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  1. Resources: Goals for Stevens District Hospital, Part 2 Worksheet

    For Part 2 of the Goals for Stevens District Hospital assignment, you will use the same format you used in Week 3. In this assignment, you will identify 3 additional goals that support the mission and vision of the hospital. For each goal, you will write a 260- to 350-word analysis based on your review of the data provided in the Stevens District Hospital Strategic Planning Scenario and your SWOT analysis.

    Financial or Economic Goal

    Identify a clear, actionable, and measurable financial or economic goal for the organization that clearly supports the mission and vision.

    Analyze how this goal supports the mission and vision of the hospital.

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    Explain how you would measure progress toward the goal.

    Discuss milestones necessary for progress.
    Discuss the criteria you would use to measure that the goal was completed.
    Legal or Regulatory Goal

    Identify a clear, actionable, and measurable legal or regulatory goal for the organization that clearly supports the mission and vision.

    Analyze how this goal supports the mission and vision of the hospital.

    Explain how you would measure progress toward the goal.
    Discuss milestones necessary for progress.
    Discuss the criteria you would use to measure that the goal was completed.
    Risk or Quality Management Goal

    Identify a clear, actionable, and measurable risk or quality management goal for the organization that clearly supports the mission and vision.

    Analyze how this goal supports the mission and vision of the hospital.

    Explain how you would measure progress toward the goal.
    Discuss milestones necessary for progress.
    Discuss the criteria you would use to measure that the goal was completed.
    Cite 4 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references to support your assignment.

    Use correct APA in-text citation guidelines and include references above.

    Submit your assignment.

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