HIS question

l)In the colonial period, which is NOT one of three major sections of the British Northern colonies?

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A) New England B) California

2) The last of the British and French wars of the eighteenth century in North America was the French and Indian War


What North American territory was gained by Great Britain?

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A) India B) Canada C) Florida D) New York

3) Which Enlightenment writer stated all governments rested on the “consent of the governed?” A) Thomas Hobbes B) John Calvin

4) In 1783, the new nation, the United States of America, created what kind of government?

A) Monarchy B) Federation

5) Which event in 1786 forced many to support writing of the Constitution by 1787?

A) Shay’s Rebellion B) Nat Turner’s Rebellion

C) Holocaust

6) The Anti-Federalists supported the writing and acceptance of the

A) Declaration of Independence B) Bill of Rights

7) George Washington’s Secretary of Treasury was

A) Henry Knox C) Alexander Hamilton

8) The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions were prepared as a response to

A) The Alien and Sedition Acts B) the National Bank

9) In the presidential election of 1800, Alexander Hamilton supported Thomas Jefferson


A) he had been pulling for Jefferson all along

B) they had made a deal whereby Jefferson promised to support Hamilton’s policies if elected

C) Burr had angered Hamilton by challenging him to a duel and Hamilton wanted revenge

D) Hamilton believed that Jefferson was less of a threat to the new republic

10) Thomas Jefferson’s election in 1800 was called the “revolution of 1800” because

A) he took power by force.

B) it was revolutionary that the opposing party could come to power after the Federalists.

11) The exploration of the Spanish and Indian territory west of the Mississippi River by Merriwether Lewis and William Clark was successful in

A) establishing good relations with many Indian tribes and collecting scientific information.

B) very few things

12) The slave Gabriel’s aborted rebellion of 1800 unnerved Virginia’s white leaders, who ultimately reacted by

A) hanging every black Virginian thought to be part of the plot.

B) manumitting a large portion of the state’s slave population.

C) deporting all of Virginia’s troublesome blacks.

13) The battle of Tippiecanoe Creek in 1811 pitted Native Americans under Tenskwatawa against a force of a thousands commanded by William Henry Harrison was

A) an unqualified disaster for the troops under Harrison.

B) heralded a great victory for the American forces and made Harrison a national hero.

14) War Haws were young congressmen who

A were supportive of western expansion, desired subduing Indian tribes, and declaring war on England.

B) believed that Spain was responsible for Americans’ international woes and supported plans to take portion of the Spanish empire from them.

15) The transportation innovation that changed early nineteenth century travel was the

A) Automobile B) canal system

16) Impressment, one of the key issues that ked to war with England in 1812, was

A) the practice of US naval ships stopping English ships to search for contraband.

B) the practice of the British nay removing American citizens from US ships as supposed deserters and impressing them into the British navy.

17) Who was president during the war of 1812?

A) T. Jefferson B) J. Madison C) J. Monroe D) A. Jackson

18) Employees of the textile mills in New England were

A) mainly young women seeking new careers in the clothing industry.

B) mainly young men seeking a way out of farm labor.


19) Which was NOT written into the Missouri Compromise of 1820?

A) Missouri came into the US as a slave state.

B) Maine came into the US a free state.

C) Except for Maine, the rest of the Louisiana territory would allow slavery to exist.

D) The 36/ 30 line would be the division between free and slave states in the Louisiana territory.

20) Politically, in the Jacksonian Age, there was an upsurge with universal male suffrage due to

A) increased poll taxes at the state level.

B) removal of property requirements for voting at the state level.


l) In 1845, a journalist, John Sullivan came up with the term ________ to justify the taking of the West.

A) Tippiecanoe and Tyler Too. B) Manifest destiny

2) Joseph Smith was the founder of which religion in the state of New York:

A) Mormons. B) Roman Catholicism

3) Who was the first president of the Lone Star Republic, Texas, a new nation born in 1837?

A) Sam Houston. C) Jefferson Davis.

4) In 1817, the American Colonization Society began to send ex-slaves to this African nation, ______, since they believed that the two races could not live together in peace.

A) Ghana. B) Liberia.

5) Both, Northern and Southern whites, feared “amalgamation” or ________, which is the mixing of the races.

A) Transculturation. B) Miscegenation

6) Eli Whitney helped to insure the economic survival of slavery by inventing the ________.

A) Cotton Gin. B) Steam Engine.

7) In the Compromise of 1820, Missouri came in as a slave state.

A) True. B) False

8) The Wilmot Proviso called for stopping the spread of non-slaves into California.

A) True B) False

9) Uncle Toms’ Cabin was originally published in the _______ and influential in starting the Civil War.

A) 1840s. B) 1850s.

10) The Kansas Nebraska Act was a great success in settling the West.

A) True. B) False

11) In 1854, a new political party was formed to stop the “spread of slavery.” Which party was it?

A) Republican. B) Communist.

12) John Brown, a famous abolitionist, was arrested and hung for treason after trying to take over the

A) White House. B) Harpers Ferry Arsenal.

13) The first state to leave the Union after the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860 was

A) North Carolina. B) Virginia. C) South Carolina. D) Texas

14) The U.S. Civil War began with which major engagement?

A) Fort Sumter. B) Gettysburg.

15) General Lee surrendered to U.S. Grant in 1865 at

A) Gettysburg. B) Appomattox Court House.

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