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Wk3 – Analysis of Interpersonal Group

Local Campus Students

During weeks 2-7 you will participate in an Interpersonal Group in Bongo. After each interpersonal group students will write an analysis. The purpose of keeping an analysis of your experience is to foster an awareness and integration of principle concepts related to group theory and leadership skills. Your analysis will require that you remain objective about the group in which you are participating, just as group leaders must maintain objectivity. 
This assignment will be graded on your ability to identify group leadership concepts that have been addressed in textbook and handouts as they apply to your group
. The analysis should clearly communicate how your group was unique as it developed over time. 

Write a 750-1000 words analysis of your interpersonal group

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Possible areas to focus on in future analyses include:

1. Identify changes in relationships. There was a significant change in the relationships due to me being new to the group and no one knew who I was or where I came from. However, everyone was still friendly towards me.

2. How do members interact with the facilitator? In this group there were many facilitators throughout todays group, however everyone looked to (Luptia) for direction.

3. How do members interact with each other? The group interacted well together; most of them have been in other group settings with one another so it felt familiar to them. On the other hand I was kind of out of the loop not know what went on in the group session before which they was able to fill me in but I still felt out of place with not starting with this group.

4. What power issues are present in the group? I really did not observe any power issues; however the group did go over the allotted time, due to some technical difficulties.

5. How is conflict addressed or avoided? I believe that conflict was addressed early on in the group by going over the group guidelines before we got started.

6. What roles are implemented by the leaders? There were no specified roles for anyone each group member took turns reading the questions aloud and each member answered the questions.

7. What member roles do group members assume? From my observation Luptia and Rogue took more of a leadership role whereas Cindy, Dawn, and Nebeur took the roles of group members due to them not jumping in to take lead.


Identify therapeutic factors.

Include a minimum of 2 sources to support your analysis.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

I would have to be based on your experience since you were part of another group hopefully you’ll be able to anybody else want to take it out going to revisit our group guidelines I’ll read them that you know what we came up with and then again with you if you would like to make any changes or would like to leave you please let us know the first one is that confidential confidentiality should be held where should be up oh my goodness gracious confidentiality should be held without most important it is imperative that we respect each other’s privacy and Coley understand that concept shared within the group setting should be made the second one is that all group members should respect establish trust and understand that the group meeting time is a judgement Free Zone by doing so we are bound to maintain Alliance and loyalty to each other is that it is important that we feel the confidence to let each other know what and how we feel at all times if we feel that some comments are out of line offencive or misunderstood they should be addressed the group should not Harbor any resentment as a group we should always communicate if there is something going on with in our lives that we need to share we should all feel safe from judgment and feel compassion for another group member we will maintain direct and open lines of communication and work together to meet course deadline as a group we will participate and take care of each other when discussing difficult situation we won’t allow the opportunity for constructive criticism the group members will communicate any changes and scheduled group meeting time to allow all participants to contribute to the group a team or respect each other’s time even if that all of it sounds good and I agree with all of it I don’t need to add anything I have sent them to you as of now so you should have them in your email we are a highly functioning very structured anybody else taking it on members will privately complete the following complete the sentences to the falling when I enter a new group I feel when people first meet me they had a senior win and D when I am in a group I feel most comfortable that’s what we need to do first when you do that before I move to when I enter a new group I feel Brian ruble am I supposed to answer that way or should I I think once we’re done doing answering all the questions remember at the time but Dorothy already said hers so you want me to just go in Finnish I mean I want to do it all I need directions to the time so I already told you guys mine why did you choose the word vulnerable I did because I said I said vulnerable because it depends on the group if it’s a group that I’m an unfamiliar with it’s a place that I don’t know anybody or I am a new member of the group and everybody else is already familiar with each other and I feel bad, because I feel like I am the yeah you know that I feel like this vulnerability bear like they try and already have a thing I don’t mean to put the letter on the spot but it’s like what the guys already have a think they kind of already know each other and then it’s like I’m coming in and it’s like I have the disadvantage of being the new member while everybody else is not a new member that’s that’s why I chose and sometimes it turns out that I’m actually not the only new person but before I actually you know that my first thought is if I’m the only knew be here then now I got to get to know everybody you know said so that’s fine that’s why I chose that I killed gangster because you never know I just nervous when I enter a new group I feel nervous I could also put someone I know I don’t like to be likeable and I mean everyone and in lights aren’t they said everybody has already been in the group then I’m coming in now I have to get to know everybody I chose when I enter a new group IPO possibly inadequate the reason why I stay away I chose those two words is because I don’t I don’t usually have have the same ideas as a lot of people I’ve always felt like the odd one out just in general so I feel like you for not going to like my idea so I kind of get a feel of people before I start opening up and I want to listen to what I have to say and I’ll say what I said. This will be like a reflection from last alaskans well if you recall in the nether share wife give me a call when you when you get a chance about me everybody just wants to hear what you have to say and I can tell you why it’s like that and it’s not just with you guys it’s like and it can kind of make you uncomfortable sometimes you know it’s like you know like why are you doing that you’re not just my class tonight is he in and maybe hanold so so as you if you can relate to what that statement means so what happens is sometimes when I start speaking even not even though I could be in a group of people who are older than I am I don’t know I can’t explain it so people like just want to tell you just want to listen Myra mentioned something like I don’t know there’s something about your voice when I mentioned the two truths and a lie and she was like that’s why I think you you must have done the music and I’m like so I don’t know I’m telling you I can’t tell you how that made me feel like an especially because you know like so it was like I don’t know who I am just as vulnerable as you know like some like when you guys called like that but then somehow it faster than I’m able to just kind of move on it can explain it because I don’t know when people first I think I’m fake don’t think that I’m real or I guess it is remind me that you’ve done for dinner and I Diamond I genuine and I feel like I’m unique and I don’t just pick and choose when I’m going to open my heart it’s open like a book all the time people that are in the middle of the center you know holding sign that piece of food break my heart and depending on who I’m with you know if I’m like with my daughter-in-law she’s like well I said I would not want to see any one of you whatever reason any place having to ask and if you were I would hope that somebody would help you I always have money in my card so that’s why I say that’s why I use those words OK Google first meet me they can’t help but to smile recognized you from the picture on your profile or you know when I started I can’t hear you but my brother says you have to speak all or nothing like a morning person so yes I’m in bed by 7 Anita people first meet me they asked a lot of questions the reason I say that because it’s everywhere I go if I’m in a group of people do ask a lot of questions where you from what’s your name okay when people first meet me they feel that I am unapproachable I’ve gotten this from a lot of people and I think it’s my demeanor I don’t know people my demeanor is very serious very it’s very serious and I don’t open up to people very quickly I kind of study them and it’s important that I have I’ll study people and just kind of see them out and have a couple of questions for them and if I feel like they’re trustworthy than all opened up to them and I’m happy for at work and in just regular tell me when I met you I thought that you were just very unapproachable like you were not somebody that I would want to go and talk to her she’s in there like but then I get to know you and you’re really cool and you’re really funny and just nothing that I like what I thought you were I was going to ask if you change after a while remember like the first day of residency she was like and I’m like I don’t know but then towards the end she opened up and I’m like we are kind and all that stuff but I can pick it see that and I was wondering because if you say that you know sometimes residency what is it like 4 days or 3 days or something learn and nobody trailer before we go to The Residency class I couldn’t find a better word without it being you know I don’t have that word in our mind but that’s what I actually said to me and I’m like boy she gave me a hard time she knew that I had kind of been you know kinda dishing it out like dishing out the feedback at everybody and I think she was just quietly sitting there and she was like I am going to give her a run for her money and she loved the funny things that she actually pulled me aside and she told me you weighed your next you will you put me on the spot and thank God I was It was kind of handle that well but I can see why people okay I feel annoyed at a group leader when they make assumptions about me but I’m not true I cannot answer whatever questions you have if you have any questions annoyed at a group leader when they don’t listen to the quiet I don’t even think I want to ask why not because I I can’t because knowing you so beautiful we know you you’re not okay you’re not looking for people like you will stand up for the voiceless you will stand up for the marginalized you will stand up for the person who has no representation and I can see okay if I feel annoyed at a group leader when they seem distracted or not involved in the group like basically that way. I have a question about yes because that makes me think cuz I think you are leaders most likely you would be so that would not be okay printer at a group leader when they take over the group and don’t give people a chance to I used to have this thing that I would want to tell me their part of the story who ever have to talk to talk and everybody’s going to get it I’m going to do all the talking and you know so I feel annoyed as a group leader when they feel more like a dictator and I think that has to do with the authoritarian because they are our group leaders that will dictate what is talked and if anybody wants to kind of go into other discussions they redirect everything to their agenda jenda and I feel it has to be a little bit of everybody’s time because you are participating in something that should be seen as a group or a team effort for one person to because they are the group leader think that they are all-powerful and won’t let anybody else take their mind or ideals it’s it’s very frustrating when I am in a group I feel most comfortable unless someone in the group that I can relate to Atwood Miami score and when I’m in a group I feel most comfortable when I go in with an open mind that’s probably why you have so much why you’re so anxious when you enter a new group because you have some type of control and structure when I feel most comfortable with being an active participant I totally can see that anyone need a y because I remember you with residency whenever we didn’t matter what what difficult part of the session we were in Juanita was always like so you ask a question if she’ll keep the ball rolling basically so I do remember that about you so that the whole time so I like to be like I feel I am a little bit of motor mouth that explains why you said you were in a party or something like that when I am in a group I feel most comfortable with all this communication so I’m one to watch body language I will sit there and could I have that before where I’ll be somewhere public and I will literally look at people and see how their body languages and their facial expressions and I can tell you kind of what was going on in their dialogue the other day actually it’s just funny I’m going to go on a tangent again the other day it was funny we were walking through a bunch of Little Stores me and a friend and I saw this this girl shoes she’s kind of like standing on this big like canvas kind of thing like it was made out of whooping and I kind of look and you look too and he kept walking and I looked and I saw her kind of try to pick up and I’m like you need help yes I noticed so when I feel like the communication that you’re telling me is not important according with your with the way that your body language it gets me a little like an easy I know that there’s something going on you’re hiding something and I want to know what it is did you study like coming out no I haven’t but I Everett theater call yeah I know you know how sometimes you go to these families and they’re presenting all these or you can send something is wrong but you’re not quite getting the whole story even without ever even think about this telling to you if you’re trying to get some kind of story out so you can help out someone you still pick up on on things you know like that exactly you know you pick up text make sure you know what just step in you know and help or do the work that you do and I think that’s what makes you the excellent social worker that you are because with play it says activity process questions all members will answer aloud who is a group had answers most similar to you I think we were all pretty different I mean kind of on the same wavelength but very different in content if I take Xanax yeah I think I have Garcia had some of her answers were mine anxious and nervous Sylvia said something similar everything else we were play a different from each other. Stream how was it answering these questions easy difficult asking me like how I feel first meeting people I’m always nervous when I first meet people so yeah that’s what I think it’s because it was mostly about I think the music was Anthony get challenging Charlie Z because I like Juanita says I know what I’m feeling but I think with the challenging part for me today was I need the correct words to where I was being understood I think for me it wasn’t as difficult it was and I can’t say it was easy I was it was easy to find some challenging I would say it wasn’t as difficult it between answering these questions in this in the past month Brooks and sodium you kind of don’t want up you can’t not you don’t wanna you shouldn’t fake it you know so I’m trying to be as honest with myself as best as I cancel that I’m giving you guys my absolute honesty same time it’s like it’s like my group that I already know so I can tell them we already kind of talked about it but that’s not made it that’s why I said not as difficult and I choose the word challenging only because I had to talk in lieu of talking about myself asked members during the initial stage where we can eat the fruit getting to know one another a little bit kind of a little bit more and then I just getting to know you getting to know the deeper aspects of you yeah I agree what kind of in the hot seat I would have to say that I like that they’re very focused on the group leader so that when it’s in the initial or the beginning of the rule of the group leader can have an idea of the type of people that he’s handling or he has to be she has to look at and the things that they don’t like so that in order to make a more successful group they’re able to keep those things in mind I thought I thought they were helpful because they talked about how you feel about meeting other people he talked and that’s before you remember how when we’re talkin about process and content we already know when you’re joining a group whatever the group is you already know what kind of group that is what the content whatever it is you’re the purpose of that book the focus of what you going to be doing you already know that again the process is more important because been in these questions kind of focus on that because then these other people you’re going to be interacting with these are the people that you’re going to be processing whatever the subject matter is together with so that’s why I feel like that are in there and then like Myra so these questions would be helpful but that’s just how I do it because it helps you get there and helped you get to the next I can read it fun game 30 minutes this exercise is called the ungame the game was created in 1972 by I’m going to put your name all that you know by Rita after she was restricted from talking for several months following surgery the ungame is a non-competitive learning game of conversation that Fosters listening skills as well as self-expression and what a way to encourage communication and her family or group will use the ungame for the weirdest reasons and to learn more about each other group members will read an game questions allowed a list of the ungame questions provided for you on blackboard before doing this we need to decide how questions will be chosen and answered First Option by all members in the group members read and answer themselves or members direct question to another group member what do you guys think should we just read them and see how far we go in terms of like cuz it it gives us the option of just a reminder that group members have a right to pass at any time so you can pass whatever question before we even start this activity is kind of 30 minutes long and 52 minutes so you guys are you guys okay with us going over little bit the last activity before we finish the last session process so this is everybody okay with not how how do we do this how do you guys want to do it I think your idea of you know each one of us just reading a question and then answering it is fine by me and everybody else so how many questions should we be like five questions coupons and maybe should we focus on one pants and light green the question and send and read the next one and then answer and then when you get to five questions you’re done I like that alright then what do you want us to analyze and then I think that if we’re going to do five and five each we should have the person answer the phone you know read the question answer it do the five and then analyze before going to the other person because I think that will get a little too confused if we go from one person to the other and then try to rationalize okay alright you’re on my way to do it if you want to stop yeah I’ll start questions right okay so the first one what one quality do you look for most in a friend I would have to say loyalty what is the best advice you’ve ever received pretty much not to be happy when this happens or when another thing happens but you actually live in the present moment and see the happiness Within so something share something that you fear I have a tremendous fear of clowns I don’t know where it came from but your clown but describing to me a story about 16 year old Chihuahua and how they have to put them to speed because it was very old and it broke my heart to hear him talking about this for you because he said it would such a sentiment that you know the story of when they had to put her to sleep and how it just the touch with different and the time with so precious a just a really made me cry what are four things that are most important in my life my kids my career my family and Michael and that would be so I don’t know you guys want me to analyze any of those or did I kinda explain them on the way next the first question is what is the best advice you’ve ever received is my dad telling me you’re not the first and it’s all going to depend on what you do with your life and this conversation came I have a 16 and IEP and I walked in and I was sitting at the couch and after he said something disappointed you I heard when was the last time I cried and why because I was so frustrated with my son and the way he spoke to me over something I had no control over it what do you like to daydream about spending time with my grandchildren and thinking about the banker whatever we had a little party was asked what he wanted for or what you want to meet tell me about a time when you felt proud about yourself so obviously being pregnant is it up working out for you tonight and I started my associate’s degree in accounting and I was on the Dean’s List is walking across the stage my son my youngest son was to and he thinks that’s my mom in a quiet room and the fact that I heard that was just and describe the ideal mother call her name is Martha and she can be the sweetest and she can be the most up front tell it to your Facebook alconex when do I get angry I get angry when people think they know everything I have someone at work with and the lady she just thinks she knows everything and is always wrong we have a video camera surveillance camera at the job and I hate when people just interpret thing because it don’t have sound you’re going by actions it’s not always true but they always think everybody is always wrong if I had to move and only can take dressings with me what would I take my bed laughing at me cuz I’m always tired cuz I work too much my TV because I love watching TV because I’m always by myself my clothes cuz I just need my clothes next one. Do you ever feel lonely when yes start to feel alone when I’m missing my mom but she’s no longer with me but that’s the only time I feel lonely because I have people around me all the time but I really get lonely when I start thinking about her which what’s another one what is the best advice I ever received best advice I ever received is to go back to school I was pregnant and I dropped out of school for a very long time and then I friend of mine said you should go back to school or went back to school got my high school diploma then I got my associate’s degree did you make me feel like I’m doing something share something you fear I fear lose his family because I think that’s why I’m sorry for your loss everybody watch out when that happens okay I guess I’ll go next if you have to move and could only take three things with you what would you take this picture right before she was murdered and used to come in the like it’s hard for me to get film developed so anytime there’s a tornado or hurricane and then we’ll computer and cell phone cuz you never know when you got to do homework or when you call for an emergency when was the last time you cried and why today what a my daughter’s has had her husband for years and two kids later decided that you wanted out and you know she has to pay for her because I have to be at him and it’s not I just listened and I’m like hey what do you want to do and initially she was like play along more detailed about why he wanted to be with somebody else and it hurts me to see her that way and I have to be strong but I also like a little about my friend to 2 by 11 between 11 to 20 acres of lands and put my mom my mom lives next door to me I’m so I’m going to keep her daughter on the other side and I’m going to have a compound me so we can just have our little thing that parents can do to children and and and mostly and act like why would you do that for like what’s wrong with you something different call my mom what are you doing with your life 911 I guess it’s my turn do you ever feel lonely and when I feel lonely reading Milestones when will heating when I’m hitting all the milestones in life those are the times when I feel most lonely and I can stay with you guys because I lost my parents when I was really young so that means Ultra Milestones that you go through as a young woman as you grow up you know before you get married you have a kid every kind of man so that you can think of I have going to alone so I I talk enough I mean I lost my my parents when I was like really really young so I’m pretty much without them and that has made me who I am today because it kind of talking to you people always ask cuz my phone my sisters and I it’s funny people always come to us 422 seek advisor to just to talk to us because they know our experiences what we want to do and so they one of the most common questions usually is it a try to use your parents when you or is it better to lose you know you had the most of your life and then it’s much later in life and I couldn’t tell you which one is better or I can tell you is that each person is different but I can always tell people I remember talking to one of our classmates who is no longer with University of Phoenix now I was part of our classroom Jason Williams and he lost his father in such a hard time with it because you have them to like it’s not going to make it any easier but I’ve helped with you Sylvia same thing you know Myra talking about her kids you know being you know the most important thing for her than that I know you are in the same boat with me having lost your mom but it’s still for me the longest parts are the miles on because I don’t have them to experience those Milestones so enjoy your parents guys talk about birthdays on my life my sisters and I pop us to always celebrate each other and just enjoy each other and I actually made go see significant we don’t plan big parties or anything we all live in different states just two of my sisters live in the same state with me bouquet of flowers we make it special for you to go like Barbies are baking fries because we we just make sure that we basically celebrate each other in a way that nobody else can you have friends but your family just means a lot what really turns you off I can’t stand when somebody makes a commitment to something and then they back out of it cuz for me. Like breaking a carbonate it’s like a signing that the guidelines that we we gave each other last week and we say I come into this this this this and then at the end of it all you sign it but it’s like you’re right about covenants by the consent of confidentiality whatever it is you committed you committed to this especially if it’s voluntary but if you break it and I’m depending on you. Just tell me cuz I don’t have to rely on you. Just completely I’m done with you you know you know when I come in something I give my all to you if I’m giving my all and you’re not completely can you can do well I love interior design I love it so much and love designing homes I don’t do it professionally I’d help out friends here are some time to get paid for it but I’m not doing it for I’m not doing it for money right now but it’s a passion that I have I want to join the games and my whole family tells me she’s leaving your dream she’s living your dream and HGTV I don’t know if you guys want to come what is your favorite food I really don’t have any favorite food because I was always been a problem child with food ever since I was little I was that kid who would sit at the table for 4 hours and not finished and it didn’t matter what you did you could threaten me you can do whatever I want and I don’t know what the reason why is because I really don’t have a fever but I’m hungry or eat it too pretty getting to adulthood to figure out that you really do need to eat to survive I never cared about food so I can I don’t have a favorite food when I feel like it I’m paying for it now to my son who is a totally pool heater so, coming back to bite me so he’s really giving me a hard time in Italy she gives me anxiety such a pool heater that I’m heading to to get him a food therapist what with him so I know actually guys I was timing this activity and it was supposed to take 30 minutes and we literally have 8 minutes left so we still utilize our time will come actually process questions all members will answer out loud what did you learn about yourself by sharing information with the group what did you learn about others when they share information how did the group go about deciding how how to do the game so we can answer the last one really quickly it was pretty much we chose to do the remember answer read and the five questions each and just as we go because I guess I’ll start what did I learn about myself by sharing information with the group I think I was the most vague to be completely honest I was partly because in my mind I was like okay we have 30 minutes if I go on a tangent like I usually do it will be a bit early and I feel like if I rush into things I say what needs to be said and I go and do it so yeah like always I am going on a tangent and that’s something that you know I eat at times as useful at times when there is a time restriction it’s not as useful so I kind of need to restrict myself a little bit I need to be like that the group at all times like I don’t know you guys going to be open what did I learn about others when they shared information I think it was a little bit of the same thing like a kind of reflected to me that you know I was one of them that the one that was the most bag but I also learned I kind of knew a little bit of the details behind a little bit more exercise because they gave us gave us a little bit of an inside scoop on darnetta a little bit more okay what did I learn about sharing information with the group are going to have to set aside the the timer and really a tick bite because I think another friend to track selling learn and gain something we need to do it open heartedly Bakery I need my I wear my heart on my sleeve I hope we’re able to make you feel I think for all of us something that would like a couple questions that were a little answer that people wouldn’t ask but it was mostly balance I don’t know what that is and with the Milestones that you mention every birthday for them this morning’s the cost of their mother like my mom is not here or compensate for kindness okay what did I learn about myself by sharing information with the group I’m still shy about myself what did I learn about others when they share most of us talked about family and a lot of us are really into our family what did I learn about myself sharing information with a group of islands that I would like to share Gardena session like this so I may be studying counseling for something so that’s something I’ve always known that I could probably make a TV show out of my life my family and I but that’s what have you learned about atoms when they share information with the group I learned that there is a lot of similarities that exist enhance the universality that you know a lot of fun ice cream since we’re in the same boat in a lot of ways you know maybe not the same stories but you know we’re in the same boat in a lot of ways and I think that’s one Big Lots Brunswick where is worth noticing the basketball team is helping us with the process of I have one more question right now cuz I can you sing today’s game activity went well impact the group I think I would like to add for the second one where it says what is one process of situation that you can say about today’s group I actually have to say that when Dorothy was talking about Milestones I had a family reenactment because we have similar stories but not have my mom growing up I didn’t grow up with her I grew up with my internet so there were birthdays there were special occasions and he didn’t call me as in my self-esteem I just wasn’t mean and there was a lot of things that I cannot share with her too because of the distance that was one of my observation I think more the word was appetite you know I don’t think it was I think the other observations that I can say I can make from today is altruism was slowly discovering that by just talking about our stories we’re actually helping each other and I think it’s in town helping us so yes there is universality and a lot of Audrey’s name also like at least I can speak for myself that just by sharing my experiences with somebody else like if it’s going to help somebody you know if it’s if it’s going to help somebody then get whatever even if it was not the best of experiences if it’s going to help somebody else that I feel good about you know about sharing it so today in one more thing to say before I’m not even kidding so take that into with this whatever you want to do with it and I think they did pretty good with the time honestly I remember we dr. cook said some of the sessions run between 16 and 90 minutes considering we had so many technical difficulties thanks so much donetta pointing out that actually kind of shocked from number 5 you know in some of our discussion so basically we were able to finish it in 90 minutes thank you so much for setting this up since you’re the one who setting up the meetings we really appreciate

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