Active and Passive Voice
Directed Learning Activity—Style 11

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  • Essential Question
  • What is the difference between active and passive voice and what impact does voice have on a piece of


    Upon completion of this activity, students will be able to define the terms “active voice” and “passive

    voice” and know when to employ each in their writing.

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    This DLA should take approximately 1 hour to complete.

    Before You Begin
    To complete this DLA, you will need to view the video “Active versus Passive Voice” from the University

    of Guelph’s library. Then respond to these questions:

    1) What is voice?

    2) What is active voice? Define the term and give an original example.

    3) What is passive voice? Define the term and give an original example.

    4) Why is active voice preferred?

    This exercise comes from eslmaterialsdeveloper.wordpress.com. Read the newspaper article and

    answer the questions that follow:

    The Tamworth Herald

    Woman’s plea after dogs are attacked.

    By Nicola Robinson – News Editor

    Thursday, January 1, 2015

    A Tamworth woman is appealing for information after her two rescue dogs were viciously

    attacked by another animal – leaving one needing surgery.

    The incident happened as Lorraine Jones took her Yorkshire terrier-poodle cross Pepper and

    Westie Bertie for a late-night walk, on December 21 near her home in Field Farm Road,


    “The dog launched at Pepper and clamped on her trying to drag her away and pulled me over at

    the same time,” Ms. Jones explained. “I just screamed for help to get it off us.”

    Fortunately Ms. Jones’ cries were heard by her neighbors who rushed to her aid. But as soon as

    Pepper was freed, the dog then “clamped down” on Bertie’s neck.

    She said: “It was shaking him violently and it bit me in the process. The owner just stood there

    and said, “What do you expect me to do about it?”

    Ms. Jones needed stitches in her left hand. Bertie suffered deep wounds to the neck and had to

    have eight stitches and undergo an operation, while Pepper suffered cuts to her leg.

    Both dogs have been prescribed antibiotics and pain killers and the drama meant Ms. Jones was

    forced to cancel her plans to spend Christmas Day in Yorkshire.

    Kind friends and generous members of the “Free to Collect Tamworth” Facebook page all

    donated food so Ms. Jones could enjoy a festive meal, and old blankets to keep the shaven dogs


    Ms. Jones added: “We’re so lucky my neighbors were there to help us or I don’t know what

    would have happened.”

    Anyone with information about the dog – described as tan colored and possibly a staffie-

    American bulldog cross – or its owner, who was also walking a smaller black dog, is urged to

    contact Staffordshire Police by calling 101, quoting the incident number 817 of December 21.

    1) The article has six sentences that use passive voice. Write those six sentences in the spaces

    provided below.

    2) Next, determine the reason you think passive voice was used in each of the sentences. Write the

    letter of the choices (listed below) in the boxes next to each sentence.

    a. It is obvious who is responsible for the action.

    b. To emphasize the action and not the agent

    c. To add dramatic effect

    d. It is referring to something in general rather than something/someone specific

    e. To reduce redundancy

    3) Now rewrite the five sentence above using active voice.

    4) Finally, reread the newspaper article inserting your sentences written in active voice for the

    sentences that were originally written in passive voice. What are the differences you see? Does

    the article have the same effect? What generalization can you make about active and passive

    voice and the impact each has on writing? Write or type 1-2 paragraphs responding to these

    questions about voice. Do this on a separate sheet.

    Review your answers with an instructor or tutor in the Virtual Writing & Reading Center. Be sure you can

    answer the essential questions above.

      Essential Question
      Before You Begin

    Dire c t e d L e arning Ac t iv it y — St y le 10

  • Essential Question
  • How do I achieve sentence variety and why do I want to?

    Upon completion of this activity, students will know two ways to improve sentence variety.

    This DLA should take approximately 1 hour to complete.

    Before You Begin
    To complete this DLA, you will need to view the video “How to Create Sentence Variety” by TenMarks

    Amazon. Then respond to these questions:

    1) What is the first tip for achieving sentence variety?

    2) Combine the following sentences into one sentence to create sentence variety: Real patriotism

    involves a concern. The concern is sincere. The concern is for welfare. The welfare is for other

    citizens. The other citizens may be less fortunate.

    3) What is the second tip for achieving sentence variety?

    4) Combine the following sentences using a transition word/transition words: He was near the

    lake. He discovered two more cases of malaria.

    The passage on the next page comes from Khaled Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns. It has been put

    into a style that lacks sentence variety. Revise and retype the passage using the tips you listed above to

    achieve sentence variety and make the passage sound better.

    It was a dazzling day. It was a cloudless day. It was the perfect day for a party. The men sat on

    folding chairs in the yard. The chairs were rickety. They drank tea. They smoked. They talked.

    Their voices were loud. Their voices were bantering. They talked about the Mujahideen’s plan.

    Laila learned the outline of the plan. She learned it from Babi. The plan was that Afghanistan

    was now called the Islamic State of Afghanistan. An Islamic Jihad Council was formed. The

    Council was formed in Peshwar. The Council was formed by several Mujahideen factions. The

    Council would oversee things for two months. The Council was led by Sibghatullah Mojadidi.

    This would be followed then by a leadership council. This leadership council would be led by

    Rabbani. Rabbani would take over for four months. A loya jirga would be held. The loya Jirga

    would be held during those six months. The loya jirga is a grand council of leaders and elders.

    The loya jirga would form an interim government. The interim government would hold power

    for two years. After two years, there would be democratic elections.

    Review your answers with an instructor or tutor in the Virtual Writing & Reading Center. Be sure you can

    answer the essential questions above.

      Essential Question
      Before You Begin

    Dire c t e d L e arning Ac t iv it y — St y le 09

  • Essential Question
  • What are redundancies and how do I eliminate them from my writing?

    Upon completion of this activity, students will be able to define the term “redundancies” as it relates to

    writing and correct redundancies to make a passage clearer and more direct.

    This DLA should take approximately 1 hour to complete.

    Before You Begin
    To complete this DLA, you will need to view the video “Stop Using that Horrid Grammar: Redundancies”

    by TopSkills Auditing. Then respond to these questions:

    1) What is a redundancy?

    2) Give one example of a needless modifier.

    3) Give one example of a redundant acronym.

    4) Why should writers avoid redundancies?

    Revise the passage below, eliminating the redundancies.

    Walmart is well known in the North American continent and U.S. for being the nation’s

    largest food retailer (Supermarket News). Since it is the nation’s largest food retailer, its plan for

    promoting healthy diets would turn out to be very effective in fighting diseases such as obesity.

    Walmart is well known through the nation. That is simply because it is known for having

    cheap prices and a wide range of choices for all goods. These goods do not just include foods,

    but it also has consumer goods such as clothing, pharmaceutical products, and finally

    electronics. Another factor that really assisted Walmart in getting where it is right now is the

    services it offers. These services include tire changing, photo help center, and the banking

    services that are placed in the Walmart store. These services make it easier for the consumer to

    shop at Walmart and make this store the one destination they always want to go for almost

    every necessity they need in life.

    Statistics have proven that Walmart is the largest food retailer of the whole North

    American region (Supermarket News). Even though Walmart started in the U.S., soon

    afterwards it became a multinational firm that is now placed in more than 15 countries. Not

    only have talks that have been on TV stated that Walmart is the world’s largest food retailer, but

    statistics have proved these statements. The statistics state and prove that Walmart is the

    world’s biggest retailer with revenue of 405 billion dollars, followed by Carrefour with 124

    billion dollars revenue. Walmart has 2737 stores in the U.S. and a total of 8100 placed in 15

    different countries. There are 7.2 billion transactions per year in which Americans spent 36

    million dollars in Walmart per hour, with a ratio of 8 cents Americans spent in U.S. stores is

    spent in this particular store. It is also for being the biggest company by number of employees,

    which sums up to a total of 2,100,000 workers consisting of both males and females. Since it

    contains this big amount of workers, then surely it owns a lot of assets. These assets consist of

    147 distribution centers, 53,000 trailers, 7200 tractors and finally 7950 drivers. These facts are

    good enough to prove that Walmart is definitely the world’s largest food supplier, including the


    Excerpt taken from UC Denver’s website.

    Review your answers with an instructor or tutor in the Virtual Writing & Reading Center. Be sure you can

    answer the essential question above.

      Essential Question
      Before You Begin

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