Coding Technology Functions

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Respond to the following questions:

1. Research Computer Assisted Coding (CAC) software products and compare and contrast this product to the current coding practices.

2. What is the relationship between the OIG, coding, and compliance?

3. Research information on ICD-10-CM. What are some opportunities or major challenges with this classification system?

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4. Make a recommendation for one of the challenges.

5. Did your site have any coding technologies? If so- which? Please share their technologies and its purpose.

Data Analysis Functions

1. Research websites on one of the following registries:

· Implant

· Cancer

· Trauma

· Transplant


· Birth defects

2. What is the purpose of each of the registries?

3. Visit the NCHS at

. What role do statistics play in the collection and use of indexes?

4. Visit the National Committee for Quality Assurance website at

 and review its history.

5. What are the functions of the NCQA?

6. Did your site have any registries? If so- which? Please share their processes. 

Professional Practice Experience III Master Project Instructions

There are five Master Projects for this course. However, you only need to complete two of the projects. 

You and your site mentor have the option of exchanging one of the Master Projects for one specifically designed for you by your mentor as an assigned replacement project. If you submit master projects assigned by your site mentor, you must identify them as a replacement for one of the Master Projects created for this course (Ex: LastName MP administration replacement). Any two of the Master Projects will be submitted in the “Master Projects” folder in Week 16. Review/print the Master Project Directions and take them with you to your clinical site. 

Remember, complete any two  (Information Governance, Ethics, Compliance, Leadership, or Comparison) of the following master projects and submit them to the designated drop box in your Master Projects folder in Week 16.


MASTER PROJECT 1: Information Governance

Scenario: Pine Valley Community Hospital, a critical access hospital , is considering participating in an educational project for medical students. Under the proposal, they will videotape the events of the emergency department 24/7 for one week. In your role as HIM Director, you have been asked to identify and interpret any Joint Commission standards that might impact such an agreement and report back to Administration. 

1. Assess and interpret any Joint Commission information on the topic of videotaping.

2. What other laws/regulations must the hospital consider?

3. Formulate a policy that would ensure compliance with the intent of the standard.

Consider this: Does your practicum site have a videotaping policy? If so- ask to see it to help you better understand what should be captures in your policy. If you decide to use their policy as guidance, be sure to reference it and upload it with your project.


LeBlanc, M.M. 2016. Human Resources Management. Chapter 23 in Health Information Management: Concepts, Principles, and Practice, 5th ed. Oachs, P. and A. Watter, eds. Chicago: AHIMA.

The Joint Commission. 2016. Videotaping in a critical access hospital.Standards Interpretation.


Scenario: You want to provide on-going privacy and security training for your 25 HIM staff. The HIM department is diverse: workers range in age from 25-62; three men; four Latinos; two African Americans, and the remainder Caucasian; four of your older staff still struggle with computer literacy; 11 are college graduates (seven baccalaureate degrees, four associate degrees); one staff member is in a wheel chair; and 12 work from home.

1. From this information, theorize at least 3 delivery methods that might be considered in order to have a successful privacy and security education.

2. Identify at least 5 cultural or diversity issues that could raise barriers during the training.

3. Formulate a plan for educating your HIM staff on privacy and security. The focus of this portion of the assignment is not the content of the education but the delivery method(s) to be used.

4. Assess how cultural issues affect health, healthcare quality, cost, and HIM.

Consider this: How diverse was your practicum site? What was some of their delivery methods for education and training? Be sure to address that in the Abstract of your assignment.


AHIMA. 2013. Think salad, not stew: managing cultural differences in your HIM department. AHIMA Advantage. 7:1.

Patena, K. 2016. Employee Training and Development. Chapter 24 in Health Information Management: Concepts, Principles, and Practice, 5th ed. Oachs, P. and A. Watter, eds. Chicago: AHIMA.

MASTER PROJECT 3: Compliance

Scenario: When you came on board as the HIM Director, an issue needing immediate attention was the high delinquency rate of medical record completion. In fact, during the last Joint Commission survey, the organization received a zero (0) for insufficient compliance with this standard. The organization’s current practice is that a letter is sent to physician’s once charts have been delinquent at 30 days post discharge. Follow up letters continue weekly, and if charts weren’t completed, the previous director would call the physician office. Strategize solutions to the high delinquency rate.

1. Recommend a minimum of four options that could be implemented easily and have a positive impact on the record completion process.

2. Note three options that will take longer to implement and assess the pros and cons of implementing those options.

Consider this: Is your practicum site accredited by the Joint Commission? If so- what is their delinquency rate? How do they manage this process? Be sure to ask if they have a policy, if so, you may use it for guidance but- be sure to reference it and upload it with your project.


Medical Staff Briefing. 2007 (July). Knock out Medical Record Delinquencies.

Reynolds, R. 2016. Health Record Content and Documentation. Chapter 4 in Health Information Management: Concepts, Principles, and Practice, 5th ed. Oachs, P. and A. Watter, eds. Chicago: AHIMA.

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