Humanities, World Cultures 2


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Voices of Change


In Assignment 2, we ask you to consider the actual words or works of an important spokesperson for their times. After reading that speaker’s words, you will use the provided template to write a two-page response that shares your thoughts about the work in question, the historical events happening during the time the work was produced, and the relevance of the work in the present day. Completing this assignment will give you real insight into the thoughts and feelings of an actual participant in historical events. You will also begin to see how learning from past perspectives helps us better understand the issues we face in our own time period.

To complete this assignment, follow these steps:

Pick one of the three topic choices below.

  • Access the Assignment 2 Project Paper Template [DOCX].
  • Download the template.
  • Save the template to the desktop folder on your computer (or another location of your choice) with the following file name: Your First Name_Your Last Name_HUM 112_Assignment 2_Summer 2019. Here is an example: Lauren_Philip_HUM112_Assignment 2_Summer 2019.
  • Complete the template that you downloaded. Follow the instructions provided in the template to make sure you add all required content.
  • Edit your work, making sure you have discussed each bullet point in the template and checking your work for grammatical errors and proper SWS style.
  • Submit your complete response to Blackboard.
  • Topic Choices

    Topic Choice 1: Frederick Douglass’s speech What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?

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    • Listen to the speech.
    • Read the speech.
    • Read the background.
    • Read the background.

    Topic Choice 2: Charles Dickens’s Economic Change and Consequences.

    Select one of the following works to focus on for your assignment. You can find all four options in Chapter 28 of your textbook. Page numbers are indicated in the bullet points below.

    • Old Curisosity Shop (textbook page 944).
    • Sketches by Boz (textbook page 947).
    • Dombey and Son (textbook page 951).
    • Hard Times (textbook page 952).

    Topic Choice 3: Women Challenge Their Audience.

    Select one of the following authors to focus on for your assignment:

    • Angelina Grimke Weld’s speech in Philadelphia in 1938.

      Read the speech.
      Read the background.

    • Sojourner Truth’s famous 1851 speech Ain’t I a Woman?

      Read the speech and background.
      See Chapter 29 of your textbook for additional background information.

    The specific course outcomes associated with this assignment are:

    • Summarize thoughts about an author’s work, including the historical events happening at the time it was produced and the relevance of the work in the present day.
    • Review the rubric in the Course Guide to see how your assignment will be graded on answer quality, logic and organization of the paper, and language and writing skills.

    Assignment 2

    : Project Paper (Template)

    cOVER pAGE

    On the cover page, include the following:

    Assignment 2

    Student’s Name

    HUM 112

    Professor’s Name



    In your introduction section, complete each step listed in the bullets below. Your answer should be 1–2 paragraphs in length:

    · Identify the author and artist.

    · Provide a short overview of the author’s life. Make sure the biographical details you discuss relate to the work you are discussing.

    · Identify the speech or writing you will be talking about in this paper.


    In your background section, complete each step listed in the bullets below. Your answer should be 1–2 paragraphs:

    · Describe the historical events (also known as context) that were occurring at the time that the author or artist created the work.

    · Discuss your thoughts on how the historical events may have led the author to create the work.


    In your evidence section, complete each step listed in the bullets below. Your answer should be 1–2 paragraph in length.

    · Explain the main point of the work you picked.

    · Identify the most important example the author uses to support the main point.


    In your discussion section, complete each step listed in the bullets below. Your answer should be one paragraph in length.

    · Explain who the author or artist was trying to reach with the work (also known as the audience).

    · Identify what the author was trying to convince the audience to believe or do.


    In your conclusion section, complete each step listed in the bullets below. Your answer should be 1–2 paragraphs in length.

    · Explain how the author’s words relate to our situation today.

    · Discuss whether you believe any of the author’s statements about race relations, political equality, or social equality remain true, today and why.


    On the sources list page, include the following:

    · A title (type Sources at the top)

    · Include a numbered list of sources used in your paper


    1. Henry Sayre. (2015). The humanities: Culture, continuity and change, Volume 2 (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.


    Revised 02/14/2020 2

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