How will you engage Marie and Peter even though Dan is not ready to participate? Explain the nonconstructive behaviors of Dan, Marie, and Peter that contribute to the family’s dysfunction. Identify the appropriate interventions for family recovery.


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This is your second session with the Robertsons. Dan appears to be resistant to family counseling; he refuses to accept responsibility for his choices that have caused so many family problems. Dan states, “If I have a drug or alcohol problem, it’s because of them. She won’t clean the house and he’s failing school. I don’t have the problem. They do.” Dan leaves the session. Marie states, “He expects the house to be clean, but most days I don’t even feel like getting out of bed. I just want to sleep.” Peter states, “He’s always nagging me about the Fs on my report card, but no one helps me with my homework so I don’t even try anymore.”

In your report of the session, you will describe the following:

  • How will you engage Marie and Peter even though Dan is not ready to participate?
  • Explain the nonconstructive behaviors of Dan, Marie, and Peter that contribute to the family’s dysfunction.
  • Identify the appropriate interventions for family recovery.

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