Healthcare Intake Packet


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You are now ready to take the basic components you have created so far and, using those as a foundation, create the final Intake Packet the hospital will use during admissions. The Intake Packet will be comprised of the following elements:

  • A New Patient Letter to accompany the Intake Packet

    The letter should be in business letter format (Here is a library resource for help writing a business letter.)
    The letter should address the following points for the patient:

    An explanation of the importance of ethics
    Why each part of the packet is included
    How the packet is to be used

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    The letter should also include a HIPAA/Confidentiality statement
    The letter should also include a Privacy Pledge
     Create a new form for the patient to sign, acknowledging receipt of the above documents 

  •  In addition, you will craft an email to the CEO and the Board of Directors, explaining the purpose of the Intake Packet and all its components. Your email should use proper email formatting (including subject line description) and contain language appropriate to the receiver. 

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