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Must be in APA format, minimum 15 pages (but I need 6 pages paper other than cover and reference page)

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  • Background
  • Problem Statement
  • Proposed Solution
  • Future Research Areas




1. Introduction

1.1 Significance of Cyber Attack via Comprised IoT Devices

2. Background of Cyber Attack via Comprised IoT Devices

3. Problem Statement

3.1 Potential attacks on commonly used IoT Devices

3.1.1 Hacking Home Surveillance (Tankovska, 2020) Cameras

3.1.2 Smart Meters

3.1.3 Smart Locks

3.1.4 Alexa

3.1.5 Google Home

4. Proposed Solution

5. Future Research Areas

6. Conclusion

Presentation: (Each slide information)

1. Project Title – Cyber Attacks via Comprised IoT Devices

2. Introduction

3. Background

4-10 slides problem statement (please include all the problems – If you find any include them as well)


In the twenty first century, there are few technologies that are emerging and most in demand. Few of them are Cloud computing, Information security, Ethical Hacking, Data Science and Internet of Things. While the first few are limited by its scope to the commercial Information Technology industry, Internet of Things caters to common people as well. It helps ease the lives of households. The concept of Internet of things is applicable to home surveillance, Smart electric meters, Home bots, digital assistants such as Google Home and Alexa and biometrics. The usage in Internet of things is going to be increased multifold and its business is going to hit close to two trillion (Tankovska, 2020).

With the advent of a path breaking technology and demand, comes the growth in business. This naturally attracts the attackers and hackers to leverage the loopholes and execute malicious activities. This research talks about the Internet of things and its introduction. The background of the paper explains the wide range of attacks happened in the past on the Internet of Devices. The paper focuses on the potential problems that could lead to major losses through compromised Internet of Things. Also the paper walks though the promising solutions to address the potential problems posed to the Internet of Things and maintain the integrity of electronic devices connected to the internet. Since this research paper talks about the current threats and its possible solutions, the following section talks about the potential research areas that could possibly enhance the security of internet of things and provide a permanent fix to the threats that make the electronic internet devices uncompromised.

Tankovska, H. (2020, September 01). statistics/976313/global-iot-market-size. Retrieved from statista:,around%201.6%20trillion%20by%202025.

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