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This first assignment is based on Reza Aslan’s No God, but God. After you have read the book, please respond to the following: 

What are the core issues that Muhammad and the Islamic community grappled with as they were forming their new community? And, what was the meaning and role of Jihad in early Islamic history? 

1) Please respond to this in a 5-6 page, double-spaced, 12 point font, essay. 

2) Your paper should have a thesis. The thesis should tell your reader what you are trying to argue or show them. This should come in the introduction. 

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3) Your analysis should be supported by specific examples from the text. Please footnote your citations using the Chicago Style. For reference:


4) When you include a quote or reference from the text, you need to tell your reader how or why this is important and/or demonstrates your point. 

5) Your paper should be organized into paragraphs with proper punctuation and no obvious misspellings. (If there is a red line under something, you should check it)

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