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Essay #3: Individuality, Conformity,
and Modernity in Anthem

For Essay #3 consider the concepts and ideas expressed in the
novella Anthem and use your critical thinking skills to support

or negate the thesis of the book. (You are not required to
research Rand’s philosophy of objectivism, but it is an option.)

Prompt Question:
Rand asserts in Anthem that true happiness comes from personal
freedom and the pursuit of one’s own interests. Do you agree or
disagree? Use examples from Anthem and research sources to
exemplify and support your viewpoint. If you agree, be sure to discuss
the limits of this viewpoint. If you disagree, be sure to provide a
specific counterargument and examples.

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Minimum Requirements:

Two in-class readings (Anthem plus your

choice of (1) McRaney – You Are Not So

Smart or (2) Duggan – “I Found a Flaw”)

1 optional additional in-class or out-of-class

reading/ research source

Thesis-driven essay format

AXES method of paragraph development

MLA style

Minimum Page Length: 5 full pages

Quotes: 6 quotes or paraphrases

Due Dates:

Brainstorm due Thursday, Oct. 1

Outline due Thursday, Oct. 1

Rough draft due Friday, Oct. 2

Peer review due Monday, Oct. 5

FINAL DRAFT DUE Tuesday, Oct. 6

English 1B – Brownell

Value: 15% of Overall Course Grade


You may use any chapter from You Are Not So Smart (as long as you

are discussing the concept accurately).

Lisa Duggan’s chapter “I Found a Flaw” is available in the 

“Readings/ PDFs” folder; I also discuss and explain quotes from

this reading in the video lecture on Anthem.

Your essay response must be specific; vague essays will receive

low scores. Therefore, it is essential to fully understand what

Rand is arguing in the novella and HOW she makes the argument.

Some additional research sources are listed at the end of the

Anthem video lecture.

Some Writing Strategies:

Consider in concrete terms what constitutes happiness for YOU.

Is it family? Is it community? Is it academic or work success? Is it

self-realization? Then, use some of these examples to brainstorm

and put in conversation with Rand’s argument in the novella.


Consider comparing another reading assignment to this novella.

For example, how does Willy conceive of happiness? Is it similar

or different from Prometheus’s conception of happiness?

Evaluate which conception is better.

Compare Lisa Duggan’s argument about happiness, freedom, and

self-realization to Ayn Rand’s argument in Anthem. Use

comparing and contrasting to organize the argument. Assert

whose argument is best.

Take a deep dive into Ayn Rand’s life! You can write about why

she believed in objectivism and why objectivism is central to her

writing. But be careful not to stray too far from the assigned

reading (Anthem).

Still stuck? Schedule a conference with me, and I will try to guide

you through your writing process!

Essay #3: Individuality, Conformity,
and Modernity in Anthem

For Essay #3 consider the concepts and ideas expressed in the
novella Anthem and use your critical thinking skills to support

or negate the thesis of the book. (You are not required to
research Rand’s philosophy of objectivism, but it is an option.)

Prompt Question:
Rand asserts in Anthem that true happiness comes from personal
freedom and the pursuit of one’s own interests. Do you agree or
disagree? Use examples from Anthem and research sources to
exemplify and support your viewpoint. If you agree, be sure to discuss
the limits of this viewpoint. If you disagree, be sure to provide a
specific counterargument and examples.

Minimum Requirements:

Two in-class readings (Anthem plus your

choice of (1) McRaney – You Are Not So

Smart or (2) Duggan – “I Found a Flaw”)

1 optional additional in-class or out-of-class

reading/ research source

Thesis-driven essay format

AXES method of paragraph development

MLA style

Minimum Page Length: 5 full pages

Quotes: 6 quotes or paraphrases

Due Dates:

Brainstorm due Thursday, Oct. 1

Outline due Thursday, Oct. 1

Rough draft due Friday, Oct. 2

Peer review due Monday, Oct. 5

FINAL DRAFT DUE Tuesday, Oct. 6

English 1B – Brownell

Value: 15% of Overall Course Grade


You may use any chapter from You Are Not So Smart (as long as you

are discussing the concept accurately).

Lisa Duggan’s chapter “I Found a Flaw” is available in the 

“Readings/ PDFs” folder; I also discuss and explain quotes from

this reading in the video lecture on Anthem.

Your essay response must be specific; vague essays will receive

low scores. Therefore, it is essential to fully understand what

Rand is arguing in the novella and HOW she makes the argument.

Some additional research sources are listed at the end of the

Anthem video lecture.

Some Writing Strategies:

Consider in concrete terms what constitutes happiness for YOU.

Is it family? Is it community? Is it academic or work success? Is it

self-realization? Then, use some of these examples to brainstorm

and put in conversation with Rand’s argument in the novella.


Consider comparing another reading assignment to this novella.

For example, how does Willy conceive of happiness? Is it similar

or different from Prometheus’s conception of happiness?

Evaluate which conception is better.

Compare Lisa Duggan’s argument about happiness, freedom, and

self-realization to Ayn Rand’s argument in Anthem. Use

comparing and contrasting to organize the argument. Assert

whose argument is best.

Take a deep dive into Ayn Rand’s life! You can write about why

she believed in objectivism and why objectivism is central to her

writing. But be careful not to stray too far from the assigned

reading (Anthem).

Still stuck? Schedule a conference with me, and I will try to guide

you through your writing process!

Duggan, Lisa. Mean Girl: Ayn Rand and the Culture of Greed.
Oakland, University of California Press, 2019.

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