I am not your Negro – Film Analysis Essay

Watch I am Not Your Negro (James Baldwin and Race in America) 

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and write a 350-word essay that responds to these questions Be sure to check the rubric before you submit to make sure you covered everything!

  1. Who is James Baldwin?
  2. What is he trying to do in this film?
  3. Who are the three friends whom he wants to tell the story of race in America through?
  4. Why are those three men so significant (including James Baldwin)?
  5. Analyze the following three quotes:
  • What does Baldwin mean when he states: “History is not the past. It is the present.”  (What connections were made in the film between early racial oppression and today?)
  • What does Baldwin mean when he states: “White is a metaphor for power.”
  • What does Baldwin mean when he states: “White people invented the negro.”
  • What’s the overall takeaway message from the film?

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Inclusion of components | Instructions followed

All required components are included | all questions are answered | all instructions are followed


Follows Writing Policies

Essay follows formatting requirements outlined in Writing Policies:
1. proper heading top left-hand corner
2. centered title
3. 12 pt Times New Roman font
4. 1-inch margins all around & double-spaced
5. contains APA formatted citations
3 points deducted if any part of the Writing Policy is not met


Word Length

Essay is a minimum of 350 words
5 points deducted if paper is 275-349 words
10 points deducted if paper is 200-274 words
25 points deducted if paper is 125-199 words
35 points deducted if paper is less than 124 words


Mechanics & Organization

Rules of grammar, spelling, usage and punctuation are followed. Paper flows logically and is organized clearly


Evidence of Critical Thinking

There is evidence of reading and critical thinking. Critical thinking includes application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation. Arguments are clear and show depth of insight into theoretical issues, originality of treatment, and relevance


Essay format

Paper must be in essay format (not numbered questions).
5 points deducted if the paper is NOT in essay format




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