
World War II (1939-1945)

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1. When war broke out in Europe in 1939 the U.S. government supported a policy of neutrality for several reasons. One principle reason had to do with the lack political support due to the wide spread popularity of the idea of _____________________________ or the idea that the U.S. should focus on domestic issues rather than international affairs.

2. The policy of neutrality began to erode as it became apparent that Great Britain was losing the war to Nazi Germany. American economic and cultural ties to Britain swayed F.D.R. to initiate the ___________________Act which gave him the authority to dispose of surplus war material to nations critical to U.S. national security.

3. In 1941 F.D.R. met with Churchill to discuss strategies should the U.S. be compelled to enter the war. The Atlantic Charter agreement stipulated an _________________________ strategy, much to the relief of Winston Churchill.

4. F.D.R. believed the strongest threat to U.S. security was from an aggressive Nazi Germany; however on December 7th 1941 the nation was shaken by news of a Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. In his request for a declaration of war from congress FDR referred to this attack as__________________.

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5. General xenophobia and the attack on Pearl Harbor led the administration to draft Executive Order 9066 which authorized the arrest of any deemed a threat to national security. This resulted in the creation of the ___________________________________. This injustice was eventually recognized by the U.S. government and reparations were paid to survivors.

6. The turning point for the war in Europe occurred on June 6th 1944 with the invasion of Normandy or _______________________.

7. The gigantic undertaking, code named “Operation Overlord” was overseen by General Dwight D. Eisenhower the _______________________________.

8. In the Pacific major joint operations were under the command of General Douglas MacArthur. He developed a strategy to save American soldier’s lives and valuable time. The key component to the strategy was establishing airbases as close to Japan as possible. Although several key battles were costly, such as Iwo Jima, the strategy of _________________________ was the reason the U.S. was eventually victorious in the Pacific.

9. The U.S. began research to develop an Atom Bomb in 1942. The program under the direction of Robert Oppenheimer was code named the ____________________________.

10. As Allied forces began to liberate Europe they found the Nazi concentration camps which had resulted in 12,000,000 systematic murders. The Nazi led genocide of Jews and other ethnic minorities in Europe is known as the _________________________.

The Cold War 1946-1953

11. Toward the end of WWII in 1945 the Big Three met to discuss post war aims at _____________ and _________________ where it became apparent that the U.S.S.R. was not going to honor its promises to allow free elections in Eastern Europe.

12. Europe was divided into spheres of influence with E. Europe controlled by Communist Soviet Union and Western Europe influence by Democratic nations led by the U.S. The dividing line that separated these two Europes was referred to as the _____________ Curtain by Winston Churchill.

13. The end of World War II resulted in an antagonistic relationship developing between the West and the U.S.S.R. due to differing political and economic systems. The Cold War lasted from 1946-1989 with the eventual collapse of the Soviet Union. This victory although a long time in the making was chiefly due to a major U.S. strategy regarding the spread of Communism. George F. Kennan established this theory in his “Long Telegram”. The strategy of _______________________ guided American foreign policy for over 50 years.

14. In response to Communist aggression in Greece President Truman stated that the U.S. would help any nation threatened by Communism by providing financial and material aid. This policy became known as the ______________Doctrine.

15. One piece of the “Containment” strategy was the rebuilding of war torn Europe after the Second World War. The _______________________________ was designed to resurrect the industrial powerhouses of Europe to act as a barrier to Communist expansion.

16. The first test of American resolve in containing the spread of Communism came in 1948 when the U.S.S.R. blockaded Berlin Germany. The U.S. responded with the___________________Lift which kept the city functioning for months and finally resulted in the Soviets removing the blockade.

17. In 1949 as a response to Soviet aggression in Europe the U.S. led the effort to form a multi-national defensive treaty organization which contained ten European nations Canada and the U.S. This treaty organization is known as _______________(The North Atlantic Treaty Organization).

18. 1949 also saw the establishment of the Peoples Republic of China under the Communist leader___________________.

19. The policy of Containment was most severely tested in 1950 with the invasion of S. Korea by Communist N. Korea. The___________________was the first war to contain the spread of Communism.

20. The Korean War ended in 1953 with the peninsula remaining divided along the DMZ or the _____________ parellell.

21. Returning soldiers from WWII were greeted with a large thank you in the form of legislation that paid for their education, new homes and businesses. The ____________________ transformed America into a world economic and industrial super power.

22. There was a major demographic shift in that occurred as a result of returning soldiers getting married and starting families. This shift is known as the _________________ which resulted in demand for new services and products.

23. The fear of Communism resulted in the 2nd Red Scare during the 1950’s. The Federal government began investigations to find Communist sympathizers in the U.S. the Congress organized the ______________ or House Unamerican Activities Committee to expose Communist infiltration.

24. Hollywood was a favorite target during the Red Scare and many actors and writers were________________, forbidden from working in film and entertainment because of alleged Communist ties.

25. Although the U.S. was very prosperous during the 1950’s fears of Communism at home colored everyday life. This paranoia was capitalized on by some to gain power in government. The chief perpetrator of fear mongering was one Senator Joseph McCarthy who accused high ranking officials and public figures of having “Red” sympathies. ___________________ is the practice of falsely accusing someone with little or no evidence.

The Affluent Years and Unravelling

1. In 1954 the Supreme Court reversed Plessey v. Ferguson with ___________________________________ which abolished segregation in public schools

1. Governor Orval Faubus of Arkansas refused to allow the ______________________ attend Central high school although it was in clear violation of Brown V. Board. This caused President Eisenhower to send in Federal troops to integrate the school.

1. Eisenhower invested in American infrastructure with the ___________________ which began the cross country building of the interstate highway network.

1. In 1955 Rosa Parks sparked a civil rights protest known as the ____________________________________ which propelled a young MLK to the center of the Civil rights struggle.

1. The ___________________ was the organization that was led by MLK and that planned the marches and other non-violent protests.

1. The _________________________________ planned and carried out the Freedom Rides through the segregated south to point out continued violations of federal anti- segregation laws on public transportation.

1. JFK faced one of the greatest threats to the U.S. and world peace in 1963 when the Russians shifted the balance of power in their favor by establishing a first strike capability in the western

hemisphere. The _______________________________ showed American resolve and the power of the U.N. in helping to cool international crises.

1. In 1957 the Soviets succeeded in launching ____________________ , the first satellite. This resulted in the U.S. investing in math and science education and ushered in the Space Race and Arms Race.

1. JFK supported the policy of containment by supporting governments fighting Communist forces in S.E. Asia. To combat the Domino Effect he introduced advisors and planned troop increases in ____________________________.

1. After JFk’s assassination _______ was sworn in as the next president of the United States.

1. Lyndon Johnson received heavy criticism for the Vietnam War but at home he had many great achievements. He was a tireless champion of civil rights worked to support the efforts of MLK and others by passing legislation that forbade segregation in places of business. The _____________________ began a flood of laws that were passed by LBJ to bring about his “Great Society” and a more just society.

1. Another achievement attained by the coordinated efforts of MLK and LBJ was realized in 1965 with the __________________________, which outlawed literacy tests to vote.

1. The ______________________________ was passed in 1964 which outlawed the practice of Poll Taxes.

1. One lasting achievement of LBJ’s Great Society was the passage of _________________ and ________________ which provided medical care for the elderly and poor.

1. In 1964 the LBJ asked congress for the _________________________ which provided the president with unlimited power to fight an undeclared war in Vietnam.

1. _____________________________ was leader of North Vietnam and led the fight against the Diem regime and the U.S. during the Vietnam War.

1. The _____________________________ were North Vietnamese insurgents and Guerilla fighters.

1. Increased television coverage during the war and the __________________in January 1968 by the Vietcong in Saigon shocked Americans at home and began the ___________________ which resulted in decreasing support for the war.

1. LBJ decided to not seek reelection in 1968 which allowed Richard Nixon to become president. Nixon won promising an end to the war. His plan _______________________ called for an expanded war in Laos and Cambodia to knock out VC safe havens and would allow South Vietnam to take over the war effort.

1. Nixon relied on the ______________ believing that the older generation supported his efforts.

1. Major turning point in the anti- war movement occurred in 1970 in Ohio when the ____________________ shocked the nation and worsened the generation divide

1. The credibility gap was deepened by Daniel Elsberg’s release of the __________________ which showed the government had no plan to get out of Vietnam.

1. Nixon pursued a policy of ___________________________ with China to open up trade and drive a wedge between the PRC and the U.S.S.R.

1. The U.S. established a policy of __________________ or understanding with the Soviet Union which ultimately resulted in ______________ which was the first treaty to limit nuclear weapons.

1. Ultimately the Nixon administration was brought down by the ___________________________ which implicated the president in a series of cover-ups tied to discrediting his political opponents.

1. Although Nixon was a conservative Republican he was responsible for creating the _________________________ which was charged with regulating industries environmental policies.

1. ______________________________ was responsible for designing Nixon’s foreign policy.

1. The free speech movement and youth of America finally realized one of their goals with the ratification of the _______________________ which lowered the voting age to 18.

1. Students against the war were often referred to as______________________.

1. The New Left adopted strategies first used during the Civil Rights movement to protest the war. One of the New Left was The ________________________ , a student led organization carried out protests across the country on college campuses protesting the involvement of the U.S. in the Vietnam war.

1. The late 1960’s and 1970’ saw the rise of activist organizations aimed at empowering marginalized groups in American society. One of the most notable was led by Huey P. Newton. This organization combated police brutality, poverty and oppression of the African American communities and was known as ___________________________.

1. In 1973 the____________________________ occupied the town of Wounded Knee on the Pine ridge reservation to point out corruption of tribal government and the U.S. violation of treaties between Indian nations.

1. ______________________ and _______________________ led an organization designed to bring better working conditions and fair pay to migrant farm workers who were predominantly Hispanic. The United Farm Workers became a powerful voice for the Latino community in general.

1. Betty Friedan was the first president of The ____________________________________ . It was founded to bring about equal rights for women and focused on drafting passing ERA the equal rights amendment.

1. The Carter administration faced several problems. The economy continued to struggle but was further hampered by OPECs embargo. This created the __________________________, which caused lines at gas stations and impacted Carters public approval.

1. Foreign policy during Carters term was also turbulent. Perhaps the greatest failure was the _______________________, which occurred after the Shah of Iran was deposed during the Iranian revolution. This incident seemed to show Carters indecisevness and Americas weakness.

1. Another controversial foreign policy decision was a response to the Sviet Unions invasion of Afghanistan. The carter administration wanting to respond but not escalate tensions adopted a diplomatic response by boycotting the ____________________________.

1. Carter did have a significant foreign policy victory when he negotiated a peace agreement between Egypt and Israel known as the ______________________________________.

Triumph of The Right

1. In response to the malaise of the Carter years in 1980 the nation elected ____________________________________ a strong conservative.He used the campaign slogan “Lets Make America Great Again:Are you better off than four years ago?”

1. Reagan was swept to victory by an alliance of several organizations which came to be known as the _____________________________________.

1. The religious wing of this coalition was known as the ______________________________ and was led by a Jerry Falwell Sr. a popular televangelist.

1. Reagans economic plan included slashing taxes on the wealthy and corporations in the hopes that they would reinvest in jobs and wages. This economic plan became known as ____________________________..

1. The Reagan administration had a hawkish foreign policy toward the U.S.S.R. declaring Russia an “Evil Empire”. Reagan increased military funding most notably with his SDI or______________________ which aimed at creating a space based missile defense system.

1. Although hawkish Reagan did establish a relationship with Mikhail Gorbachev General Secretary of USSR. It is perhaps this relationship that persuaded Gorbachev to implement reforms in Russia known as _______________________.

1. George H W Bush Reagans vice president became president in 1989. Under his leadership the U.S. used its military to enforce international law. The U.S.and a multinational coalition intervened in the middle east when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait which controlled 25% of the worlds oil supply. In 1991 the U.S. led an invasion of Iraq code named___________________________.

1. The _______________________________ fell in 1989 during Bushes term reuniting West and East Germany and beginning the collapse of the Soviet Block and ultimately the Soviet Union.

Recent Past

1. Bill Clinton served as president from 1993-2001 under his leadership the U.S. intervened in two civil wars to attempt keep the peace. He was ceiticised for attempting nation building in both_________________ in Europe and ___________________________in Africa.

1. He signed into law a trade agreement which created a free trade zone between U.S./Mexico/Canada known as___________________________________.

1. Clinton was only the second president to be ________________________________ for perjury.

1. The 2000 election between Republican George Bush Jr. and Democrat Al Gore resulted in a disputed election. Two counties in Florida became hotspots for vote re-counting.This election was decided for the very first time by the ______________________________ in a 5-4 decision reversing a Florida State supreme court decision to continue the recount.

1. In September of 2001 George Bush faced his first crisis as president with the attacks on September 11 when over close to 3000 people. This attack was planned and carried out by a terrorist organization known as_______________________________.

1. The attack on September 11 led to the U.S. invasion of ________________________________ where Osama Bin Laden was being sheltered by the Taliban.

1. Later the U.S. would invade ____________________________________ to search for weapons of mass destruction and arrest Saddam Hussein who was alleged to be working with Bin Laden.

1. In 2008 Democrat _________________________the first African American President in US history was elected ushering in what some referred to as a “Post Racial” America.

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