HSA Powerpoint 8 slides


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Create a PowerPoint Presentation (8–10 slides), with speaker notes, in which you address the following:

  • What is telehealth?
  • Describe the various types and uses of telehealth.

    Select a type of telehealth outreach to recommend for development to your provider.
    How can your health care provider use a telehealth system? (Examples of uses include: reaching remote locations—rural, international consulting; reduce/prevent rehospitalizations by increasing the number of patient contacts and triaging patients; urgent care center visits; physician practices with virtual visits, etc.)
    Explain the benefits of the telehealth system that you select and the type of outreach it will offer, including the pros and cons.

  • Develop a general budget (include three line items: system software cost, implementation cost, and training costs) for the system.

    How much will it cost to implement, train staff, and maintain the system? Justify your estimation.
    Develop a cost/benefit analysis.
    How can you justify spending on this telehealth system?
    How will telehealth save money, improve access, or improve quality for your health care provider and/or the patients who use it?

  • Find another health care provider that has successfully implemented a telehealth system.

    What can you learn from their implementation or use that can help with implementing your system?
    Make a recommendation specific to your provider and provide an overview of the implementation plan/approach, based on your facility size, staff, services offered, and needs.

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