposal form’ submitted at the early stage in semester

3. The work plan includes your declaration to follow ethical guideline when conducting research.

This coursework assignment consists of two parts spread over semester 3 and semester 4 and successful completion of the unit provides 30 credits toward the HND. Although the students are expected to focus on a research related issue or problem in the management of travel and tourism or hospitality sector organisations, this being a Pearson-set assignment, your project should be related to a specific topic within the given theme of Sustainability in your chosen sector. Part 1 of your assignment relates to meeting the learning outcome 1 and partly learning outcome 2. Part 2 is related to meeting the learning outcomes 2, 3 and 4 (see below for guidance)

Assignment Theme, Context and Scenario:

As a responsible management trainee employed in the travel and tourism or hospitality industry and wanted to investigate the effectiveness of sustainable management practices in your chosen destination or organisation, you are expected to undertake a thorough research under this theme. Your Research Proposal, therefore, should be based on a realistic research topic under the theme of Sustainability in tourism development or management. Your investigation will consist of both primary and secondary research.

The concept of sustainability is not simply about managing the resources effectively in an organisation but it is much wider in perspectives. The UNWTO (2020) states that sustainable tourism is that it takes full account of its current and future economic, social and environmental impacts, addressing the needs of visitors, the industry, the environment and host communities. As for hospitality management, as Stottler (2018) states, hoteliers over the past several decades, have turned their focus to the importance of sustainability in the hospitality industry as it relates to hotel development and operations, including the environmental, economic and social impact.

For the learners of this unit, research questions may emerge under such topics as: sustainable tourism for preservation of heritage sites, sustainable development in different types of destinations, monitoring and evaluation of sustainable tourism initiatives, promoting sustainable tourism development, the role of ecotourism in sustainable development, or the sustainable practices in the management of travel and tourism operations.

For the research project to be valid and strong, you would need to identify a specific issue or research problem and clearly define the objectives to be investigated. It is very important that you discuss your chosen topic and research title leading to setting specific and clear research objectives with your tutor before you undertake your research project.

Part 1: Semester 3 (research questions/hypothesis, rational, methodology and the process, conduct research, analyse the findings)

i. Produce a research proposal which clearly identifies a research question or hypothesis which is supported by a literature review

ii. Examines appropriate research methods and approaches

iii. Evaluates different research approaches and research methods to primary and secondary research, with justifications for your choice of methods based on philosophical/theoretical frameworks

Based on the satisfactory research proposal:

i. Conduct primary and secondary research that is accessible, cost effective and ethical.

ii. Apply appropriate analytical tools to analyse data and research findings, discussing the merits, limitations and pitfalls of the date collection and analysis

iii. Critically evaluate the methodology and processes used, considering the industry sector, to justify chosen methods and analysis.


· Be careful to choose a specific topic under the theme of Sustainability applied to the Travel, Tourism Management and clearly define the research objectives based on the research question and outline the rationale and significance of your research.

· Review of your literature needs to be adequate and relevant to support your argument why you need to carry out this research. The proposed methodology should include both primary and secondary research (based on literature review) as well as appropriate research methods.

· Critical evaluation of the methodologies is expected along with justification for using any specific research methods.

· Submit your proposal before conducting the field research for formative assessment. You need to submit online in the VLE but not via TURNITIN.

· As per project proposal, consider starting with secondary research based on the review of literature conducted first to set the direction before a primary research is conducted.

· Identify the source of data for your primary research and work on the sample size and develop the survey instruments with tutor’s feedback. It is important that you collect data within the ethical framework and store date to protect confidentiality. Evidence of data collection and analysis also would be required for authentication.

Part 2: Semester 4 (communicate the outcomes and reflect on the application of the research methodologies)

Plan and organise the research findings and draw conclusions in order to present and communicate these to an intended audience coherently and logically, outlining how outcomes meet the research objectives along with justified and valid recommendations.

Review and provide critical reflection of the research methods used for meeting the objectives of your project and in their effectiveness in achieving validity and reliability as well as on the overall research process and provide alternative methodologies and approaches for future tourism and hospitality research.


· Present the data in appropriate format and analyse using a range of methods. It does not have to be complicated but relevant to your research objectives.

· Critically evaluate and reflect on the success of the research (match conclusions to objectives) as well as on the methodology used and suggest alternative approaches and methods to improve future research on the topic.

· Completed work from Part 1 (only the proposal setting out the aims and objectives, literature review and description of the methodology to be used) should be submitted online for formative assessment and feedback but no grades will be awarded in semester 3

· Final submission in semester 4 should include completed part 1 works along with the findings and analysis as well as conclusion and reflection on methodology for summative assessment.

1. Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria




LO1 Examine appropriate research methodologies and approaches as part of the research process

LO1 & 2
D1 Critically evaluate
research methodologies and processes in application to a hospitality research project to justify chosen research methods and analysis.

P1 Produce a research proposal that clearly defines a research question or hypothesis supported by a literature review.
P2 Examine appropriate research methods and approaches to primary and secondary research.

M1 Evaluate different research approaches and methodology and make justifications for the choice of methods selected based on philosophical/theoretical frameworks.

LO2 Conduct and analyse research relevant for a computing research project

P3 Conduct primary and secondary research using appropriate methods for a tourism or hospitality research project that consider costs, access and ethical issues P4 Apply appropriate analytical tools analyse research findings and data.

M2 Discuss merits, limitations and pitfalls of approaches to data collection and analysis.

LO3 Communicate the outcomes of a research project to identified stakeholders

D2 Communicate
critical analysis of the outcomes and make
valid, justified recommendations.

P5 Communicate research outcomes in an appropriate manner for the intended audience.

M3 Coherently and logically communicate outcomes to the intended audience demonstrating how outcomes meet set research objectives.

LO4 Reflect on the application of research methodologies and concepts

D3 Demonstrate reflection and engagement in the resource process
leading to
recommended actions
for future improvement.

P6 Reflect on the effectiveness of research methods applied for meeting objectives of the hospitality research project.
P7 Consider alternative research methodologies and lessons learnt in view of the outcomes.

M4 Provide critical reflection and insight that results in recommended actions for improvements and future research considerations.

2. Preparation guidelines of the Coursework Document

a) All coursework must be word processed.

b) Document margins must not be more than 2.54 cm (1 inch) or less than 1.9cm (3/4 inch).

c) Font size must be within the range of 10 point to 14 point including the headings and body text.

d) Standard type face such as Times new Roman or Arial etc. should be used.

e) All figures, graphs and tables must be numbered.

f) Material taken from external sources must be properly refereed and cited within the text using Harvard standard

g) Do not use Wikipedia as a reference.

Department of Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Management

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  • oka
  • by Ayesha Wajid

    Submission date: 19-Nov-2020 11:32AM (UTC-0500)
    Submission ID: 1451201533
    File name: ResearchProjectRoleoftheEcotourisminsustainabledevelopment x (13.76K)
    Word count: 2603
    Character count: 15247





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    Submitted to New York Institute of Technology
    Student Paper

    SOUTHERN TURKEY”, Applied Ecology and
    Environmental Research, 2018

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    Student Paper

    Submitted to Fiji National University
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    Student Paper

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    Exclude quotes Off

    Exclude bibliography On

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    Submitted to University of New England
    Student Paper

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    College, Edinburgh
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    Submitted to Cebu Institute of Technology
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    Submitted to University of the West Indies
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    Lakhvinder Singh. “chapter 6 Ecotourism as a
    Tool for Sustainable Development in Morni Hills
    (Haryana), India”, IGI Global, 2021

    PAGE 1

    Article Error You may need to remove this article.

    Missing “,” You may need to place a comma after this word.

    Article Error You may need to remove this article.

    PAGE 2

    P/V You have used the passive voice in this sentence. Depending upon what you wish to emphasize in
    the sentence, you may want to revise it using the active voice.

    Article Error You may need to use an article before this word. Consider using the article the.

    Article Error You may need to use an article before this word.

    Article Error You may need to remove this article.
    Missing “,” You may need to place a comma after this word.
    Missing “,” You may need to place a comma after this word.

    PAGE 3

    Article Error You may need to remove this article.
    Article Error You may need to use an article before this word.
    Missing “,” You may need to place a comma after this word.

    Prep. You may be using the wrong preposition.

    PAGE 4

    Prep. You may be using the wrong preposition.

    Sp. This word is misspelled. Use a dictionary or spellchecker when you proofread your work.

    Prep. You may be using the wrong preposition.
    Article Error You may need to use an article before this word.
    Article Error You may need to use an article before this word.

    PAGE 5

    Article Error You may need to remove this article.
    Article Error You may need to remove this article.
    Article Error You may need to use an article before this word.
    Prep. You may be using the wrong preposition.
    Prep. You may be using the wrong preposition.
    P/V You have used the passive voice in this sentence. Depending upon what you wish to emphasize in
    the sentence, you may want to revise it using the active voice.

    PAGE 6

    P/V You have used the passive voice in this sentence. Depending upon what you wish to emphasize in
    the sentence, you may want to revise it using the active voice.
    Article Error You may need to use an article before this word.
    Missing “,” You may need to place a comma after this word.
    Missing “,” You may need to place a comma after this word.
    Article Error You may need to remove this article.
    Article Error You may need to use an article before this word.
    Prep. You may be using the wrong preposition.
    Article Error You may need to remove this article.

    Missing “,” You may need to place a comma after this word.
    P/V You have used the passive voice in this sentence. Depending upon what you wish to emphasize in
    the sentence, you may want to revise it using the active voice.

    Possessive This word may be a plural noun and may not need an apostrophe.

    Prep. You may be using the wrong preposition.
    Article Error You may need to use an article before this word.

    PAGE 7

    Article Error You may need to use an article before this word.
    Article Error You may need to remove this article.
    Article Error You may need to use an article before this word.

    Dup. You have typed two identical words in a row. You may need to delete one of them.

    Sp. This word is misspelled. Use a dictionary or spellchecker when you proofread your work.

    Missing “,” You may need to place a comma after this word.
    Article Error You may need to remove this article.

    PAGE 8

    Wrong Form You may have used the wrong form of this word.

    Frag. This sentence may be a fragment or may have incorrect punctuation. Proofread the sentence to
    be sure that it has correct punctuation and that it has an independent clause with a complete subject
    and predicate.

    Article Error You may need to use an article before this word. Consider using the article the.
    Article Error You may need to remove this article.
    Article Error You may need to remove this article.

    Run-on This sentence may be a run-on sentence. Proofread it to see if it contains too many
    independent clauses or contains independent clauses that have been combined without conjunctions
    or punctuation. Look at the “Writer’s Handbook” for advice about correcting run-on sentences.

    Garbled Grammatical or spelling errors make the meaning of this sentence unclear. Proofread the
    sentence to correct the mistakes.

    Sentence Cap. Remember to capitalize the first word of each sentence.

    Article Error You may need to use an article before this word.
    Article Error You may need to remove this article.
    Article Error You may need to use an article before this word.

    PAGE 9

    Article Error You may need to use an article before this word.
    Missing “,” You may need to place a comma after this word.
    Missing “,” You may need to place a comma after this word.

    Proofread This part of the sentence contains a grammatical error or misspelled word that makes your
    meaning unclear.

    Missing “,” You may need to place a comma after this word.
    Missing “,” You may need to place a comma after this word.
    Article Error You may need to use an article before this word.

    PAGE 10

      by Ayesha Wajid

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