History 1700

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Political Reform v. Economic Freedom; Slavery

Prompt 1

The British Parliament passed several acts such as the Stamp Act 1765, the Townshend 1767 and Tea Act of 1773 on the American colonies to generate revenue to help pay for the debt incurred by England in the French & Indian War. As you read the documents note the time frame and consider the colonial reaction to each act.

Massachusetts Assembly Resolutions on the Stamp Act 1765 (Links to an external site.)

Benjamin Franklin and the Stamp Act Crisis 1766 (Links to an external site.)

Bostonians Protest the Townshend Acts 1767; John Hancock (Links to an external site.)

John Adams Describes the  Situation in Boston Five Days Prior to the Boston Tea Party 1773 (Links to an external site.)

The Boston Tea Party 1773; George Robert Twelve (Links to an external site.)

1. From the documents, which of the British acts angered the colonists most and why? Cite specific passages from the documents.

2. Of the numerous revenue generating acts passed by the British Parliament mentioned in the text and documents (Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Townshend Act, Tea Act, etc) which act served to unite the colonies against Great Britain and why?

Prompt 2

African American slaves in the American Revolution were pressured by the Americans and British to support their respective sides with freedom being the reward for their service and loyalty. From the following documents note the difference in the experiences of two African American slaves; one that served in the British army and one that fought for the Americans.  

An Enslaved Black Soldier in the American Army 1777-1783; Boyrereau Brinch (Links to an external site.)

Fugitive Slave in the British Army; Boston King (Links to an external site.)

1. What motivated each of these men to fight for their respective sides during the war and why?

2. How did their experiences differ or were similar with regard to the treatment elicited to them by each army with respect to equality to white soldiers?

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