Human biology Sheepbrain – carolin

Lab Results Sheet

Brain Dissection

Points and Grading

· This assignment is worth 10 points. To be considered successful, you must earn at least 7 points (70%).

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· This assignment will be graded using the Brain Dissection Evaluation Rubric.


1. Follow the instructions in the Carolina Distance Learning lab handout, “Mammalian Brain Dissection.”

2. You will be required to take digital pictures of your work. See the list in the activity (below) of the structures you are required to identify on your pictures.

· Be sure each picture has your name card in it. Note: Typing your name on a digital image isn’t acceptable proof of your work.

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· Be sure your digital picture is clear and fits inside the provided box.

· Be sure the required structures are clearly identified and labeled using labeling tape and T-pins. Note: Labeling a digital image with arrows and text isn’t acceptable.


Complete the Safety & Cleanup questions.

4. Respond to the Messages to the Course Instructor.

5. Complete a self-evaluation rubric (located on the last page of this document) and defend the grade you give yourself.

6. Re-save this document as Brain. Note: Only or x or files can be opened on D2L by the instructor.

7. Upload this completed document into the corresponding D2L Assignments folder by the due date/time.

Activity 1. Dissection of the Mammalian Brain

In the box below, insert a picture that shows your identification for the following external brain structures:

· Cerebral sulcus

· Cerebral gyrus

· Medial longitudinal fissure

· Left cerebral hemisphere

In the box below, insert a picture that shows your identification for the following external brain structures:

· Frontal lobe

· Parietal lobe

· Occipital lobe

· Temporal lobe

· Cerebellum

· Brainstem

In the box below, insert a picture that shows your identification for the following external brain structures:

· Olfactory bulb

· Optic chiasm

· Pituitary gland (or if absent, where it would be located)

In the box below, insert a picture that shows your identification for the following brain structures on your longitudinal dissection:

· Corpus callosum

· Thalamus

· Medulla oblongata

· Pons

In the box below, insert a picture that shows your identification for the following brain structures on the coronal dissection of the frontal lobe:

· Grey matter

· White matter

Safety and Cleanup

1. Place an “X” by the PPE (personal protective equipment) you wore during this investigation and describe any other considerations:

___ Safety glasses/goggles
___ Apron/coverage from shoulders to knees
___ Gloves

___ Closed toe shoes that fully cover the foot
___ Other (describe): ___________________________

2. Place an “X” by the safety precautions you followed when performing this investigation and describe any other considerations you followed:

____ Did not eat, drink, or chew gum
____ Reviewed GHS labels and SDS precautions for the items used in the activity
____ Worked in a well ventilated area, away from flame and heat sources
____ Ensured lab items and activity were away from children and pets

____ Worked near a sink
____ Washed hands before and after the activity
____ Ensured long hair was tied back ___ Not applicable (for short hair)
____ Avoided cutting the specimen in my hand
____ Other (describe): __________________

3. List the tools you used for this investigation and describe what task they were used for:


Task used for

4. Describe your cleanup and disposal:

Messages to the Course Instructor

· Is the work you are submitting your own work? What is the evidence to support this claim?

· (Optional) Describe any deviations from the procedure or issues you experienced during this investigation:

©Jano Results Sheet: Brain Dissection Page 7 of 7

Brain Dissection Evaluation Rubric

Instructions: For each criterion (row), click on the checkbox that best describes your work. (Tip: if the checkboxes don’t work on your computer, then place an X in the provided blanks.) Then, choose the grade you believe you deserve and defend (give reasons) for it.








Dissection Technique

☐___Specimen is appropriately placed and displayed on dissection tray.
☐___Specimen is cut according to the instructions.
☐___Appropriate tools used for the required task.

☐___Proper specimen display and dissection techniques are mostly demonstrated—there are minor errors or deviations.

☐___ Pictures and/or technique description suggest several errors in following instructions and/or in using dissection tools.

☐___ Pictures and/or technique description are vague, incomplete or suggest improper technique and/or use of dissection tools.

☐___ The quality of the picture is too poor to evaluate, or, it couldn’t be determined if the image submitted is the work of the student.


Identification of Required Structures

☐___All required structures are clearly displayed and correctly identified.
☐___All labeled structures are correctly spelled.

☐___Most required structures are clearly displayed, correctly identified, and correctly spelled.

☐___Over half of the required structures are clearly displayed, correctly identified, and correctly spelled.

☐___Less than half of the structures are clearly displayed, correctly identified, and correctly spelled.

☐___ None of the required structures are labeled. Or, the quality of the picture is too poor to evaluate. Or, it couldn’t be determined if the image submitted is the work of the student.



☐___All the PPE listed in the instructions were used.
☐___All the safety considerations described in the instructions were completely and clearly followed.
☐___Student took additional precautionary measures (not directly specified in the instructions) that demonstrate a good ability to assess potential hazards and minimize risks.

☐___All the PPE listed in the instructions were used.
☐___All the safety considerations described in the instructions were completely and clearly followed.

☐___All the required PPE were used, but there were minor safety considerations that weren’t addressed.

☐___Description of the use of the PPE and safety considerations is vague, incomplete, or doesn’t appear to follow the instructions.

☐___No safety considerations or PPE is documented.


Cleanup & Disposal

☐___Cleanup and disposal completely and clearly follow the instructions.
☐___Student demonstrates an accurate understanding and responsibility to protect personal/community health and the environment.

☐___Cleanup and disposal completely and clearly follow the instructions.

☐___Cleanup and disposal mostly follow the instructions.

☐___Description of the cleanup and disposal is vague, incomplete, or doesn’t appear to follow the instructions.

☐___No cleanup or disposal procedure is documented.




Grade: ☐ ___A ☐ ___B ☐ ___C ☐ ___D ☐ ___F


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