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Help Research Paper need 10 pages excluding references

Topic: Pick an industry/company to focus on for this assignment.  Based upon the given information you can find on the company and any past issues/breaches the company has gone through, create a Crisis Management Plan based on the request format provided below.

Need content as in the below requested format

References requirement

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NOT accept references from Journals or Books.

as well it should be in-text citations and a reference page conforming to APA only

Paper need as below requesting format

Table of Contents
Strategies and Management 3
Risk Analysis 3
Crisis Management Plan 3
Purpose 3
Committee for Crisis Management Planning 3
Crisis Types 3
Structure of the Crisis Management Team 3
Responsibility and Control 3
Implementation Plan 4
Crisis Management Protocols 4
Crisis Management Plan Priorities 4
Conclusions 4
References 4

Paper Title: Subtitle if Any

Your paper starts here with the first paragraph indented. Start by writing a brief background of company and any issues the company has had in the past such as data breaches.

Strategies and Management

Start by discussing the business activities, risk factor activities, reactive risk mitigation strategy, risk management, financial performance and other issues relative to your company.

Risk Analysis

Include the political analysis, environmental analysis and other issues relative to your chosen company

Crisis Management Plan


Type text here

Committee for Crisis Management Planning

Type text here

Crisis Types

Type text here

Structure of the Crisis Management Team

Type text here

Responsibility and Control

Type text here

Paper Title: Subtitle if Any

Implementation Plan

Type text here

Crisis Management Protocols

Type text here

Crisis Management Plan Priorities

Type text here


Type text here

There are no sources in the current document.

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