Heroin in Afghanistan Research Essay

I would need an 1,800 word research essay on topic “Heroin in Afghanistan”, Please follow the inctructions (Essay should include information from the provided Outline)

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Essay Assignment/Heroin in Afghanistan Research Essay Outline x
Heroin in Afghanistan Research Essay Outline


Heroin Problem in Afghanistan (Situation)

· What is Heroin?
· Health Effects
· Heroin traffic
· Production

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Gеtting оpiates frоm prоducer to cоnsumers is a well-оrganized and, mоst impоrtantly, prоfitable аctivity. The mоst lucrаtive of illiсit оpiates, herоin, prеsеntly cоmmаnds аn еstimated аnnuаl market value of US$55 billion. (UNODC). The United Nation Office on Drugs and Crime repоrts that mоre thаn 15 milliоn peоple cоnsume illicit оpiates like оpium, herоin and mоrphine wоrldwide. Amоng illicit narcоtics, оpiates are alsо the mоst cоstly in terms of treatment, medical care and, arguably, drug-related violence. The supply sоurce fоr this huge undergrоund ecоnomy is nоw cоncentrated in three areas: Afghаnistan, South-Eаst Asiа (mostly Myаnmar) and Lаtin Americа (Mexicо and Cоlombia). Tоgether, they supply nearly all the wоrld’s illicit оpium and herоin, but Afghаnistan stаnds оut аmong this grоup, аccounting fоr аround 90% of glоbal illicit оpium prоduction in recent years. (UNODC, 2010)

The prоblem is not new and tremendous effоrts have been made by gоvernments оver the past decades tо stem the flоw of illicit оpiates. Mаny suсcesses hаve bеen оbtained. Mоst оf thеm havе bееn lоcal, hоwever, and оver the lоng tеrm, glоbal illicit оpiate prоduction hаs increаsed.

In this essay I will cover how Afghаnistan is being a huge player in this underground economy

By itself, Afghаnistan prоvides 85% оf the estimated glоbal herоin and mоrphine supply, a neаr monоpoly. (United Nations, 2009)

In 2017, оpium cultivаtion in Afghаnistan reаched a recоrd high, with multifаceted impаcts on the cоuntry.(Felbab-Brown, 2017)
Poverty inside the country leaves not much choice for its citizens but to grow and produce opium to feed their families

· Huge amounts produced
· Rising Opium Demand
· Drug related threat to the whole world
· Cross-border Trafficking Flows
· Rising number of addicts
· Young Addicts among children
· Black Market
· Billions of dollars in hands of criminals
· Increased terrorist threat level
· Drug Money used to fund terrorists
· Civil War
· International Conflicts
· Country turned into a warzone

Possible Causes:
· Poverty
· Taliban Influence
· Government instability

Possible Solutions:
· Reducing the Taliban influence
· Border Control


Opium addict at nine years old. BBC News. (2020). Retrieved 3 December 2020, from https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-asia-42003158

Unodc.org. (2020). Retrieved 3 December 2020, from https://www.unodc.org/documents/wdr/WDR_2010/1.2_The_global_heroin_market

How the heroin trade explains the US-UK failure in Afghanistan. the Guardian. (2020). Retrieved 3 December 2020, from https://www.theguardian.com/news/2018/jan/09/how-the-heroin-trade-explains-the-us-uk-failure-in-afghanistan

Felbab-Brown, V. (2020). Afghanistan’s opium production is through the roof—why Washington shouldn’t overreact. Brookings. Retrieved 3 December 2020, from https://www.brookings.edu/blog/order-from-chaos/2017/11/21/afghanistans-opium-production-is-through-the-roof-why-washington-shouldnt-overreact

The International Heroin Market. The White House. (2020). Retrieved 4 December 2020, from https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/ondcp/global-heroin-market.

In the world’s forgotten borderlands, the drug trade helps people survive – but at a cost. The Conversation. (2020). Retrieved 4 December 2020, from https://theconversation.com/in-the-worlds-forgotten-borderlands-the-drug-trade-helps-people-survive-but-at-a-cost-144378.

__MACOSX/Essay Assignment/._Heroin in Afghanistan Research Essay Outline x

Essay Assignment/Research Paper (1)

MUF0012 English Unit 2

Research Paper

Essay using the SPSE structure

This task follows on from Assessment 2 – Research Paper Outline. Using the information that you have gathered

form your research and the work you have done for your outline, you will now be required to write your research

paper. You are required to keep all notes and drafts as you work, as part of the MC Academic Integrity procedures.

You may be required to produce these at any time.

The process described below will help you to write this essay.

1. Read the feedback that your teacher provided on your outline. If you do not understand any elements of

the feedback you receive, it is your responsibility to ask for clarification.

2. Using your outline, and the feedback that has been provided, begin drafting your research paper.

3. Make sure that you are using the SPSE essay structure as you draft your paper.

4. If needed, complete additional research to fill any gaps that you or your teacher may have identified.

5. Once the first draft is written, you should spend time proof-reading and editing your work. Remember to

check your use of citations, paraphrasing and your reference list.

6. Once you have made revisions to your first draft, your teacher may ask you to partner with another

classmate so that they can read your research and provide feedback. You will do the same for them.

7. During the drafting period, your teacher will provide opportunities for you to receive feedback. This

feedback may be written and/or verbal. If you do not understand any of the feedback you receive, it is

your responsibility to ask for clarification.

8. Before submitting your research paper, you should read over it and make amendments based on any
relevant peer feedback or teacher feedback that has been provided.


• You will be given time in class to work on your research paper. You will also be expected to work on the

task in your own time.

• You will be responsible for uploading the completed research paper to Turn It In by the due date. Make

sure you have a copy saved in multiple places, including online.

• The rubric that will be used to assess this piece is very similar to the rubric that will be used for Section B

of the examination.

• There is a criteria in the marking rubric that will assess how well you have used the drafting process – this
includes how you have managed your time and how you have responded to and/or implemented the

feedback that was provided during the drafting process.

Word Limit
1,500 -1,800 words

(+/- 10%)

Due Date
Week 10


In class and own time

MUF0012 English Unit 2

MUF0012: Research Paper Rubric


Very High Level
5 marks

High Level
4 marks

Medium Level
3 marks

Low Level
2 marks

Very Low Level
1 mark

Not demonstrated
0 marks


Highly relevant and detailed content
forms a controlled and logical

discussion in response to a clear and
precise thesis statement; the essay

critically engages with the
complexities of the topic; the

discussion is sophisticated and well-

Relevant and appropriate content
forms a controlled and logical

discussion in response to a clear and
precise thesis statement; the essay
strongly engages with the topic; the
discussion is thorough and generally


An attempt is made to form a
logical discussion, in response to

a clear thesis statement, using
relevant and appropriate

content; the essay engages with
the topic; the discussion is

adequate and generally

Some inappropriate or irrelevant
content is included; the thesis
statement is unclear and/or

ambiguous; an attempt is made
to engage with the topic but this
may be unsuccessful, attempts
to support the discussion are


Content is often inappropriate or
irrelevant; the discussion is

poorly controlled and does not
engage with the topic; a thesis
statement is attempted but is
unsuccessful; an attempt is

made to support the discussion.

Not demonstrated.


Makes very effective and discerning
use of a wide variety of highly

appropriate and relevant resources;
evidence is highly relevant and

skilfully and appropriately integrated
to advance the discussion.

Makes effective use of a variety of
appropriate and relevant resources;

evidence is relevant and
appropriately integrated to advance

the discussion.

Makes adequate use of a variety
of appropriate resources;

evidence is mostly relevant and
adds to the discussion, but is not

skilfully integrated.

Attempts to use appropriate
resources but may be

inconsistent and/or
unsuccessful; an attempt is

made to refer to some relevant
evidence, though evidence may

be incomplete.

Makes limited and/or basic use
of resources; little attempt is
made to refer to evidence;

evidence may be irrelevant,
incomplete or inappropriate.

Not demonstrated.


Exhibits a consistent and cohesive
structure using the conventions of the
SPSE essay; conveying a sense of
completion; a very well organised

and clearly planned structure ensures
smooth progression of ideas; there

are strong and consistent links
between and within paragraphs

Exhibits a cohesive structure using
the conventions of the SPSE essay;

a well organised and planned
structure ensures generally smooth
progression of ideas; there are links

between and within paragraphs

Exhibits a generally cohesive
structure using the conventions
of the SPSE essay; a generally

organised and planned structure
communicates a progression of

ideas; there are some links
between and within paragraphs

Inconsistent application of
conventions of the SPSE essay;
imprecise structure may result in

awkward, weak and/or
inconsistent progression of

ideas; inconsistent links between

Structure lacks cohesion and
shows inconsistent application of
conventions of the SPSE essay;
lack of organisation and planning
in structure may impede the flow
of ideas; there is little connection

between paragraphs

Not demonstrated.


Demonstrates concise and accurate
use of varied language (including
grammar, syntax and vocabulary)

which enhances the purpose; some
minor errors do not detract from the
overall fluency and effectiveness of

the essay.

Demonstrates accurate use of varied
language (including grammar, syntax
and vocabulary) which is appropriate
for the purpose; errors are noticeable

but do not detract from the overall
fluency and effectiveness of the


Demonstrates generally
accurate language which is
generally appropriate for the
purpose; occasional errors

detract from the fluency and
effectiveness of the essay.

Demonstrates an attempt to
control language which is at
times inappropriate for the

purpose; errors occasionally
interfere with meaning.

Demonstrates an attempt to
control language which may be
inappropriate or inconsistent;
persistent errors interfere with


Not demonstrated.


Demonstrates correct and well-
integrated APA citations; attributions
are accurate, varied and effective;
the reference list is complete and

accurate; paraphrasing is consistent
and effective.

Demonstrates correct and integrated
APA citations; attributions are

accurate but may lack variety; the
reference list is complete but includes

occasional minor lapses;
paraphrasing is consistent.

Use of APA citations is
demonstrated but are not
consistently integrated;

attributions are usually accurate;
the reference list is complete but

includes noticeable errors;
paraphrasing is regularly

attempted but may not always
be effective.

Use of APA citations are
attempted but are not consistent;

attributions are attempted but
may include obvious errors
and/or be inconsistent; the

reference list is attempted but
may be incomplete and/or does
not follow the APA conventions;

use of paraphrasing is
inconsistent and/or ineffective.

Use of citations and attributions
are limited and/or do not follow

the APA conventions; a
reference list is included but is

superficial; attempts at
paraphrasing are limited.

Not demonstrated.

Use of drafting

Demonstrates a proactive approach
to the drafting process, while also
demonstrating an ability to work

independently; makes excellent use
of the feedback that is provided
throughout the drafting process.

Demonstrates a good understanding
of the drafting process and is

beginning to demonstrate an ability to
work independently; makes good use

of the feedback this is provided
during the drafting process.

Makes satisfactory use of the
drafting process but is
encouraged to be more

independent during the process;
makes satisfactory use of the

feedback that is provided during
the drafting process.

Demonstrates an inconsistent
approach to the drafting process

and/or struggles to work
independently; makes some use
of the feedback that is provided

during the drafting process.

Use of the drafting process is
limited and/or resists working

independently; makes superficial
use of the feedback that is
provided during the drafting


Not demonstrated.

MUF0012 English Unit 2

__MACOSX/Essay Assignment/._Research Paper (1)

Heroin in Afghanistan Research Essay Outline


Heroin Problem in Afghanistan (Situation)

· What is Heroin?

· Health Effects

· Heroin traffic

· Production


Gеtting оpiates frоm prоducer to cоnsumers is a well-оrganized and, mоst impоrtantly, prоfitable аctivity. The mоst lucrаtive of illiсit оpiates, herоin, prеsеntly cоmmаnds аn еstimated аnnuаl market value of US$55 billion. (UNODC). The United Nation Office on Drugs and Crime repоrts that mоre thаn 15 milliоn peоple cоnsume illicit оpiates like оpium, herоin and mоrphine wоrldwide. Amоng illicit narcоtics, оpiates are alsо the mоst cоstly in terms of treatment, medical care and, arguably, drug-related violence. The supply sоurce fоr this huge undergrоund ecоnomy is nоw cоncentrated in three areas: Afghаnistan, South-Eаst Asiа (mostly Myаnmar) and Lаtin Americа (Mexicо and Cоlombia). Tоgether, they supply nearly all the wоrld’s illicit оpium and herоin, but Afghаnistan stаnds оut аmong this grоup, аccounting fоr аround 90% of glоbal illicit оpium prоduction in recent years. (UNODC, 2010)

The prоblem is not new and tremendous effоrts have been made by gоvernments оver the past decades tо stem the flоw of illicit оpiates. Mаny suсcesses hаve bеen оbtained. Mоst оf thеm havе bееn lоcal, hоwever, and оver the lоng tеrm, glоbal illicit оpiate prоduction hаs increаsed.

In this essay I will cover how Afghаnistan is being a huge player in this underground economy

By itself, Afghаnistan prоvides 85% оf the estimated glоbal herоin and mоrphine supply, a neаr monоpoly. (United Nations, 2009)

In 2017, оpium cultivаtion in Afghаnistan reаched a recоrd high, with multifаceted impаcts on the cоuntry.(Felbab-Brown, 2017)

Poverty inside the country leaves not much choice for its citizens but to grow and produce opium to feed their families


· Huge amounts produced

· Rising Opium Demand

· Drug related threat to the whole world

· Cross-border Trafficking Flows

· Rising number of addicts

· Young Addicts among children

· Black Market

· Billions of dollars in hands of criminals

· Increased terrorist threat level

· Drug Money used to fund terrorists

· Civil War

· International Conflicts

· Country turned into a warzone

Possible Causes:

· Poverty

· Taliban Influence

· Government instability

Possible Solutions:

· Reducing the Taliban influence

· Border Control


Opium addict at nine years old. BBC News. (2020). Retrieved 3 December 2020, from https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-asia-42003158

Unodc.org. (2020). Retrieved 3 December 2020, from https://www.unodc.org/documents/wdr/WDR_2010/1.2_The_global_heroin_market

How the heroin trade explains the US-UK failure in Afghanistan. the Guardian. (2020). Retrieved 3 December 2020, from https://www.theguardian.com/news/2018/jan/09/how-the-heroin-trade-explains-the-us-uk-failure-in-afghanistan

Felbab-Brown, V. (2020). Afghanistan’s opium production is through the roof—why Washington shouldn’t overreact. Brookings. Retrieved 3 December 2020, from https://www.brookings.edu/blog/order-from-chaos/2017/11/21/afghanistans-opium-production-is-through-the-roof-why-washington-shouldnt-overreact

The International Heroin Market. The White House. (2020). Retrieved 4 December 2020, from



In the world’s forgotten borderlands, the drug trade helps people survive – but at a cost. The Conversation. (2020). Retrieved 4 December 2020, from



MUF0012 English Unit 2

Research Paper

Essay using the SPSE structure

This task follows on from Assessment 2 – Research Paper Outline. Using the information that you have gathered

form your research and the work you have done for your outline, you will now be required to write your research

paper. You are required to keep all notes and drafts as you work, as part of the MC Academic Integrity procedures.

You may be required to produce these at any time.

The process described below will help you to write this essay.

1. Read the feedback that your teacher provided on your outline. If you do not understand any elements of

the feedback you receive, it is your responsibility to ask for clarification.

2. Using your outline, and the feedback that has been provided, begin drafting your research paper.

3. Make sure that you are using the SPSE essay structure as you draft your paper.

4. If needed, complete additional research to fill any gaps that you or your teacher may have identified.

5. Once the first draft is written, you should spend time proof-reading and editing your work. Remember to

check your use of citations, paraphrasing and your reference list.

6. Once you have made revisions to your first draft, your teacher may ask you to partner with another

classmate so that they can read your research and provide feedback. You will do the same for them.

7. During the drafting period, your teacher will provide opportunities for you to receive feedback. This

feedback may be written and/or verbal. If you do not understand any of the feedback you receive, it is

your responsibility to ask for clarification.

8. Before submitting your research paper, you should read over it and make amendments based on any
relevant peer feedback or teacher feedback that has been provided.


• You will be given time in class to work on your research paper. You will also be expected to work on the

task in your own time.

• You will be responsible for uploading the completed research paper to Turn It In by the due date. Make

sure you have a copy saved in multiple places, including online.

• The rubric that will be used to assess this piece is very similar to the rubric that will be used for Section B

of the examination.

• There is a criteria in the marking rubric that will assess how well you have used the drafting process – this
includes how you have managed your time and how you have responded to and/or implemented the

feedback that was provided during the drafting process.

Word Limit
1,500 -1,800 words

(+/- 10%)

Due Date
Week 10


In class and own time

MUF0012 English Unit 2

MUF0012: Research Paper Rubric


Very High Level
5 marks

High Level
4 marks

Medium Level
3 marks

Low Level
2 marks

Very Low Level
1 mark

Not demonstrated
0 marks


Highly relevant and detailed content
forms a controlled and logical

discussion in response to a clear and
precise thesis statement; the essay

critically engages with the
complexities of the topic; the

discussion is sophisticated and well-

Relevant and appropriate content
forms a controlled and logical

discussion in response to a clear and
precise thesis statement; the essay
strongly engages with the topic; the
discussion is thorough and generally


An attempt is made to form a
logical discussion, in response to

a clear thesis statement, using
relevant and appropriate

content; the essay engages with
the topic; the discussion is

adequate and generally

Some inappropriate or irrelevant
content is included; the thesis
statement is unclear and/or

ambiguous; an attempt is made
to engage with the topic but this
may be unsuccessful, attempts
to support the discussion are


Content is often inappropriate or
irrelevant; the discussion is

poorly controlled and does not
engage with the topic; a thesis
statement is attempted but is
unsuccessful; an attempt is

made to support

the discussion.

Not demonstrated.


Makes very effective and discerning
use of a wide variety of highly

appropriate and relevant resources;
evidence is highly relevant and

skilfully and appropriately integrated
to advance the discussion.

Makes effective use of a variety of
appropriate and relevant resources;

evidence is relevant and
appropriately integrated to advance

the discussion.

Makes adequate use of a variety
of appropriate resources;

evidence is mostly relevant and
adds to the discussion, but is not

skilfully integrated.

Attempts to use appropriate
resources but may be

inconsistent and/or
unsuccessful; an attempt is

made to refer to some relevant
evidence, though evidence may

be incomplete.

Makes limited and/or basic use
of resources; little attempt is
made to refer to evidence;

evidence may be irrelevant,
incomplete or inappropriate.

Not demonstrated.


Exhibits a consistent and cohesive
structure using the conventions of the
SPSE essay; conveying a sense of
completion; a very well organised

and clearly planned structure ensures
smooth progression of ideas; there

are strong and consistent links

between and within paragraphs

Exhibits a cohesive structure using
the conventions of the SPSE essay;

a well organised and planned
structure ensures generally smooth
progression of ideas; there are links

between and within paragraphs

Exhibits a generally cohesive
structure using the conventions
of the SPSE essay; a generally

organised and planned structure
communicates a progression of

ideas; there are some links
between and within paragraphs

Inconsistent application of
conventions of the SPSE essay;
imprecise structure may result in

awkward, weak and/or
inconsistent progression of

ideas; inconsistent links between

Structure lacks cohesion and
shows inconsistent application of
conventions of the SPSE essay;
lack of organisation and planning
in structure may impede the flow
of ideas; there is little connection

between paragraphs

Not demonstrated.


Demonstrates concise and accurate
use of varied language (including
grammar, syntax and vocabulary)

which enhances the purpose; some
minor errors do not detract from the
overall fluency and effectiveness of



Demonstrates accurate use of varied
language (including grammar, syntax
and vocabulary) which is appropriate
for the purpose; errors are noticeable

but do not detract from the overall
fluency and effectiveness of the


Demonstrates generally
accurate language which is
generally appropriate for the
purpose; occasional errors

detract from the fluency and
effectiveness of the essay.

Demonstrates an attempt to
control language which is at
times inappropriate for the

purpose; errors occasionally
interfere with


Demonstrates an attempt to
control language which may be
inappropriate or inconsistent;
persistent errors interfere with

Not demonstrated.


Demonstrates correct and well-
integrated APA citations; attributions
are accurate, varied and effective;
the reference list is complete and

accurate; paraphrasing is consistent
and effective.

Demonstrates correct and integrated
APA citations; attributions are

accurate but may lack variety; the
reference list is complete but includes

occasional minor lapses;
paraphrasing is consistent.

Use of APA citations is
demonstrated but are not
consistently integrated;

attributions are usually accurate;
the reference list is complete but

includes noticeable errors;
paraphrasing is regularly

attempted but may not always
be effective.

Use of APA citations are
attempted but are not consistent;

attributions are attempted but
may include obvious errors
and/or be inconsistent; the

reference list is attempted but
may be incomplete and/or does
not follow the APA conventions;

use of paraphrasing is
inconsistent and/or ineffective.

Use of citations and attributions
are limited and/or do not follow

the APA conventions; a
reference list is included but is

superficial; attempts at
paraphrasing are limited.

Not demonstrated.

Use of drafting

Demonstrates a proactive approach
to the drafting process, while also
demonstrating an ability to work

independently; makes excellent use
of the feedback that is provided
throughout the drafting


Demonstrates a good understanding
of the drafting process and is

beginning to demonstrate an ability to
work independently; makes good use

of the feedback this is provided

during the drafting process.

Makes satisfactory use of the
drafting process but is
encouraged to be more

independent during the process;
makes satisfactory use of the

feedback that is provided during
the drafting process.

Demonstrates an inconsistent
approach to the drafting process

and/or struggles to work
independently; makes some use
of the feedback that is provided

during the drafting process.

Use of the drafting process is
limited and/or resists working

independently; makes superficial
use of the feedback that is
provided during the drafting

Not demonstrated.

MUF0012 English Unit 2

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