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There are two parts for the homework assignment this week. Worksheets for this assignment are located in the Doc Sharing section of the course. After completing the worksheets upload them into the Unit 4 dropbox.

Part 1:

Parts of a Mission Statement Worksheet

Part 2:

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Criteria for Effective Mission Statements


Unit 2: Homework Assignment Part 2

Criteria for Effective Mission Statements

Mission Statement: If you are using an organization for your capstone project that already has a mission statement include that mission statement here (don’t forget to include the name of the organization, and indicate if it is a unit/department mission statement or the entire organization’s mission statement):

If you are writing a mission statement for an organization or department within an organization, include it below:

Complete the table below using the mission statement you listed above.


Yes, the mission statement meets the criterion.

No, the mission statement does not meet the criterion.

If no, what would be your suggestions for improvement?

It is concise and to the point.

It is fewer than 100 words in length.

It defines a scope on which to base strategy decisions.

It establishes why we exist.

It reflects our competence.

It provides focus.

It gives us some degree of flexibility.

If the statement is for a unit or department within an organization-is it linked to or supports our organization’s mission statement.

It is realistic and achievable.

It can be used for marketing and communication.

Source: Barksdale and Lund, 2006 (p. 152)


Unit 2: Homework Assignment Part 1

For this assignment you again will be using the organization that you are doing your capstone project on. Answer the questions in the Parts of a mission statement worksheet below to the best of your ability. If you cannot answer a question, provide an explanation of why you were unable to address it.

What is the name of the organization that you are doing your capstone project on?_______________________

Parts of a Mission Statement Worksheet

Mission Statement Part

Defining Probes

Reason organization exists:

What is our organizations purpose?

What is the value we provide to the community?

What is the value we provide to the marketplace?

How would someone outside our organization define or describe us?

What would our customers say is our purpose?

What would a new employee say is our purpose?

Organization’s customer base:

What are the personal and household demographics of our customer base?

Where are our customers located?

Do we have different types of customers (retail, commercial, and so forth)?

How do we reach our customers?

How do our customers reach us (or find us)?

Organization’s product line or service supplied to our customer:

What do we actually provide to customers?

Are our products and services tangible or intangible?

How do we finance our products and services?

What are the benefits and features of our products and services?

Process used to supply product or service:

Who are the suppliers?

What are the steps we use to move the product or service from the supplier to our customer?

Do we have quality controls? If so, what are they?

Marketplace conditions if our organization did not exist:

What would happen if we didn’t exist?

Would some other organization take our place if we closed?

How long would it take for someone to support our current customer based in our absence?

Source: Barksdale and Lund, 2006 (pp.150-151)

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