Hubble space telescope -3 pages

What is the Hubble Telescope, what does it do, what has it explored for humans

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Start by doing a brief online search of current news in Astronomy related to one of the two categories you have been assigned (planetary news or deep space). Let’s do planetary. Sources can be newspaper articles, magazine articles, or even podcasts. To get you started, I have provided a list of helpful websites in this module. These resources are a good place to start getting familiar with Astronomy news resources.

Select a current (within the last year) news article concerning topics within your assigned category.  You want to read the article thoroughly, to learn what is happening in the current news regarding your topic/field of interest.  As you read, think about whether the article is based on data or other reliable sources, and whether the article can be tied back to concepts learned in class.  You may want to read any extra or supporting material the article references or look up definitions, etc.  If your article covers concepts not learned in class, please provide definitions for these new concepts/terms.

Summarize Article 

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You will provide two summaries, a short summary for Twitter and the Full Summary

Twitter Summary:

Summarize and reflect on the article in a maximum of 150 characters!  Also provide an appropriate title for your twitter summary.  Your summary/reflection should be clear and concise, giving an overview of the news article in your own words. This summary differs from the Full Summary is that is should be a very  brief snapshot of the most interesting parts of your summary and any connection you personally make with the material and how it links to class!  Tell us why you choose this article, what is just so fascinating you want to share!  

*Avoid plagiarism by writing this in your own words and adding your unique insight!

Full Summary:

Summarize and reflect on the article and come up with an appropriate title for your summary.  Your summary/reflection should be clear and concise, giving an overview of the news article in your own words.  The title should be unique and reflect your take on the article (think like a newspaper headline).   Bring in concepts and ideas we have learned in class.  Make sure to tie in at least two clear concepts or ideas that we have learned in class in your summary of your article! This is your chance to tie in what you have learned in the class with what is happening in current astronomy news today.  If the article brings in new concepts we have not covered in class, make sure you define these concepts in a way that we can all understand.  In addition to summarizing the news, reflect on the article: why did you choose it, does it make you excited, feel hopeful, nervous, bring up memories or inspiration, etc….be creative here! Your Full summary/reflection should be about 3 paragraphs in length.  

*You are only expected to include concepts from class material taught up to your assigned week (but you are not limited to those concepts of course).  Please never hesitate to ask me for help or guidance!! 

*Avoid using quotes in your summary.  (If you do choose to use direct quotes from the article, make sure the quotes are short and very important to your summary.  Also, you must always include the in-text citation for any quoted material or material taken directly from a source other than your own head.  


You will have at least one reference, the article you summarized and likely your textbook since you are also using material learned from class.  You must include the URL and Author for your article you summarized, using APA 6thEd. format.  Make sure to include in-text citations withinthe article, as well as the citation in the reference/bibliography section, using APA 6thEd. format. (See tabbed page above for guidance on APA format)

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