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I have a written assignment due. I will attach the requirements needed to complete this assignment. Please be advised that there is a 300 word minimum for this assignment. Must use required reading for in text-citations. Must use APA formatting.

Note: Only up to 20% of content in the written assignment can be quotes from third parties. 

Assignment Details:

A good friend of yours has asked for some advice on workplace harassment. Your friend is a female kindergarten teacher at the local elementary school. According to her, the current principal’s practices are extraordinarily unfair and potentially discriminatory.

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She shares with you that this principal often threatens teachers with a classroom grade change when they don’t agree with him. Your friend reminds you that teachers are responsible for personally purchasing everything in their classrooms other than the desks and that she has over $3,000 invested in kindergarten-specific materials. The principal has retaliated six previous times over the past 4 years, specifically against female teachers. Your friend is fearful that she will be moved at the end of the year because of her disagreement with a policy change.

For this Discussion Board, complete the following:

· Write an e-mail to your friend with advice on her legal options under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. Do you believe she has a case for workplace harassment? Support your claim with a minimum of 2 credible outside sources

· You are also encouraged to personally contact local law firms (or another appropriate entity) to discuss this issue. If you have a phone conversation with a law firm or other entity, be sure to cite it properly in APA format in the text.

Deliverable Length:   300 words (minimum)

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