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Hypothesis testing is used in business to test assumptions and theories. These assumptions are tested against evidence provided by actual, observed data. A statistical hypothesis is  a statement about the value of a population parameter that we are interested in. Hypothesis testing is a process followed to arrive at a decision between 2 competing, mutually exclusive, collective exhaustive statements about the parameter’s value.
Consider the following scenario: An industrial seller of grass seeds packages its product in 50-pound bags. A customer has recently filed a complained alleging that the bags are underfilled.  A production manager randomly samples a batch and measures the following weights:
Weight, (lbs)
45.6     49.5
47.7     46.7
47.6     48.8
50.5     48.6
50.2     51.5
46.9     50.2
47.8     49.9
49.3     49.8
53.1     49.3
49.5     50.1
To determine whether the bags are indeed being underfilled by the machinery, the manager must conduct a test of mean with a significance level α = 0.05.
In a minimum of 175 words, respond to the following:
·  State appropriate null (Ho) and alternative (H1) hypotheses.
·  What is the critical value if we work with a significant level α = 0.05?
·  What is the decision rule?
·  Calculate the test statistic.
·  Are the bags indeed being underfilled?
·  Should machinery be recalibrated?


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Information Technology (IT) Strategy

Week 6 Individual Assignment

Carolyn T. Vital

ENT/586 Information Technology for Entrepreneurs and Leaders

July 13, 2020

Dr. Chris Robinson


Preparing for the New Norm

The coronavirus pandemic has transformed healthcare overnight. With their missions on

the line, health systems are deploying creative solutions to improve care delivery and technology

has played a significant role in healthcare organizations’ response to the COVID 19 pandemic.

Mobile Registrations, Inc. has redefined the manner in which healthcare organizations, providers

and patients are embracing the new norm when it comes to patient care. In an effort to continue

to provide avenues for seamless and appropriate care for the COVID-19 patient population, our

IT team at Mobile Registrations, Inc. is working to provide options beyond in-person care that

will allow patients and providers to connect in non-traditional settings. Our goal is to accelerate

the expansion of various upgrades including but not limited to telehealth offerings and data

analytics based on clinical expertise to restructure and enhance clinician workflows.  

Healthcare systems are being challenged to show resilience throughout this

unprecedented COVID -19 crisis. Revenue from patient visits has significantly decrease as visits

have been cancelled and/or ae limited to virtual and/or audio only. Elective surgeries and those

that not considered emergent have been postponed and companies have been forced to furlough a

large percentage of their workforce due to decreased patient volume. Mobile Registrations, Inc.

offers workflow customization options and integrated supporting systems that are needed to

provide healthcare professionals with improved features and functionality.

We recognize that we will never go back to what was our previous “normal”; however, at

Mobile Registrations, Inc., we choose to be in healthcare and are committed to improving access

to care and quality. Our dedication to helping healthcare organizations and providers build an

even stronger healthcare system is an opportunity for innovative partnerships that will reshape

healthcare. Our rapid response includes using existing data to identify opportunities for facility


upgrades, creating a virtual visit experience that supports better communication and

collaboration between caregivers and the patient. We strive to rebuild operations to fit the new

normal where Providers can rely on technology more than ever to assist with increased roll-outs

of telehealth services in an effort to keep patients out of the hospital setting; this will greatly

reduce the chance of infection as well as overall costs.

In the post COVID-19 environment, healthcare leaders must explore the impact of the

pandemic on both clinical operations and the bottom line while preparing for changes in care

delivery. Hospital processes will become more efficient as a result of utilization of artificial

intelligence, machine learning, robotic process automation and data analytics (K. Green,2015).

Our team at Mobile Registrations, Inc. can work with existing applications to augment patient

portal functions including pre-checks and patient questionnaire completions prior to patient

presenting to the facility, curbside arrival messages and the ability to capture patient payments

using a no-touch system. Our value chain is designed to support enterprise innovation and

competitive advantage by introducing new workflows and related goals for continued success.

Utilization of the vast technological upgrades at Mobile Registrations, Inc. provides tremendous

agility and advancement in responding to COVID -19 which creates valuable insight into best

practices that will revolutionize healthcare.

Governance Framework

The healthcare industry is a critical and growing part of economies worldwide (Ba and

Nault, 2016). The COVID-19 pandemic heightened awareness of the need to save every minute

of the caregiver’s time while maximizing the value of the information that was captured when

treating patients. To provide better quality of care and value for money, billions of dollars are

being spent on bettering information systems in healthcare organizations. At Mobile


Registrations, Inc., our Information Technology steering team consists of individuals who have a

diverse knowledge base along with key stakeholders within our organization. This team is

responsible for identifying, developing and implementing software changes for new and existing

business systems.

Healthcare organizations and providers require wireless solutions to maximize

operational efficiencies and improve patient care (Khalil and Belitski, 2020). Mobile

Registrations, Inc. utilizes Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology (COBIT)

to maintain regulatory compliance, risk management and align our information technology with

strategic goals of the your company. COBIT is an internationally recognized framework that

helps our information technology team members along with our senior leadership to measure,

control and report the success and/or failure of identified processes (COBIT Focus, March,


Companies seeking business opportunities in a digital age focus on reshaping customer

value propositions and transforming their strategy and operations, adopting digital technologies

for greater interaction with external stakeholders (Tambo and Filtenborg, 2019). Process quality

can be measured in two dimensions; process effectiveness and process efficiency. Mobile

Registrations, Inc. utilizes an effective business process that enables your organization to

accomplish overall strategy and we are proud to be one of the leading software manufacturers in

the business. We have streamlined our operations to be a leader in capturing, storing, and

formatting patient information and/or sensitive patient data over a long period of time.

Our company strives for continued efficiency in our operations as our obligation to our

business partners, stakeholders and patients remain a top priority. Despite the potential benefits

that an information system can deliver to healthcare organizations and/or providers, there can


often be a challenge in getting value from the investment. Effective use and beneficial outcomes

from IS are not guaranteed and systems continue to fail to meet expectations in some way (Bush

et al., 2009; Heeks, 2006). Mobile Registrations, Inc. is dedicated to finding and embracing

groundbreaking techniques to address the COVID-19 social distancing initiatives, improving the

overall patient’s experience but most importantly protecting your data.

Mobile Registrations, Inc. recognizes that the utilization of technology brings both

opportunities and threats for its partners. Unless an enabling ethical environment is in place, the

use of such analytics will likely contribute to the proliferation of unconnected data systems,

worsen existing inequalities and erode trustworthiness and trust. Our team undergoes routine and

annual training regarding numerous compliance laws and expectations. We are steadfast in

educating our employees to ensure that information is handled appropriately.

Our governance framework is made up of managers from the executive, commercial and

operational platforms. As IT governance mechanisms are complementary, a small improvement

in their implementation may have a significant impact on firm outcomes ((Tambo and

Filtenborg, 2019) including the individual and cumulative impact of IT governance elements on

firm performance (Sarker et.al., 2012; Wu et.al, 2015). Whereas Mobile Registrations, Inc.

derives its success from embracing technology and innovation, we pride ourselves on our ability

to recognize business drivers.

Our IT Governance will influence strategic planning by enabling modern connectivity

with confidence in a network that is stable, scalable and secure. Mobile Registrations, Inc. will

use the telehealth platform, as well as other consumer and enterprise video conferencing tools to

support caregivers working from home and for patients to virtually present for their conditions.

We will use newly developed workflows and advanced decision support to enable efficient


testing processing including curbside and mobile testing capabilities and leverage data and

analytics to support all aspects of COVID-19 response and recovery efforts.

Project Systems Acquisitions Plan

In the climate we find ourselves in today, identifying options for patient facing tasks

while improving the overall patient experience is critical. The mission to provide a touch-free

experience can take many different paths, leading to varying results. Knowing the potential

effect of information systems and having the capacity to put this knowledge to work can help

decision makers achieve the business’ goals. Mobile Registrations, Inc. has created a system that

will help hundreds of hospitals consolidate their patient relationships, create a safe alternative to

in-person check in and streamline the overall patient visit.

At Mobile Registrations, Inc., our goal is to transform the manner in which patient access

medical care by providing a safe and electronic option to the traditional front desk check in

procedure. Wi-Fi based positioning technology has been recognized as an effective technology

for indoor positioning along with the rapid development and application of smartphones (Gao,

Tang, Bai 2019). We will utilize a system development process (SLDC) which will allow the

company to review and validate each step of the process prior to moving to the next. We must

have a system that will provide a means for managing the information associated with the data

related to the product development, engineering design, production, support and documentation

of the patient’s future appointment history. Using the SLDC model will ensure that as each

system is built and validated, we will be able to adjust our project timelines as appropriate to

facilitate a better opportunity for a successful implementation.

The SLDC workflow should also limit unnecessary expenses and rework (Gao, Tang and

Bai, 2019). There is a formal review at the end of each phase which allows management to


develop and initiate a corrective action in a timely manner. If an error is detected further

downstream of the project, it may cost substantially more to correct and will require the previous

phases to be reviewed, revised and evaluated for accuracy. As this new software requires

extensive testing, this approach will uncover and get rid of errors early on in the project life


System development can cost a company a considerable amount of resources including

employees’ time and business finances (Dhiman, Amber and Goodman, 2015). Prior to choosing

to move forward with a system acquisition, Mobile Registrations, Inc. has created a steering

committee and provided a system investigation request which identifies current workflow

deficiencies including redundancy and customer feedback. Based on current healthcare trends,

Mobile Registrations, Inc. touch-free electronic check in is a much anticipated option as patients

consider returning to their Provider’s office.

Our system developers and subject matter experts (SME) will be responsible for testing

the system on each level and analyzing throughput, timeliness and accuracy. The overall goal is

to assess all aspects of the project including technical, economic, legal, operational and schedule

feasibility. End users who serve as our subject matter experts will be responsible for reviewing

the system and identifying any high volume and/or problem prone areas based on previous

interactions with patients and/or feedback from returned surveys. Our goal is to gin an

understanding of any concerns the patient may have and determining if we have a technical

component that can address their needs.

Our system is designed to minimize the amount of time and the number of people that the

patient has to come in contact with. With this new software, the patient can complete all

paperwork and make the necessary payment without interacting with a person. Once the patient


arrives to their location, they will be able to send an electronic message to the Provider’s Office

indicating they are onsite. When the Provider is ready to see the patient, the patient will receive

an electronic message to report to a specific location thus bypassing the waiting area and

employing enhanced social distancing protocols.

Many software development projects are being carried out by distributed teams who use

the agile approach for their software development (Attri and Grover, 2017). Our teams will

include a Project Manager, system analysts, programmers end users and our patients.

Transparency is necessary in purchaser’s reporting of system defects and vendor’s disclosure of

marketing conflicts of interest to support methodology sound studies. Taken together, these

measures can foster the evolution of evidence-based tools that, in turn, will enable and empower

system purchasers to make wise choices and improve the care of patients (Dhiman, Amber and

Goodman, 2015).

At Mobile Registrations, Inc., the maintenance phase starts the SLDC process over. As

part of any system, there has to be a process to track both deficiencies and any requests to

improve the system or adjust to meet new requirements. Mobile Registrations, Inc. is a new

system design with the potential to expand into other areas such as appointment scheduling. As

we roll out the new system, users will be able to open a ticket via an internal system; the ticket

will be formatted to capture what is not working and/or what enhancement is being requested.

Data Analytics

Data analytics are increasingly used by health systems and providers to bring healthcare’s

enormous datasets into focus. While existing technology has broad applications in healthcare

from tracking patient outcomes to monitoring when the patient arrives for their visit, COVID-19

has created a new type of challenge to growing concerns over patient data privacy and


ineffective solutions that fail to serve the patient and/or end user. Mobile Registrations, Inc. is

set to grasp the critical nature of human interaction and how to use technology to expand each

Provider’s and/or facility’s ability to share information with their patients and other health care

providers while maintaining social distancing.

. Mobile Registrations, Inc. has proven it has the understanding to meet the data needs of

the Provider, the facility and the patient. Data sources such as the patient’s demographic

information and insurance benefits can be validated and extracted for proper billing while also

using the data sources to track/trend any new positive exposures and/or infection hotspots based

on address/zip codes. The effective use of virtual intake management tools creates an expedient

experience that can increase the patient’s satisfaction and loyalty.

Considering that COVID 19 is a global threat, measures should be taken to protect health

care workers, their families and professional support should be given to address their concerns

(Akbolat, Bostoan, Kaya, Ozata &Gunes, 2020). Mobile Registrations, Inc. uses standard data

management tools to manage patient populations in real time and provide accurate reports to

local and state agencies is crucial. It is important to develop a database that receives data from

various software platforms and presents it in one place. Using the approach, each entity is able

to work from the same data sources and meaningful dashboards can be created by multiple end


The emergence of the deadly COVID 19 virus resulting in the current world-wide

pandemic requires effective information management and accurate data reporting to enable the

healthcare community’s efforts to learn as much as possible about this specific strain of

coronavirus and halt the pandemic (Stanfill et al., 2020). Mobile Registrations, Inc. has the

ability to use contract tracing system to help prevent future infection by assessing the database to


determine which patients seen by a Provider may have had an exposure to a COVID 19 positive

patient. The capture of high-quality treatment data and outcomes is necessary in order to learn

from our clinical experiences with big data analytics (McNutt et al., 2018).

Prior to the COVID 19 pandemic, growth in the healthcare industry was seen as an

essential factor to helping to increase accessibility to services; however, it has also often

contributed to operational inefficiencies. By using predictive analytics, healthcare providers

were able to create strategic plans that would address these inefficiencies an in turn, give

clinicians and administrators time and opportunity to address the issues. Since the COVID 19

pandemic and the increase in the number of patients requiring life-saving measures on a daily

basis, it has become even more critical to eliminate time-wasting tasks and to create virtual

options that will produce a positive patient experience.

Risk Assessment and Management

Implementing an information system can be time consuming, expensive and risky. The risks

involved include collaborative management, requirement gaps, problems with transition and

resistance from employees. Hospitals spend a lot of time and money reinforcing firewalls and

protecting server infrastructure. Firewalls have an essential role in setting up powerful,

trustworthy and reliable security policies to ensure the protection of private and sensitive

applications, services, systems and infrastructures (AIDI, 2019).

Prevention and resistance technologies stop intruders from accessing and reading data but

many organizations leave endpoints like PCs and printers unprotected. These seemingly

innocuous tools can be the gateway for malware, putting the entire network — and the patient

data connected to it — at risk. When designing and/or developing a system, there will be


disputes that inevitably arise and will require direction. The organization will need to develop

and steering groups to collaborate and create effective solutions.

Many organizations will not create their own system but instead rely on an existing

product that will need to be configured. Transitioning to a new system will be challenging;

Mobile Registrations, Inc. will need to identify specific gaps, particularly what our new system

offers compared to what the company may need. Your organization must be prepared to revamp

from existing silo systems to using our more broader and inclusive system; this will take place

while continuing to run the business and generating revenue.

Information systems security involves a trade-off between cost and risk and unfortunately

risk can’t be eliminated. Effective IT governance can support web-based strategic initiatives such

as dissemination of information on corporate web sites (Heroux &Fortin, 2011). The most

effective way a company can safeguard itself from people is by creating and sharing its

information security plan. A company’s information security policies identify the rules required

to maintain information security; the increasing need for better authentication methods against

hackers has called for the use of the biometric authentication method to guard unauthorized

access into the systems (Yusuf, Marafa, Shehu, Mamman &Maidawa, 2020). At Mobile

Registrations, Inc., we reiterate that prior to any person being given access to the system,

adherence to established security policies such as information privacy policy, acceptable use

policy and workplace monitoring policy should be reviewed.

As part of their due diligence, companies should consistently and constantly monitor their

system’s security to quickly identify and respond to any possible breaches by reviewing system

activity logs, unsuccessful access attempts and/or failed log ins (Lee, Ghapanchi, Talaei-Khoei

and Ray, 2015). Our organization should have a response plan to address any possible security


breaches. The plan should include all relevant information regarding follow-up required and the

immediate plan to decrease the possibility of additional harm. Business continuity needs to be

properly planned, tested and reviewed in order to be successful (Timms,2018).


The COVID-19 pandemic has upended countless lives and the delivery of healthcare. In

times of crisis, strategic priorities like digital transformation will often take a back seat to more

pressing imperatives. COVID 19 has forced healthcare organizations to consider how to position

for success in recovery and beyond. Mobile Registrations, Inc. is a clear leader in providing

technology that can help drive innovation solutions in today’s changing world that uses digital

transformation to achieving the business outcomes that will enable healthcare organizations to

thrive. It’s time for healthcare stakeholders to reevaluate what they offer to patients in terms of

shopping for care, delivering care and interfacing with providers before, during and after care.

Patients are going to get convenience; the question is whether they’re going to get it from you.

At Mobile Registrations, Inc., we set ourselves apart by adopting virtual patient intake

functionality that will lighten the load of both patients and caregivers.



AIDI.F. (2019). A Quantified Trust-Risk Assessment Approach for Enhancing Firewalls-

Filtering Services. Journal of Information Assurance & Security, 14(2), 30-39.

Akbolat, M., Bostan, S., Kaya, A., Ozata, M. and Gunes, D., 2020. Assessments of Anxiety

Levels and Working Conditions of Health Employees Working in COVİD-19 Pandemic

Hospitals. Electronic Journal of General Medicine, 17(5), p.em246.

Attri, R. and Grover, S., 2017. Modelling the quality enabled factors in initiation stage of

production system life cycle. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 24(1), pp.163-


Ba, S. and Nault, B., 2016. Emergent Themes in the Interface Between Economics of

Information Systems and Management of Technology. Production and Operations

Management, 26(4), pp.652-666.

Black, J., Hulkower, R., Suarez, W., Patel, S. and Elliott, B., 2019. Public Health Surveillance:

Electronic Reporting as a Point of Reference. The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics,

47(2_suppl), pp.19-22.

Deokar, A. and Sarnikar, S., 2014. Understanding process change management in electronic

health record implementations. Information Systems and e-Business Management, 14(4),


Dr. Chris Robinson

Dr. Chris Robinson

Dr. Chris Robinson


References (continued)

Dhiman, G., Amber, K. and Goodman, K., 2015. Comparative outcome studies of clinical

decision support software: limitations to the practice of evidence-based system

acquisition. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 22(e1), pp.e13-


Gao, L., Tang, S. and Bai, Y., 2019. A New Approach for Wi-Fi-Based People Localization in a

Long Narrow Space. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2019, pp.1-8.

Green K. Kathryn_green2015@yahoo.com. The Universe in the Palm of Your Hand. How a

Universal Electronic Health Record System Could Improve Patient Safety and Quality of

Care. DePaul Journal of Health Care Law. 2017; 19(2): 1-21

Hammack-Aviran, C., Brelsford, K. and Beskow, L., 2020. Ethical Considerations in the

Conduct of Unregulated m Health Research: Expert Perspectives. The Journal of Law,

Medicine & Ethics, 48(1_suppl), pp.9-36.

Heroux, S. & Fortin, A. (2013). Exploring Information Technology Governance and Control of

Web Site Content: A Comparative Case Study. Journal of Management and Governance.

17(3),673-721. https://doi.org/https://link.springer.com/journal/volumesAndIssues/10997

Ho, C., Ali, J. and Caals, K., 2020. Ensuring trustworthy use of artificial intelligence and big

data analytics in health insurance. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 98(4),


Dr. Chris Robinson

Dr. Chris Robinson

Dr. Chris Robinson

Dr. Chris Robinson

Dr. Chris Robinson

Dr. Chris Robinson

Dr. Chris Robinson



References (continued)

Khalil, S. and Belitski, M., 2020. Dynamic capabilities for firm performance under the

information technology governance framework. European Business Review, 32(2),


Lee, T., Ghapanchi, A., Talaei-Khoei, A. and Ray, P., 2015. Strategic Information System

Planning in Healthcare Organizations. Journal of Organizational and End User

Computing, 27(2), pp.1-31.

McNutt, T., Bowers, M., Cheng, Z., Han, P., Hui, X., Moore, J., Robertson, S., Mayo, C.,

Voong, R. and Quon, H., 2018. Practical data collection and extraction for big data

applications in radiotherapy. Medical Physics, 45(10), pp.e863-e869.

Tambo, T. and Filtenborg, J., 2019. Digital services governance: IT4IT™ for management of

technology. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 30(8), pp.1230-1249.

Timms, P. (2018). Business continuity and disaster recovery-advice for best practice. Network

Security. 2018(11), 13-14. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1353-4858(18)30113-2

Yusuf, N., Marafa, K., Shehu, K., Mamman, H. and Maidawa, M., 2020. A survey of biometric

approaches of authentication. International Journal of Advanced Computer Research,

10(47), pp.96-104.

Dr. Chris Robinson

Dr. Chris Robinson

Dr. Chris Robinson

Dr. Chris Robinson

Dr. Chris Robinson

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