Hello, I need an informational career paper by friday before 8pm. Main Body of the Paper 3 pages on Aircraft Mechanic Career Field.(Needs title page, Table of contents and Citation page.) The Guidlines are below thank you for your time!

Career Exploration Paper GuidelinesYou are to create an informational report on your career.  The type of information to be included in this career informational report is as follows:·        Description of the career·        Skills required·        Training and education required·        Tasks, duties and responsibilities·        Work environment·        Future job outlook·        Earnings range (annual entry and maximum)·        Advancement opportunities·        Advantages and disadvantages of career choice·        Interesting facts about career·        Related occupations to career choiceWrite your informational paper with your audience in mind.  Your audience has no prior knowledge of this career field.Follow formatting guidelines with APA Citation style.  Use the sample on pages 481 through 490 of your textbook, 8th Edition.  Your report will not include an “Executive Summary” and “Conclusions and Recommendations”.Use these formatting guidelines:·        Single-space text·        8 ½ x 11 inch paper·        3 – 6 pages in length (body of paper)·        Font size 10 or 12·        Courier New font·        Title Page·        Table of Contents·        Works Cited (minimum four reference citations — only one from the web)·        Reference citations in the body of paper Grading Criteria (Informational Career Paper)Points      15 – Title Page, Table of Contents      15 – Reference citations in body of paper      25 – Followed correct formatting guidelines      15 – Content informative, error-free      15 – Five strengths identified and discussed      15 – Works Cited (minimum of four different sources)

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