History essay

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List of Articles for the Term Paper.



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        The Horrors of a Slave Ship  


2.         Native Reactions to the Invasion of America


3.         The Witch and We, The People


4.         The Birthmark


5.         The Tell-Tale Heart


6.         Excerpts from “On Civil Disobedience”

You must choose one article to read for each paper.  I want to see 3 pages or more of writing in each of these papers.  The term papers should be typed and double spaced, using a Times New Roman font of 12.  There should be a title page and one-inch margins should be utilized throughout the paper.  Students will be given a list of articles to choose from that will be posted in the class website. All of the articles can be found in the American Perspectives E-Reader Vol.1.  You must not use other sources to write these papers. In regard to the term papers, students need to discuss what is the article about, what is the author trying to argue, and what are your thoughts.  I also do not want to see any quotes or quotations in any paper that is turned in to me. I take off two points for each quote that I see in a paper.  Also, plagiarism will not be tolerated. Anyone committing this offense will be given an F in their paper. Any paper that you turn in to me must be written entirely in your own words. 

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