HRM topic: Training and Development

HRM topic: Training and Development

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In this course, we look at a variety of different human resource theories and styles. We also look at the different kinds of perspectives on ethical issues and how they fit into HRM. You are required to write a paper on a HRM topic. You will choose the topic you are most interested in. Choose a topic, and expand on it. 

Of necessity, the instructions for this assignment are somewhat vague. Each student will have to explore different resources and will need to develop an individual approach to the subject. 

Identify, specifically, the strengths of your topic and what some weaknesses are. Drawing on various sources, explain the details of your topic. Assume I know nothing about this topic and share your research on it with me. Why is it important? What have you learned? What are the Pro’s and Con’s? When would this be used? What is the history on this topic?

Requirement: Using the terms, concepts, and theories learned in this course, write a 5 to 7 page (Arial or Times New Roman 12 pitch font with double-spaced lines) essay focusing on one specific Human Resource topic that we have studied over the past 7 weeks. You must also include a title page and reference page. The 5-7 pages do not include the title page/reference page.

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Be sure to incorporate at least two (2) sources to support your essay. Use APA Style in your writing and review the rubric for guidance. 

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