Hum 112 , World Cultures


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Choose one of the three reading selections from the list of topic choices below. The focus is on a brief but important primary source material written by important authors. In each case, the subject relates to the problems of certain people who are oppressed or impoverished. In each topic, a different genre or approach is adopted to help readers see and perhaps address the problem. Read the selections as identified with each topic below. Write a 4–5 paragraph essay (350 words minimum) that analyzes the work following the list of things your paper should cover, given just after the topics.

Topic Choices
  • Reading selection of Jane Austen’s novel Pride and Prejudice. Her works are very popular today, with Austen reading clubs and all types of new books and events based on her ideas. In 2017, England printed new £10 bank notes bearing Austen’s image. Chapter 43 should be read in full.
  • Reading selection from Samuel Johnson, No. 91. Sufficiency of the English Language, an essay first published in The Rambler. Johnson was the editor of two coffeehouse magazines, The Rambler (1750–52) and The Idler (1758–60), and was the author of Dictionary of the English Language. He was also the subject of one of the first biographies, by James Boswell. In his life, Johnson overcame numerous illnesses and handicaps.
  • Reading selection of Olympe de Gouges’s Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female citizen (written in 1791). The selection should be read in full, with background provided on page 874 of our class text. You should also look at the revolutionary document of 1789 that she is “correcting,” called Declaration of the Rights of Man. Olympe de Gouges has the status of women as her main concern. The general context is the French Revolution and the attempts to redefine rights and status once one replaces monarchy.

For the reading selection and topic you choose, your paper should cover the following:

  1. Introduce the writer and the situation that the reading is about.
  2. Using specific examples or lines from the reading, summarize the author’s key ideas and views.
  3. Examine the writing style and discuss the intended audience. 
  4. How did you like this? How do the ideas relate to situations today?

Additional Requirements

  • This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS) [PDF]. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
  • Include a title page containing the title of the assignment, your name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date of submission. The cover page and the source list are not included in the required assignment length (350 words minimum).
  • You must use the class text and any sources identified (with links) above for the topic you choose, focusing on the main primary source of that author. If you use any additional source (optional), it must be from the University’s online library and of good academic quality for college work.

The specific course outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Present the viewpoint of an author on a chosen topic.
  • Review the rubric in the Course Guide to see how your assignment will be graded on answer quality, logic and organization of the paper, and language and writing skills.

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