Human Resources assignment

hello, i have an assignment for Human Resources course and it’s due the 17th of October Saturday at 20:00pm. please split it on to two parts as you have in the guild lines and please take from the plagiarism. the first part is approximately 800 words and the second part is 1000 words.

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You have just been promoted to the position of Human Resources Manager in Parkway Residential Homes (see below).

In order to help prepare the yearly business plan (to be presented in December 2020), the Director has asked you to produce the Human Resources
functional plan for 2021, that will become part of the general business plan.

You should prepare a Human Resources Plan (in Word format) to present to Charles, the Director of Parkway Residential. The plan will be in two


• This is an individual paper
• Title of the Midterm assignment: “2021 Recruitment Plan for Parkway Residential”

o Format: MS Word document
o Word count: 750 – 1,000 words
o Contents and questions for Part 1:

§ Cover Page
§ Table of Contents
1. What do you perceive to be the main HR challenges facing Parkway in 2021?
2. How could the jobs / the work be better organised?
3. What recruitment needs do you perceive for 2021?
4. How should the recruitment process (from application to contractual offer) be organised?
§ Bibliography


• Cover, Table of Contents, References and Appendix are excluded from the total wordcount.
• Font: Arial 12,5 pts.
• Text alignment: Double Justified.
• The in-text References and the Bibliography have to be in the Harvard citation style.


o Title of the Final assignment: “2021 Training, Performance & Compensation Plan for Parkway Residential”
o Format: Word document
o Word count: 1,000 – 1,500 words
o Content and questions for Part 2:

§ Cover page and Table of Contents
1. What are the priority training needs for the staff? What recommendations do you have for the training content and methodologies?
2. How will you evaluate the performance of the staff?
3. What changes, if any, do you recommend to the compensation / reward structure?
§ Annexes (optional)
§ References/Bibliography

• Cover, Table of Contents, References and Appendix are excluded from the total wordcount.
• Font: Arial 12,5 pts.
• Text alignment: Double Justified.
• The in-text References and the Bibliography have to be in the Harvard citation style.

Submission: Via Moodle (Turnitin)

o Midterm Assignment (Part 1 of Course Assessment) – deadline 18th October 2020 at 23:59 CEST
o Final Assignment (Part 2 of Course Assessment) – deadline 1st November at 23:59 CEST

o Midterm – 40%.
o Final – 60%.

Learning Outcomes: It assesses the following learning outcomes:
For the MIDTERM:

l Outcome 1: understand the Human Resources function inside the enterprise, describe and analyze responsibilities and tasks;
l Outcome 2: interpret job analysis and apply job design;
l Outcome 3: understand different stages of human resources planning;

For the FINAL:

l Outcome 4: prepare strategies for training & development.
l Outcome 5: prepare retention strategies: performance management systems and compensation strategies.


Exceptional 90-100 Good 80-89 Fair 70-79 Marginal fail 60-69
Knowledge &


Student demonstrates
excellent understanding of
key concepts and uses
vocabulary in an entirely
appropriate manner.

Student demonstrates
good understanding of the
task and mentions some
relevant concepts and
demonstrates use of the
relevant vocabulary.

Student understands the
task and provides minimum
theory and/or some use of

Student understands the task
and attempts to answer the
question but does not
mention key concepts or uses
minimum amount of relevant

Application (30%) Student applies fully
relevant knowledge from
the topics delivered in

Student applies mostly
relevant knowledge from
the topics delivered in

Student applies some
relevant knowledge from
the topics delivered in
class. Misunderstanding
may be evident.

Student applies little relevant
knowledge from the topics
delivered in class.
Misunderstands are evident.

Critical Thinking

Student critically assesses
in excellent ways, drawing
outstanding conclusions
from relevant authors.

Student critically assesses
in good ways, drawing
conclusions from relevant
authors and references.

Student provides some
insights but stays on the
surface of the topic.
References may not be

Student makes little or none
critical thinking insights, does
not quote appropriate
authors, and does not
provide valid sources.


Student communicates
their ideas extremely
clearly and concisely,
respecting word count,
grammar and spell check

Student communicates
their ideas clearly and
concisely, respecting word
count, grammar and spell

Student communicates
their ideas with some
clarity and concision. It
may be slightly over or
under the word count limit.
Some misspelling errors
may be evident.

Student communicates their
ideas in a somewhat unclear
and unconcise way. Does not
reach or does exceed word
count excessively and
misspelling errors are

Parkway Residential Homes

Parkway Residential, located in southern Spain, was originally founded in 1972 to provide skilled and caring support to the elderly. Over the years it became very
successful, gaining a number of prestigious awards, especially due its focus on beautiful premises, onsite medical services and comprehensive facilities. It
expanded gradually to five residencies with space for 250 patients until 2015. At that point, the company was acquired by a venture capitalist who made a
substantial investment in securing 10 further residencies with a total capacity of nearly 1,000 patients.

The focus changed significantly from highly personalized care to ensuring that the residencies were continuously filled to capacity, with profitability being the prime
objective. This change has meant that many of the experienced staff have decided to retire or seek work in other places, leaving many staff gaps to be filled,
mostly by young, inexperienced and sometimes untrained staff.

The market for skilled care of the elderly is growing apace as baby boomers from northern Europe decide to spend their final years in the sun of the Mediterranean
and there is no shortage of people seeking a place at one of the Parkway residencies.

However, the rapid expansion of the company has created a number of problems and now, as a newly-hired HR Director for the company, you are interviewing
some of the 50 ‘core’ staff to assess the extent of the challenges you are facing:

1. Lilly, a 35-year old licensed nurse from Germany says: “I’ve been here for 5 years and I’ve seen management do what it can to fill positions, but I don’t
always agree with who they recruit. Some of the basic skills can taught, of course, but you can’t teach someone to care. So I find myself really stressed
out, looking after so many patients who often just want more attention”

2. Daniel, a Belgian carer with a BA degree in Psychology tells you: “I came here a year ago thinking that it would be fun to work in southern Spain – you
know, sun, sea and sangria …But it isn’t like that at all. There are constant crises to deal with and I’m the one everyone turns to first it seems, so I’m
constantly running from situation to situation dealing with outbursts, arguments and even fights! And this goes on every day, including weekends, so I
hardly have any time to myself at all. I’m already applying for other jobs…”

3. Nicola, a German doctor: “Well I’ve been living in this area for over 10 years and I spend most of my time divided either at my surgery in Estepona or one
of the Parkway residencies. I visit each residence once a week to check on patients and prescribe medicines and so on. If there’s a medical emergency,
then I get called out to that as well. That worked fine until 2015 but now, it’s just impossible to get around all the residencies and see all the patients that
need me. It’s totally ridiculous to think that only one doctor can deal with everything! We did have a second doctor, but he left almost as soon as he
realized what the workload consisted of and frankly, I’m thinking of doing the same .. “

4. Angela, a 17-year-old recent hire says: “I just started three months ago straight out of school. I’d really like the job if only I had more time to spend with
each person. But there are so many patients, I can only clean them up, make the bed, and tidy the room and then I have to run off to the next patient.
We’re supposed to be ‘carers’ but we’re just maids on the lowest minimum pay. The conditions are pretty bad and until now, we’ve had nobody to go to –
I’m so glad you’re here now. Perhaps you can increase our pay and give us more time to look after the patients properly rather than just chase around until
we’re exhausted?”

5. Charles, Director of Parkway Residential: “Welcome to your new role and I’m very happy you’re here! I’ve spent most of my time interviewing people for
vacant jobs and I told the owner it’s about time we had a professional HR person to help me out… Yes, we have 50 full-time nurses and carers spread
around the various residencies and sometimes we have to shift them from one to the other to fill gaps. We outsource things like the cleaning and the
catering because the owner wants to keep the organization as lean as possible. He only comes every now and again to check on things .. he expects us to

keep the company going on the minimum possible cost base and he really isn’t interested in how we do it, because there’s a waiting list of over 50 people
at the moment and it gets longer and longer every month … we just don’t have the places available. Enough staff, you ask? Well, frankly, there’s always
people who want to come and work in this part of Europe and unemployment is high in the area, so we always have lots of applicants for any jobs that
come up. Unfortunately, very few of them are qualified or interested in the job itself, so they don’t stay long. Our turnover is 30% a year, which keeps us
busy recruiting… and the ratio of carers is 1: 25 patients or so, which is standard for the industry in Spain ….”

  • by Mohamed Abbas Aly Hegazy Mohamed Wahsh

    Submission date: 27-Oct-2020 06:41PM (UTC+0100)

    Submission ID: 1428283988

    File name:

    9837_Mohamed_Abbas_Aly_Hegazy_Mohamed_Wahsh_HR_FINAL_ASSIGNMENT_554549_638197603 x


    Word count: 1653

    Character count: 9213





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