History Paper Assignment Help

Choose ONE: women, children, Native Americans or African Americans. Write a 1000-1500 word paper arguing whether this statement is true or false about your group: “Between the American Revolution and the Civil War, the lives of these Americans improved. This can be seen in their social, political and economic opportunities.” What evidence should you use?- American Yawp Chapters 1-14 – Any documents we have studied in the course – Information presented in lectures – Outside research is NOT required for this assignment, but you may use other sources if properly cited Things to include: –  Brief introduction and conclusion –  A clear thesis statement (something direct like “This statement is true about ________ because…”) –  Specific examples about their social, political and economic experiences in each time period between the Revolution and the Civil War –  Evidence. Include in-text citations for where your evidence comes from: o (American Yawp, Chapter 11 Section III)o (Johnson, Document 18, page 77)o (Lecture, Week 10 Unit 1)o (AuthorName, p#), with a listing of the book on a Works Cited page Format: – Times New Roman, Size 12, Double spaced – Please submit as DOC, DOCX. ODT, PDF or TXT

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