Homework assignment

 Answer the following questions based on Chapter 3 of Tuten, T. L. & Solomon, M. R. (2018). Social Media Marketing (3rd ed.): 

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  1. What is the underlying structure of a network?
  2. How does information flow in a network?
  3. What are the characteristics common to communities, whether offline or online?
  4. Explain the meaning of social capital.
  5. What is an opinion leader? What sources of power might accrue to opinion leaders?
  6. Why are social communities relevant for word-of-mouth communication?
  7. Identify a current meme and track its origin.

 Answer the following questions based on Chapter 4 of Tuten, T. L. & Solomon, M. R. (2018). Social Media Marketing (3rd ed.): 

  1. Why do some organizations enter the trial phase without planning and research? Is there value in getting social media experience before social media marketing becomes part of the marcom plan?
  2. Explain the phases in the social media marketing maturity life cycle.
  3. What are the forms of organizational structure used by companies embracing social media marketing? What are the pros and cons of each?
  4. Explain the steps in the social media marketing strategic planning process.
  5. What approaches to budgeting can be used by organizations planning for social media marketing?
  6. Identify a social media campaign for a favorite brand. In what experiences does the campaign invite you to take part? In what zones does the strategy lie? Does the campaign include share technologies to ensure your activities are shared with your network?

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