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 Find a quantitative, a qualitative and a  mixed-method thesis that may be closely related to the selected topic journal on bigdata. Describe the method used, the sample, the population chosen, was there a survey involved, or a set of questions asked as in a qualitative study. Finally, can you identify the problem the thesis tried to examine.



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Mikayla DuBreuil

A thesis submitted to the Faculty of the University of Delaware in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Fashion and
Apparel Studies



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Mikayla DuBreuil

Approved: __________________________________________________________
Sheng Lu, Ph.D.
Professor in charge of thesis on behalf of the Advisory Committee

Approved: ___________________________________________________________
Hye-Shin Kim, Ph.D.
Chair of the Department of Fashion and Apparel Studies

Approved: __________________________________________________________
John Pelesko, Ph.D.
Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences

Approved: __________________________________________________________
Douglas J. Doren, Ph.D.
Interim Vice Provost for Graduate and Professional Education and Dean
of the Graduate College



First, I want to thank Dr. Sheng Lu, my advisor, for providing me the

opportunity to research a topic that is changing the fashion industry and has helped me

grow as a student. I am so grateful for your unparalleled mentorship, constant support,

and critical insight that made this such an exciting, thought-provoking journey. Any

student that has the opportunity to work with Dr. Lu is lucky—he is simply one of the

best! I cannot exaggerate how happy I feel to have been your advisee for the past two


To my committee, Professors Brenda Shaffer and Katya Roelse—thank you for

sharing your insight and helping to make my research a success. Your expertise has

broadened the scope of my study and made it more industry-relevant from both

business and design perspectives.

Additionally, I want to thank Dr. Cao, Director of Graduate Studies, for

encouraging me to pursue the graduate program and making it a reality. I am grateful

for the time he has allowed me to grow these past two years in the University of

Delaware Department of Fashion and Apparel Studies.

Finally, to my friends and family, thank you for your support, smiles, and

laughs along the way. Kendall and Cheyenne—I couldn’t have done it without you



and I’m so glad that graduate school brought us closer together. Mom and Dad, thank

you for your encouragement and for advocating for my success!



LIST OF TABLES…………………………………………………………………….….


LIST OF FIGURES.…………………………………………………………………….viii



  • …………………………………………………………………………………………..1

    1.1 Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………………….1
    1.2 Research Question ………………………………………………………………………………………..3
    1.3 Key Definitions …………………………………………………………………………………………….4


  • …………………………………………………………………………………5

    2.1 Fashion Trend Forecasting and Related Theories. ……………………………………………..5
    2.2 Using Big Data in the Fashion Industry ……………………………………………………………7

    2.3 Debate on the Application of Big Data for Fashion Trend Forecasting ………………..8
    2.4 Summary ……………………………………………………………………………………………………10


  • …………………………………………………………………………………12

    3.1 Data collection ……………………………………………………………………………………………12
    3.2 Data analysis ………………………………………………………………………………………………15

    4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION……………………………………………………..23

    4.1 Descriptive Analysis ……………………………………………………………………………………23
    4.2 Statistical Analysis ………………………………………………………………………………………31




    5.1 Findings……………………………………………………………………………………………………..35
    5.2 Implications………………………………………………………………………………………………..35
    5.3 Future Research Agendas …………………………………………………………………………….





    Table 1.1 Fashion Trend Forecasting Definitions……………………………………………………….4

    Table 3.1 Fashion Trend Forecasts Generated by WGSN ………………………………………….13

    Table 3.2 Fashion Trend Forecast by EDITED: Key Factors Considered ……………………15

    Table 3.3 Fashion Trend Forecast Coding Scheme …………………………………………………..16

    Table 3.4 Pattern definitions ………………………………………………………………………………….17

    Table 3.5 Design details ………………………………………………………………………………………..19

    Table 4.1 WGSN Fashion Trend Forecasts for Womenswear in the U.S. Market in the
    Spring/Summer 2018 Season ………………………………………………………………….23

    Table 4.2 EDITED Fashion Trend Forecasts for Womenswear in the U.S. Market in the
    Spring/Summer 2018 Season ………………………………………………………………….28

    Table 4.3 WGSN and EDITED Trend Forecasts: Results Comparison ……………………….31

    Table 4.4 Results of Independent Sample T-test ………………………………………………………32



    Figure 4.1 Example of WGSN Forecast Coding Illustration (for case #3) ……………………28



    Traditionally, fashion trend forecasting is conducted through a human-based process

    that relies heavily on designers’ artistic viewpoints. However, with the emergence of data

    science and the increasing availability of data inputs from consumers, the possibility of

    using big data tools to forecast fashion trends is attracting growing interest among the

    academia and practitioners in the fashion


    This study empirically evaluated the similarities and differences of the results of

    traditional human-based fashion trend forecasts with the ones generated by a big data

    tool. Based on the comparison of 20 paired fashion trend forecasts for womenswear in the

    U.S. retail market during the 2018 Spring/Summer Season (S/S 2018) generated by

    WGSN (i.e., tradtional human-based approach for trend forecasting) and EDITED (i.e., a

    fashion big data tool) and by using the independent sample t-test, the study finds that:

    First, WGSN and EDITED were able to generate very similar trend forecasts for the

    pattern. Second, WGSN and EDITED were able to generate overall similar trend

    forecasts for the color. Third, the forecast results by WGSN and EDITED for the design

    details were the least similar statistically.

    The findings of this study fulfill a critical research gap regarding the feasibility of

    using big data for fashion companies’ creative activity. Particularly, the findings suggest

    the great potential of using big data tools to aid fashion companies’ forecasts and the


    creation of new products. Additionally, the results of the study significantly increase our

    knowledge of the benefits and limitations of using big data in fashion forecasting.


  • Chapter 1
    1.1 Introduction

    Fashion trend forecasting, which refers to the profession of envisioning future trends

    in style and foreseeing consumers’ desires, is crucial to fashion companies’ business

    success (Rousso, 2012; Furukawa, Miura, Mori, Uchida, & Hasegawa,



    companies use inputs from the trend forecasts to create products that are appealing to

    consumers, drive retail sales, and reduce excess inventory (Jackson, 2007).

    Traditionally, fashion trend forecasting is done through a human-based process of

    examining artistic viewpoints, culture, societal attitudes, and current events to predict

    future trends (Grammenos, 2015). In this process, fashion forecasters collect and analyze

    inspiration to translate it into themes, design details, colors, and patterns that will be

    popular in the next season (Rousso, 2012). Creativity is considered central to this process

    as consumers desire originality and uniqueness (Ming Law, Zhang, & Leung,


    However, traditional fashion trend forecasts created by designers also face

    limitations and critics. For example, some criticize traditional fashion trend forecasting as

    ‘opinionated guesswork’ due to designers’ tendencies to rely on their ‘gut feel’ to predict

    trends (Tehrani & Ahrens, 2016; Fox, Graul, & Peng, 2018). Particularly, it is of concern

    that the traditional designer-based fashion trend forecast involves high business risk


    because of designers’ over-reliance on their artistic vision and too little inputs from the

    commercial point-of-view (Visual Next, 2018; Israeli & Avery, 2018).

    The shortcomings of the traditional approach of forecasting fashion trends along

    with the emergence of data science have inspired fashion companies to explore new ways

    of trend forecasting (Israeli & Avery, 2018; Chaudhuri, 2018). Big data typically refers to

    large data sets that require advanced computational tools to analyze (Merriam-Webster,

    2019). Fashion retailers have been actively using big data to support their business

    operations (Fox et al., 2018). Big data tools, in particular, have demonstrated

    effectiveness in helping fashion companies improve product assortment for targeted

    markets, more accurately predict future sales, and optimize inventories across all selling

    channels (Fox et al., 2018). In comparison, the use of big data to support fashion

    companies’ creative activities, such as trend forecasting, remains nascent, yet promising

    (Choi & Hui, 2011; Ren, Chan, & Ram, 2017). Potentially, big data tools could create

    fashion forecasts and reveal patterns, trends, and predictions in consumer preferences by

    leveraging the breadth and large quantities of data and advanced analysis (Joshi, 2018,

    para. 2; Ren et al., 2017). These insights may allow fashion companies to more accurately

    forecast what particular apparel patterns or colors will be market-popular, as well as the

    duration of these trends (Joshi, 2018). Nevertheless, the extent to which big data tools can

    be used to forecast fashion trends effectively remains largely unknown (Gaimster, 2012;

    Sun & Zhao, 2018).


    1.2 Research Question

    Given the growing interest in exploring the use of big data for creative activities

    in the fashion industry and the lack of existing research on the topic, this empirical

    study intends to compare the results of traditional designer-based fashion trend

    forecasts with the trend forecasts generated by big-data, focusing on evaluating

    their similarities and differences. The study is important because:

    First, current literature on the use of big data tools in fashion companies focuses

    on merchandising strategies such as improving product assortments, markdown

    optimization, and producing sales forecasts (Joshi, 2018; Visual Next, 2018). Whereas,

    the results of this study will significantly increase our knowledge of the benefits and

    limitations of big data as a creative tool to fashion forecast. Second, both fashion

    companies and educational institutions can benefit from this study by gaining a greater

    understanding of how technology and data are changing the fashion industry, as well as

    the role of creativity and traditional methods in fashion forecasting. Additionally, the

    findings of the study will produce valuable empirical results that can inform how

    business-minded individuals, creatives, and educators alike can maximize the usage of

    big-data based fashion trend forecasting as well as traditional methods.


    1.3 Key Definitions

    For the purpose of this research, we define the following terms, as shown in Table


    Table 1.1 Fashion Trend Forecasting Definitions

    Terms Definition

    Fashion Trend

    “the practice of predicting upcoming trends based on past and

    present style-related information, the interpretation and analysis

    of the motivation behind a trend, and an explanation of why the

    prediction is likely to occur” (Rousso, 2012, p. 296)

    Traditional Fashion
    Trend Forecasting

    Fashion trend forecasting, which is produced by humans through

    creative methods, where artistic viewpoints, culture, societal

    attitudes, and current events serve as inspiration (Grammenos,


    Big-data based
    Fashion Trend

    Fashion trend forecasting, which is generated by big data tools

    through artificial intelligence and quantitative analysis

    (EDITED, 2019).


  • Chapter 2

    This section will go over the pertinent fashion theories, the current application of

    big data in the fashion industry, and critically evaluate the possibility of using big data as

    an alternative to the traditional designer-based approach to forecast fashion trends from a

    theoretical perspective.

    2.1 Fashion Trend Forecasting and Related Theories.

    Conventional fashion forecasting is based on human-centric methods, where

    forecasters examine the world around them—from culture, business, and arts to science

    and technology (Gaimster, 2012). Typically, the forecasters would gather inspirations

    from multiple design disciplines to spur creative thinking and predict consumers’ desires.

    Forecasters are required to gain deep cultural insights into upcoming trends and to predict

    trends through curtailing gathered information on existing fashions (Gaimster, 2012).

    Ultimately, fashion forecasters’ role is to recognize upcoming trends, produce trend

    reports, and provide methods of implementation to improve business’ product lines and

    sales (Kim, Fiore & Kim, 2013).


    Fashion theories suggest that three aspects, namely color, pattern, and design

    details, are the most critical components for trend forecasting (Blaszcyk & Wubs, 2018;

    Jackson, 2007). First of all, color (such as blue, yellow and red) is essential to fashion

    trend forecasting since it is a building block for creating trend-right, and top-selling

    designs (Blaszcyk & Wubs, 2018). Studies find that when shopping for clothing, both

    online and offline, consumers are often initially attracted to a garment by its color (Park,

    Kim, Funches, & Foxx, 2012). Through differentiating the fashion colors that will be

    popular either long-term throughout the whole season or short-term that rapidly rise,

    peak, and fizzle out, companies will be able to place the right product design at the right

    time in the market (King, 2012, p. 540). Empirical studies also suggest that the accuracy

    of color forecasting can be critical to a garment’s ultimate success in retail sales (Choi,

    Hui, Ng, & Yu, 2012).

    The second aspect is the pattern (such as stripes, spots, and checks), which refers

    to ‘a repeated decorative design that can be printed, stitched or woven into a fabric’

    (Ambrose & Harris, 2007, p.182). Like the color, the pattern also plays a vital role in

    fashion trend forecasting since it is another primary clothing attribute that influences a

    consumer’s purchasing decision (Rousso, 2012). For example, in 2018, garments and

    footwear that used leopard print proliferated among young consumers, helping fashion

    brands and retailers that carried such products achieve substantial business success (Yau,

    2018). As another evidence of the importance of trend forecasting for pattern, data

    indicates that apparel featuring floral and lace patterns overall achieved a higher


    inventory turnover and greater profit margins than those with spots and stripes patterns in

    the U.S. retail market between 2017 and 2018 (EDITED,


    The third aspect is the design details, which refer to the fabric type and shape of

    the clothing, such as denim for fabric and a round neck for shape (Jackson, 2007). The

    design details affect nearly every product offering, from jackets to dresses, making it a

    crucial component of fashion trend forecasting (Resnick & Montania, 2003). Successful

    forecasting for design details further allows retailers to maximize profits by

    implementing them in multiple styles for a period that may even extend beyond the

    current season (Jackson, 2007).

    2.2 Using Big Data in the Fashion Industry

    With the increasing availability of data inputs and the advancement of related

    analysis tools, fashion companies have begun to take advantage of the threshold of

    opportunities provided by big data to improve their business operations (Thomassey &

    Zeng, 2018). Studies show that the current application of big data by fashion companies

    is particularly popular in the business aspects, such as demand forecasting, pricing

    optimization, supply chain management, and consumer behavior analysis (Silva, Hassani,

    & Madsen, 2019). Scholars from multiple academic disciplines also have been

    developing mathematical models and algorithms to explore new ways of using big data to

    solve specific fashion business problems, such as improving speed to market and

    controlling the inventory level (Choi & Hui, 2011; Ren, Chan, & Ram, 2017; Boone,

    Ganeshan, Jain, & Sanders, 2019). For example, Choi & Hui (2011) develops the


    Extreme Learning Machine Fast Forecasting model to yield more accurate sales demand

    forecasts for fashion companies based on inputs from a wide selection of sales data at the

    stock keeping unit (SKU) level. Similarly, Pantano, Giglio, & Dennis (2019) use machine

    learning to analyze social inputs from consumers’ tweets rather than sales data to

    understand the popularity of different fashion brands. However, the research methods

    applied and the source of data used by the existing studies varied significantly, making it

    challenging to compare the results and evaluate their application values to the fashion


    On the other hand, a growing number of big data analysis tools dedicated to the

    fashion apparel sector, such as EDITED and Trendalytics, are launched to the market.

    These tools, in general, allow fashion companies to more effectively leverage data

    collected from multiple sources, such as social media and e-commerce websites, to

    improve their decision makings in product assortment and pricing (EDITED, 2019;

    Trendalytics, 2019). Despite these big data tools’ popularity among industry users,

    however, their usage by academic studies remains rare.

    2.3 Debate on the Application of Big Data for Fashion Trend Forecasting

    Compared with its much broader application in the business aspects, the use of

    big data for fashion trend forecasting as a creative activity is still at its nascent stage, yet

    remains promising (Choi et al., 2014; Israeli & Avery, 2018; & Ren et al., 2017). On the

    one hand, some studies suggest that because consumers’ fashion taste stays relatively

    stable over time, it is feasible to use historical data such as purchasing history to predict


    what fashion patterns, colors or styles consumers may like in the future (Gaimster, 2012;

    Israeli & Avery, 2018). The studies advocating the potential of big data-based fashion

    trend forecasting also emphasize the ability of data science to target upcoming trends and

    allow companies to more quickly create popular and best-selling items based on concrete

    numbers (Joshi, 2018). Particularly, based on leveraging intelligence contained in

    historical records, the big data-driven trend forecasting provides companies with

    opportunities to gain more insights into the market dynamics, and better understand

    consumers’ tastes, wants and lifestyles, helping to improve the accuracy of trend

    forecasting than otherwise (Brannon, 2010; Chaudhuri, 2018). Further, some pioneering

    studies have proposed theoretical procedures and methods to use big data tools for trend

    forecasting in specific areas, such as color, although few empirical research using real

    market data has been conducted so far (Gu & Liu, 2010; Thomassey & Zeng, 2018).

    However, the big data-driven trend forecasting does not come without concerns

    and challenges. First, despite its powerful advanced machine learning techniques, big

    data has demonstrated difficulty in understanding and processing critical cultural factors

    that influence fashion trends, such as societal attitudes, movements in politics, ethics,

    emotion, and aesthetics (McDowell, 2019). Second, since big data does not have original

    creative thinking skills or an aesthetic perspective, it is of concern that big-data based

    trend forecasts may not be able to satisfy consumers’ desires for fresh, out-of-the-box

    designs (Ming Law et al., 2004). Additionally, even a small and medium-sized retailer

    today could carry hundreds of thousands of clothing in different categories, styles,

    patterns and colors (EDITED, 2019). Such a large number of apparel items newly


    released or sold every season makes it highly challenging for big data to pinpoint and

    narrow down what design details will be the most popular, given the similar data inputs

    used to generate the forecasts (Arte, 2017).

    2.4 Summary

    In summary, currently, there is no consensus regarding the possibility and

    reliability of using big-data tool generated fashion trend forecasting over the traditional

    fashion designer-based methods. The studies advocating the potential of big data

    frequently emphasize the ability of data science that can quickly target upcoming trends

    and allow companies to create popular, best-selling items based on concrete numbers

    (Joshi, 2018; Israeli & Avery, 2018). However, other research contends that big-data

    based fashion trend forecasts can be unreliable due to its limitations to assess cultural

    data and satisfy consumers’ desire for the original product (Ming Law et al., 2004).

    Studies that support traditional trend forecasting methods further stress the importance of

    forward-thinking designers due to the unpredictable nature of fashion (Ming Law et al.,


    Additionally, despite the heated debate, there is a lack of empirical studies that

    evaluate the effectiveness of big-data based fashion trend forecasting compared with

    traditional fashion trend forecasting methods.

    This study will fulfill these critical research gaps, and provide fashion retailers

    and academic institutions a greater understanding of the possibility, reliability, benefits,

    and limitations of using big data tools to forecast fashion trends. Overall, the empirical


    results of this study will enhance fashion retailers’ fashion trend forecasting decisions as

    well as academic institutions’ curriculum on big data and fashion trend forecasting.


  • Chapter 3

    Given the competing theoretical views regarding the feasibility and effectiveness

    of using big-data tools for fashion trend forecasting and the lack of empirical studies, this

    study intends to fulfill this research gap. Specifically, the study will focus on evaluating

    the similarities and differences of the results of fashion trend forecasts generated by the

    traditional approach versus those based on using the big-data tool.

    3.1 Data collection

    For fashion trend forecasts generated in a traditional approach, this study

    collected data from WGSN, a world-renowned service provider for fashion trend

    forecasting (WGSN, 2019). WGSN’s trend analysis is consistently cited throughout

    academic literature as one of the most trusted sources for traditional fashion forecasts

    (Jackson, 2007; Rousso, 2012).

    Specifically, based on data availability, this study used all the 20 fashion trend

    forecasts created by WGSN for womenswear in the Spring/Summer 2018 (S/S 18) season

    targeting the U.S. retail market. Notably, the United States is one of the largest apparel

    consumption markets in the world, and womenswear typically accounts for over 60

    percent of apparel products available in the market (EDITED, 2019).


    As shown in Table 3.1, each of these 20 forecasts focuses on a particular product

    category (such as ‘Dresses & Skirts’) during a specific time-segment of the S/S 18 season

    (such as ‘Spring transitional’).

    Table 3.1 Fashion Trend Forecasts Generated by WGSN

    Case Market Season Product category

    1 Womenswear Spring Transitional Trousers & Shorts

    2 Womenswear Spring Transitional Jackets & Outerwear

    3 Womenswear Spring Transitional Swimwear

    4 Womenswear Spring Transitional Dresses & Skirts

    5 Womenswear Spring Transitional Knitwear

    6 Womenswear Spring, Mid-Spring & Festival Trousers & Shorts

    7 Womenswear Spring, Mid-Spring & Festival Jackets & Outerwear

    8 Womenswear Spring, Mid-Spring & Festival Swimwear

    9 Womenswear Spring, Mid-Spring & Festival Dresses & Skirts

    10 Womenswear Spring, Mid-Spring & Festival Knitwear

    11 Womenswear Summer & High Summer Woven Tops

    12 Womenswear Summer & High Summer Trousers & Shorts

    13 Womenswear Summer & High Summer Jackets & Outerwear

    14 Womenswear Summer & High Summer Dresses & Skirts

    15 Womenswear Summer & High Summer Knitwear

    16 Womenswear Summer Transitional Swimwear


    17 Womenswear Summer Transitional Trousers & Shorts

    18 Womenswear Summer Transitional Jackets & Outerwear

    19 Womenswear Summer Transitional Dresses & Skirts

    20 Womenswear Summer Transitional Knitwear

    Data source: WGSN (2019)

    In correspondence with these 20 traditional fashion trend forecasts, we generated

    another 20 comparative trend forecasts by using EDITED, a big data tool, which covers

    the real-time pricing, inventory and assortment information of over 30 million apparel

    products at the SKU level sold by more than 90,000 brands and retailers in the U.S.

    market since 2016 (EDITED, 2019). Each trend forecast generated by EDITED focused

    on the exact same product category of womenswear targeting the U.S. market during the

    exact same time segment of the S/S 18 season as their paired WGSN forecast. As

    explained in Table 3.2, when using these millions of data points to generate trend

    forecasts, we asked EDITED to consider three factors deemed as the most critical for

    market-popular fashion items, including inventory level, retail price and markdown, and

    frequency of replenishment (Sterlacci & Arbuckle, 2009; Heching, Gallego, & van

    Ryzin, 2002; Burns, Mullet

    & Bryant, 2016).


    Table 3.2 Fashion Trend Forecast by EDITED: Key Factors Considered

    Factors Justification

    Inventory level The apparel items need to maintain a high inventory level and

    always be in-stock during the examined period. The high stock level

    implies that retailers were willing to carry these items because of

    their popularity among consumers (Sterlacci & Arbuckle, 2009;

    Balar, Malviya, Prasad, & Gangurde, 2013).

    Pricing and


    The apparel items were always sold at the full price during the

    examined period, which implies that retailers did not need to use

    markdown to drive more sales because of the genuine popularity of

    the items (Heching, Gallego, & van Ryzin, 2002).

    Replenishment The apparel items need to be replenished at least once during the

    examined period. Having replenishment suggests that retailers

    intended to carry sufficient inventories and avoid stockout for these

    items because of their popularity among consumers (Burns, Mullet,

    & Bryant, 2016).

    Note: For the purpose of the study, in addition to the factors stated above, the apparel
    items shall also meet the following criteria: 1) womenswear; 2) sold in the U.S. retail

    3.2 Data analysis

    Following Jackson (2007)’s principles of fashion forecasting, this study first

    conducted a content analysis of each of these 40 paired trend forecasts (i.e., 20 generated

    by WGSN and 20 generated by EDITED) and coded their respective predictions for the


    color (such as ‘red’ and ‘green’), patterns (such as ‘Long Sleeve’ and ‘V-neck’) and

    design details (such as ‘Stripes’). To generate objective and unbiased results, we

    developed a coding scheme based on EDITED’s handbook for key terms and the industry

    common practices as detailed in Table 3.3 (Saldana, 2015). Tables 3.4 and 3.5 specify

    definitions for pattern and design details.

    Table 3.3 Fashion Trend Forecast Coding Scheme

    Design details Pattern Color

    Long Sleeve Plain Black

    Peter Pan Collar Patterns Grey

    Round Neck Stripes Maroon

    V Neck Spots Red

    Flat Checks Pink

    Heeled Floral Fuchsia

    3/4 Length Sleeve Lace Purple

    Beading Animal Blue

    Denim Camo Navy

    Fringing Conversational Teal

    Jewels/Gems Aztec Aqua

    Leather (incl faux leather) Geometric Green

    Longline Graphic Lime

    Maxi/Long Length Tile Yellow


    Metallic Paisley Orange

    Metallic Abstract Copper

    Mini Length/Size Brown

    Peplum Gold

    Sequins Neutral

    Sleeveless Silver

    Tropical Pattern White


    Table 3.4 Pattern definitions

    Patterns Definition

    Refers to garments that contain no pattern (i.e. solid in color with no



    (EDITED, 2019).

    Refers to garments that contain a pattern (i.e. displays a recurring

    motif) (EDITED, 2019).

    Stripes “Parallel bands of color” (EDITED, 2019).

    Spots “Uniform circles that repeat themselves” (EDITED,2019).

    “Gridded prints such as houndstooth, tartan or gingham” (EDITED,



    “Prints that have flowers, including tropical but excluding lace”

    (EDITED, 2019).

    Lace “The fabric of lace or the print of lace (EDITED, 2019).

    “Garment is made to resemble the pattern of the skin and fur of

    an animal such as a leopard, cheetah or zebra” (EDITED, 2019).



    “Design of irregular patches of dull colours (such as browns and

    greens), as used in military camouflage” (EDITED, 2019).


    “Any print with a recognizable picture in it, such as cats, birds or

    stars” (EDITED, 2019).

    Aztec “Tribal inspired patterns” (EDITED, 2019).


    “Geometry is the use of straight lines and shapes to create a pattern.

    For example, a garment printed with rectangles, hexagons or

    squares” (EDITED, 2019).


    “Logos, images or text normally placement printed on the front centre

    of the garment” (EDITED, 2019).


    “Normally flowery design within a grid repeated over and over”

    (EDITED, 2019).

    “A droplet-shaped motif of Persian origin” (Ambrose & Harris, 2007,


    “The opposite of geometric. Painterly, abstract patterns” (EDITED,


    Note: Pattern refers to “a repeated decorative design that can be printed, stitched or
    woven into a fabric” (Ambrose & Harris, 2007, p.182). For pattern identification,
    EDITED uses powerful image recognition software to analyze the product’s image and
    notes the listed name of the pattern on the retailer’s website (EDITED, 2019).


    Table 3.5 Design details

    Design details Definition

    Long Sleeve “a part of a garment covering an arm,” from shoulder to wrist

    (Merriam-Webster, 2019).

    Peter Pan


    “a usually small flat close-fitting collar with rounded ends

    that meet at the top in front” (Merriam-Webster, 2019).

    Round Neck a circlular-shaped neck of a garment (Merriam-Webster,


    V Neck “a V-shaped neck of a garment” (Merriam-Webster, 2019).

    Flat “of a shoe heel : very low and broad” (Merriam-Webster,


    Heeled “an element called a top piece that is added to the rear end of

    the sole of a shoe, lifting the back of the shoe away from the

    ground” (Ambrose & Harris, 2007, p.130).




    “a part of a garment covering an arm,” from shoulder to mid-

    forearm (Merriam-Webster, 2019).

    Beading “Beads that are attached to a fabric for decorative or other

    purposes” (Ambrose & Harris, 2007, p. 34).

    Denim “Durable, cotton fabric, primarily used to make jeans” (Ambrose

    & Harris, 2007, p. 90).


    Fringing “an ornamental border consisting of short straight or twisted

    threads or strips hanging from cut or raveled edges or from a

    separate band” (Merriam-Webster, 2019).

    Jewels/Gems “Decorative objects worn on the person or clothes, often made

    with precious metals such as gold, silver and platinum and

    gemstones “ (Ambrose & Harris, 2007, p. 142).

    Leather (incl

    faux leather)

    A material produced from the tanned hides and skins of many

    different animals, but usually cattle, sheep, pig and goat

    (Ambrose & Harris, 2007, p. 151).

    Longline Hems that are longer than the normal length for a particular

    garment (Rayment, 2015).



    “an ankle-length skirt” (Ambrose & Harris, 2007, p. 169).

    Metallic “resembling metal: such as having iridescent and reflective

    properties” (Merriam-Webster, 2019).



    “A short skirt with a hemline that is typically at least 20cm or

    eight inches above the knee” (Ambrose & Harris, 2007, p. 169).

    Peplum “a short section attached to the waistline of a blouse, jacket, or

    dress” (Merriam-Webster, 2019).

    Sequins “a small plate of shining metal or plastic used for

    ornamentation especially on clothing” (Merriam-Webster,



    Sleeveless Apparel without “a part of a garment covering an arm”

    (Merriam-Webster, 2019).



    Prints that resemble tropical environments, such as “plants,

    fruits, and animals” (The Fashion Folks, 2016).

    Velvet “A tufted fabric made from silk, cotton or synthetic fibres with

    evenly distributed cut threads to give a short, dense pile“

    (Ambrose & Harris, 2007, p.107)

    Note: “Design details” refers to aspects of a garment’s shape and fabric type (Jackson,
    2007). Examples of garment shape include necklines, hem lengths, and collars (Rousso,
    To locate products with specific design details, EDITED searches for products that
    include the term in its description (EDITED, 2019).

    Then, we rated the degree of similarities of the results of the paired trend forecasts

    generated by WGSN and EDITED according to the following coding scheme:

    • Value=2 (Very similar): EDITED’s forecast matched more than 50% of WGSN’s


    • Value =1(Similar): EDITED’s forecast matched some but less than 50% of WGSN’s


    • Value =0 (Different): EDITED’s forecast matched none of WGSN’s forecast

    Next, we used the independent samples t-test for the rating scores in the previous

    step to evaluate how statistically significant is the similarity of WGSN and EDITED’s

    fashion trend forecasts (Ott & Longnecker, 2015). The independent samples t-test is


    widely used by researchers to determine whether the means of variables between two

    different groups are significantly different (such as North, de Vos, & Kotze, 2003 and

    Jung & Shen, 2011). For this study, the WGSN forecasts and EDITED forecasts were the

    two independent groups while the rating scores for the color, pattern, and design details

    served as the variables for mean comparisons.


    Chapter 4


    4.1 Descriptive Analysis

    Table 4.1WGSN Fashion Trend Forecasts for Womenswear in the U.S. Market in the
    Spring/Summer 2018 Season

    Case Design Details Patterns Colors

    1 Denim Plain, Stripes White, Neutral, Brown,

    Grey, Black

    2 long sleeve, VNeck,

    Sleeveless, Leather,



    Plain Black, Grey, Neutral,

    Brown, White

    3 metallic, round neck,


    plain, abstract,


    red, copper, neutral,

    brown, white, green,

    black, silver

    4 long sleeve, maxi/long

    length, mini length/size

    plain, checks,


    blue, brown, white,

    neutral, black

    5 long sleeve, round neck

    stripes, plain,


    brown, white, red,

    neutrals, blue

    6 Denim plain black, white, brown,


    7 long sleeve, denim lace red, pink, orange, blue,

    navy, white, brown


    8 sleeveless, fringing, v

    neck, round


    geometric, stripes,

    lace, floral, tile

    black, white, red, pink,

    orange, blue, navy,


    9 round neck, maxi/long

    length, long sleeve,


    plain, stripes, lace red, pink, orange, blue,

    navy, white, copper,

    black, brown

    10 long sleeve, fringing stripes, plain blue, white, red, pink,

    orange, navy, brown

    11 Longline, tropical pattern,


    Stripes, plain, floral White, black, pink,



    12 Tropical pattern Floral, plain Black, pink, green,



    13 Maxi/long length, tropical


    Floral, plain Teal, green, neutral,

    pink, blue

    14 Maxi/long length, long

    sleeve, ¾ sleeve, v neck

    plain White, blue, neutral,



    15 Long Sleeve, VNeck,

    Maxi/long length, round

    neck, sleeveless

    Plain, stripe Pink, blue, navy,


    16 Metallic plain Black, white, neutral,

    maroon, copper

    17 Others* plain Purple, gray, black,


    18 Denim, longline, long


    plain Blue, navy, black,


    19 Maxi/long length plain Black, blue, grey,

    maroon, neutral


    20 Longline, VNeck, Long


    Plain, stripes Blue, neutral, white,


    Note *: No design details match options listed in Table 2.1; analyzed based on trend
    forecasts from WGSN (2019)

    The coded WGSN spring 2018 forecasts are summarized in Table 4.1. A detailed

    coding example is illustrated in Figure 4.1.

    According to the results, first, overall, most fashion trends seem short-lived and

    unstable, with few spanning the entirety of the S/S 18 season. While a few key trends in

    design details, pattern, and color were suggested to stay throughout spring, many other

    trends were concentrated into shorter, distinct time periods, such as ‘Spring Transitional’

    and ‘Summer & High Summer.’ This result is far from surprising. As suggested by

    previous studies, specific design details, color, and pattern are often isolated to certain

    time periods of the season due to weather or social events. Jackson (2007) describes these

    time periods as ‘user occasions’ or when shoppers seek an item due to changing lifestyle

    activities, weather, or special events. For example, retailers consistently offer a surplus of

    festive party dresses in December to accommodate for the holidays (Blaszcyk & Wubs,

    2018). Likewise, WGSN forecasted that ‘tropical pattern design details, floral patterns,

    and pink, green, and blue colors’ were going to be popular for women’s trousers & shorts

    during ‘Summer & High Summer’ in S/S 18—a period when many consumers go on

    tropical vacations or to the beach. Therefore, to satisfy the ‘user occasion’ of going on

    tropical vacations or to the beach, these trend predictions were isolated to ‘Summer &

    High Summer,’ rather than the entirety of S/S 18, consistent with Jackson’s (2007) trend

    theory. Understandably, it is not rare to see fashion retailers constantly add new products


    during different periods in a season to accommodate consumers’ desire for freshness and

    novelty (Ming Law et al., 2004).

    Second, among the three dimensions of fashion trend forecasts examined, the

    pattern had the highest trend stability, whereas the design details seem to be most

    unpredictable. For instance, as shown in Table 3, the pattern ‘plain’ is present in almost

    every forecast, and the pattern ‘stripes’ is present in nearly half of the forecasts,

    evidencing their relative stability throughout the S/S 18 season. By contrast, most

    individual design details are present in less than 20 percent of the total forecasts for the

    S/S 18 season, suggesting the propensity of design details to be much less predictable.

    Additionally, it is interesting to see color forecasts demonstrate the greatest diverse

    results with a greater number of predictions than either design details or patterns.

    Furthermore, the results of trend forecasts seem to vary substantially among

    product categories. For example, of all product categories examined, knitwear appeared

    to have the most stable trends—with ‘stripes, and plain patterns, long sleeve design

    details, and blue color’ predicted to be popular throughout the S/S 18 season. Since

    knitwear is often made up of classics or staple garments that serve to be worn year after

    year (Brannon, 2005, p. 62), trends in the design details, pattern, and color for knitwear

    understandably were forecasted to be more consistent. By contrast, swimwear, along with

    jackets and outerwear, had the most variability in trend, with almost none predicting

    trends that lasted all season. Since swimwear is worn less frequently and is often bought

    for short trips or vacations, its designs are typically unique with a relatively higher trend

    variability across different periods (Brannon, 2005, p. 61).



    Figure 4.1 Example of WGSN Forecast Coding Illustration (for case #3)

    Table 4.2 EDITED Fashion Trend Forecasts for Womenswear in the U.S. Market in the
    Spring/Summer 2018 Season

    Case Design Details Patterns Colors

    1 Denim plain, stripes, floral,

    Black, white, grey, navy,

    blue, brown

    2 Leather, long sleeve, denim

    Plain, stripes, floral,


    Black, white, blue, navy,


    3 No result* plain, stripes, Aztec,


    Black, white, blue,

    brown, pink, grey, red

    4 Sleeveless, mini length/size,
    V Neck

    plain, lace, floral,


    Blacks, white, pink,

    grey, red, blue, navy

    5 long sleeve, round neck, V

    Plain, graphic,

    stripes, aztec

    Black, white, grey, blue,


    6 Denim Stripes, floral, checks Black, white, grey, blue


    7 Long sleeve Plain, checks, floral,

    graphic, stripes,


    Black, white, navy, blue,


    8 No result*

    Plain, floral, stripes,


    Black, white, blue, pink,

    brown, green

    9 V neck, sleeveless, mini

    length/size, maxi/long


    Plain, floral, lace,


    Black, white, pink, blue,

    red, grey

    10 Long sleeve, round neck, V

    neck, sleeveless, metallic

    Plain, graphic, stripes Black, white, grey

    11 V neck, long sleeve,

    Plain, floral, stripes,

    checks, graphic

    Black, white, navy, blue,

    neutral, yellow, green

    12 No result*

    Plain, stripes, checks,

    floral, spots

    Black, blue, navy, white,

    neutral, green

    13 Long sleeve, leather Plain, checks, stripes,


    Black, blue, grey, white,

    green, navy, pink,


    14 Sleeveless, V neck, mini

    length/size, maxi/long

    Plain, lace, floral,


    Black, navy, white, blue,

    pink, red, neutral

    15 Sleeveless, long sleeve,

    round neck, V neck

    Plain, stripes, floral,

    Black, neutral, white,

    pink, navy, grey, blue

    16 No result* Plain, floral, stripes Black, white, orange,

    blue, navy, pink

    17 No result* Plain, floral, stripes Black, navy, grey, blue,

    brown, green, white

    18 Long sleeve Plain, checks, stripes,


    Black, blue, green,

    brown, navy, grey

    19 V neck, mini length/size,

    long sleeve

    Plain, lace, floral,

    Black, navy, red, blue,

    maroon, white


    20 Long sleeve, round neck, V

    Plain, stripes, checks,

    floral, lace

    Black, neutral, grey,

    brown, pink, white,


    Data source: Coded based on trend forecasts by EDITED (2019). The coding scheme is
    detailed in Table 3.3
    Note*: EDITED was unable to pinpoint a clear design detail to be popular in the market.

    Table 4.2 summarizes the coded EDITED forecasts for womenswear in the U.S.

    market during the S/S 18 season. Compared with the forecast results produced by

    WGSN, trend forecasts generated by EDITED, as a big data tool, appeared to be much

    more stable and coherent, with most trends spanning the entirety of the S/S 18 season.

    This result, however, is far from surprising. Notably, EDITED-based trend forecasts used

    popular selling items in the market as inputs, which include not only trendy apparel but

    also basic fashion (EDITED, 2019). For instance, basic wardrobe essentials, such as a

    pair of work slacks or a black dress, often generate stable sales revenue for retailers,

    whereas few retailers carry trendy items only to avoid high business risks (Israeli &

    Avery, 2018). Additionally, the results of the EDITED forecasts are based on items that

    had been replenished in the stock frequently enough, evidence that the item has been

    consistently popular in the market and thus is more likely to look ‘similar’ in fashion

    trends throughout the season (Burns, Mullet, & Bryant, 2016).

    Specifically, for the S/S 18 season womenswear fashion trends in the U.S. retail

    market generated by EDITED:

    First, the forecast result for the color is the most stable among all the three

    dimensions examined. It is interesting to note that almost all forecasts, regardless of the


    clothing type and sub-season, contain basic colors—‘black’ and ‘white’ in their trend

    predictions (Min, 2015). Beyond basic colors, EDITED also identifies ‘blue’ and ‘pink’

    to be popular throughout the S/S 18 season. The lack of color diversity in EDITED’s

    forecast results echoes the concerns that generating inspirational, creative color palettes

    could be a weakness of big data-based fashion forecasts (Tehrani & Ahrens, 2016).

    Second, the pattern forecasts by EDITED overall displayed more diversity than

    the results by WGSN. For example, Table 4.1 and Table 4.2 show that for a particular

    category of womenswear in the U.S. market during a particular sub-season in S/S 18,

    EDITED typically forecasts 3-4 patterns to be popular compared with only 2-3 generated

    by WGSN. A possible explanation for the greater pattern diversity of the EDITED

    forecasts is that big data tools can more easily monitor the popularity of all patterns

    available in the market simultaneously, whereas humans can only validate pattern trend

    predictions in a much narrower scope once at a time (Rousso, 2012).

    Additionally, the trend forecasts by EDITED have fewer variations among

    product categories than the results of WGSN. As shown in Table 4.2, except for the fad-

    oriented swimwear, the EDITED-generated trend forecasts for other product categories

    were fairly consistent and interconnected across different sub-seasons in S/S 18.

    4.2 Statistical Analysis

    Table 4.3 WGSN and EDITED Trend Forecasts: Results Comparison

    Similarity/Content Design Details Patterns Colors

    Very Similar 30% (N=6) 85% (N=17) 55% (N=11)

    Similar 40% (N=8) 15% (N=3) 45% (N=9)


    Different 30% (N=6) 0% (N=0) 0% (N=0)

    As summarized in Table 4.3, the similarity in the results of trend forecasts

    generated by WGSN and EDITED varied across the three dimensions examined.

    Specifically, the forecasts for the design details by the two approaches turned out to be

    the least similar with 30% (N=6) cases being totally ‘different’ (i.e., EDITED’s forecast

    matched none of WGSN’s forecast). In comparison, the forecasts for the color and pattern

    shared more common outcomes, with no cases being totally ‘different.’ Meanwhile,

    WGSN and EDITED’s predictions for the pattern had the highest degree of similarity

    overall, with 85% (N=17) cases being classified as ‘very similar’ (i.e., EDITED’s

    forecast matched more than 50% of WGSN’s forecast). Likewise, the WGSN and

    EDITED forecasts for the color matched well too, with over half of the cases (55%,

    N=11) being classified as ‘very similar.’

    Table 4.4 Results of Independent Samples T-test

    Variables/Hypothesis Mean=0 Mean=1 Mean=1.5 Mean=2

    Design Details 5.627**








    Pattern 22.584**








    Color 13.581** 4.819** 0.4381 -3.943**


    (0.00) (0.00) (0.666) (0.01)

    **: p<.01 at the 99% confidence level; *: p<.05 at the 95% confidence level

    To further statistically evaluate the degree of similarity between the forecast

    results generated by WGSN and EDITED, we conducted the independent sample T-test

    on the 20 paired trend forecasts (i.e., a total of 40 trend forecasts listed in Table 4.1 and

    Table 4.2). The result of the test is shown in Table 4.4. Specifically:

    First, according to the results, we rejected the null hypothesis that the mean value

    for “design details” can be 0 (p=0.00), 1.5 (p=0.01) and 2 (p=0.00) at the 99% confidence

    level. However, we could not reject the null hypothesis that the mean value for design

    details is 1 (p=1.00>0.05) at the 99% confidence level, meaning WGSN and EDITED’s

    forecasts for design details are statistically ‘similar’. Second, we rejected the null

    hypothesis that the mean value for pattern can be 0 (p=0.00), 1 (p=0.00), and 1.5 (p=0.00)

    at the 99% confidence level. However, we could not reject the null hypothesis that the

    mean value for the pattern is 2 (p=0.83>0.01), at the 99% confidence level; thus, WGSN

    and EDITED’s forecasts for the pattern statistically are ‘very similar’ as defined by the

    study. Third, while we rejected the null hypothesis that the mean value for the color can

    be 0 (p=0.00), 1 (p=0.00), or 2 (p=0.01) at the 99% confidence level, we could not reject

    the null hypothesis that the mean value for the color is 1.5 (p=0.666>.05), at the 99%

    confidence level, indicating that WGSN and EDITED’s color forecasts are between

    ‘similar’ and ‘very similar.’

    Overall, the statistical analysis confirms the promise and potential of using big

    data to forecast fashion trends since all forecasts were at least ‘similar’ (i.e., EDITED’s


    forecast matched some but less than 50% of WGSN’s forecast). The results also suggest

    that big data seems to be more effective in generating forecasts for the pattern and color,

    whereas its capability of predicting the design details raises more questions. This result is

    not entirely surprising. As suggested by previous studies, the pattern and color are more

    straightforward and predictable, whereas the multiplicity of the design details makes it

    more difficult for big data to forecast (Jackson, 2007).


  • Chapter 5

    5.1 Findings

    This study empirically evaluated the similarities and differences of the results of

    traditional human-based fashion trend forecasts (WGSN) with the ones generated by big

    data tool (EDITED). Based on the comparison of 20 paired fashion trend forecasts for

    S/S 2018 womenswear in the U.S. retail market generated by WGSN and EDITED and

    by using the independent sample t-test, the study finds that:

    First, at the 99% confidence level, WGSN and EDITED’s forecasts statistically are

    suggested as ‘similar’ (i.e., EDITED’s forecast matched some but less than 50% of

    WGSN’s forecast) for the design details, such as fabric and shape of the clothing.

    Second, at the 99% confidence level, WGSN and EDITED’s forecasts statistically

    are suggested as ‘very similar’ (i.e., EDITED’s forecast matched more than 50% of

    WGSN’s forecast for the pattern of the clothing.

    Third, at the 99% confidence level, WGSN and EDITED’s forecasts for the color

    statistically are suggested between ‘similar’ and ‘very similar.’

    5.2 Implications

    The findings of the study fulfill a critical research gap regarding the feasibility of using

    big data for fashion companies’ creative activity and significantly enhance our


    understanding of both the advantages and limitations of using big data for fashion trend

    forecasting (Choi & Hui, 2011; Ren et al., 2017). The findings of the study also have

    several important implications:

    First, the findings of this study suggest the great potential of using big data tools

    to aid fashion companies’ forecasts and the creation of new products. Notably, the results

    of the study reveal that many of the paired WGSN and EDITED forecasts showed a high

    degree of similarity, particularly regarding patterns and colors. As these two aspects are

    critical components of fashion trend forecasts, fashion companies could consider

    adopting big data tools to help improve the accuracy of pattern and color forecasts.

    Several fashion companies, such as Gap, Madewell, and Puma, have already started to

    incorporate big data tools to improve their fashion trend forecasting methods (Israeli &

    Avery, 2018).

    There is also a growing number of big data tools newly launched to the market,

    such as Trendalytics, aiming to help fashion brands and retailers improve their business

    operations through big data analysis (Trendalytics, 2019). The findings of this study

    suggest that adding and strengthening the functions of fashion trend forecasts could be a

    promising area for these big data analytics tools to expand their service to fashion brands

    and retailers.

    Further, it is interesting to note that even traditional players in the fashion trend

    forecast business, such as WGSN, have begun to explore the role of big data in trend

    forecasting. For example, WGSN recently launched several tools, including a consumer


    insight survey and WGSN Instock, to help fashion companies identify emerging

    consumer preferences for fashion products supported by data analysis (WGSN, 2019).

    Second, the findings of the study also illustrate the limits of using big data tools in

    fashion trend forecasts. Notably, WGSN and EDITED produced different predictions for

    design details. This result, however, echoes the findings of previous studies, which shows

    that consumers’ desire for novel, innovative, and exciting design details are shaped by

    many unpredictable and complex factors, making it difficult for big data to predict based

    on the inputs from historical data alone (Barnes & Lea-Greenwood, 2010; Ming Law et

    al., 2004). a

    It shall also be noted that some design details suggested by WGSN, such as ‘patch

    pocket’, ‘wide leg’, or ‘dropped waist’, were beyond the coverage by EDITED (EDITED,

    2019; WGSN, 2019). This result suggests that the feature and capacity of the big data

    tool is another factor that may limit the flexibility and outcome of the forecasts.

    5.3 Future Research Agendas

    Despite the interesting results, this study also has several limitations that future

    research might overcome.

    First, while this study looked at womenswear only, future studies may yield trend

    results by looking at other product categories, such as menswear and children’s wear. It

    will be interesting to compare the capability of big data tools in forecasting the fashion

    trends for different product categories. The results will help us understand the strengths


    and weaknesses of using big data tools for creative activities in the fashion industry


    Second, the method of this study also can be applied to investigate fashion trends

    in other seasons, such as Fall/Winter and Resort. Specifically, forecast results may

    change due to seasonal variations in product categories associated with special events and

    weather. For instance, most Fall/Winter fashion lines often include a ‘holiday’ collection,

    featuring party dresses and eveningwear, to accommodate the frequent celebrations that

    occur in November and December. Holiday collections may be easier for big data to

    forecast since specific colors, such as red and green, as well as the design details, like

    sequins, are consistently popular year after year—enabling big data tools to forecast

    based on historical data easily. However, Resort wear collections may present a great

    challenge for big data tools. These collections are commonly released in January—a

    cold-weather month in the Northern Hemisphere—but provide apparel, such as

    swimwear, for vacationing in warm areas.

    Moreover, future research may explore alternative big data methods to fashion

    forecast, such as considering inputs from social media or predictive analytics. Research

    that integrates traditional and big data-based fashion trend forecasting techniques can

    reveal valuable insight on how to optimize the advantages and disadvantages of both

    methods. For example, traditional fashion trend forecasting can provide inspiration that

    satisfies consumers’ desire for originality while big data-based methods reduce business

    risk by providing commercial inputs (Israeli & Avery, 2018; Ming Law et al., 2003).

    Finally, as the fashion industry becomes increasingly data-driven, understanding how to


    incorporate data analytics into fashion education will be essential to promote the

    preparedness and success of fashion students. Fashion educators are already beginning to

    incorporate data analytics into fashion trend forecasting and merchandising courses by

    teaching students how to use EDITED. Undoubtedly, big data’s creative applications in

    fashion trend forecasting hold immense potential to foster fashion companies’ success

    and largely benefit the fashion industry.



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      Chapter 1
      1.1 Introduction
      1.2 Research Question
      1.3 Key Definitions
      Chapter 2
      2.1 Fashion Trend Forecasting and Related Theories.
      2.2 Using Big Data in the Fashion Industry
      2.3 Debate on the Application of Big Data for Fashion Trend Forecasting
      2.4 Summary
      Chapter 3
      3.1 Data collection
      3.2 Data analysis
      4.1 Descriptive Analysis
      4.2 Statistical Analysis
      Chapter 5
      5.1 Findings
      5.3 Future Research Agendas

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