Healthcare Informatics Outline

Outline due. instructions and rubric attached

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BUSI 505

Research Project (Outline)

Grading Rubric

(75 Points)

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Levels of Achievement

Content 60%




Not Present

Earned Points

Thesis Statement

15 points

Points: 13-15
Thesis statement is clear, logical, and sets up the focus of the paper.

Point: 12
Thesis statement is clear and logical, but the purpose is unclear.

Points: 11-1
Thesis statement is present but lacks clarity, logic, and purpose.

Points: 0
Thesis statement is unclear or not present in the outline.

Research Question(s)/ Issues Being Addressed

15 points

Points: 13-15
Research questions are clearly stated and capture the full scope of the approach of research effort.

Points: 12
Research questions are stated but lack full clarity.

Points: 11-1
Research questions are stated but require more depth to ensure focus.

Points: 0
Research questions are not stated clearly, and the scope of research is not identified.


15 points

Points: 14-15
Minimum of 20 sources, less than 10 years old, are used.
All citations follow current APA format with no errors.

Points: 13
Only 15–19 sources provided.
Cited sources include 1–2 errors in current APA format.

Points: 12-1
Only 10–14 sources provided.
Cited sources include 2–4 errors in current APA format.

Points: 0
Nine or fewer sources are present.
Cited sources include 5 or more errors in current APA format.

Structure 40%




Not Present

Earned Points



10 points

Points: 10
Spelling and grammar are correct.

Points: 8-9
Spelling and grammar are mostly correct with only 1–2 errors noted.

Points: 1-7
Spelling and grammar require further review with 3–6 errors noted.

Points: 0
Spelling and grammar review is not evident or incomplete; 7 or more errors are noted.


20 points

Points: 18-20
Sections of the paper are determined with estimated space for each section.
Sections clearly build on focus from the thesis statement and research questions.

Points: 15-17
Sections of the paper are determined with estimated space for each section.
Sections appear to build on focus stated in thesis statement but further clarity is needed.

Points: 14-1
Sections of the paper are determined, but the estimated space for each section is not.
Sections mostly build on focus stated in thesis statement.

Points: 0

Sections of the paper are not clearly determined.
Sections do not appear to build on focus stated in thesis statement.

Total Points


Instructor’s Comments:


BUSI505 Outline Assignment



You are to complete a full sentence outline in preparation for the Research Project – Draft. The outline cannot be completed until your topic receives approval from the instructor. The outline must include a thesis statement, the research topic(s) being addressed, how much space will be allotted for each section of the paper, and a preliminary reference list of at least 10 sources (all of which must be less than 10 years old).


For this assignment, you are to use the references from the Annotated Bibliography. You are to use full sentences (one – two sentences). Please avoid copying and pasting everything that you are planning to include into the project paper in the outline.

The outline should be simple and readable to show each section of the paper and the topic to be covered. The following are things to consider with completing the outline:

What to consider in the


1. What is the topic?

2. Why is it significant?

3. What background material is relevant?

4. What is my thesis or purpose statement?

5. What organizational plan will best support my purpose?

6. How much space is estimated per section?

Also include the elements noted on the Research Project – Final Document Instructions.

Full Sentence Outline:

The full sentence outline format is essentially the same as the alphanumeric outline. The main difference (as the title suggests) is that full sentences are required at each level of the outline. This outline is most often used when preparing a traditional essay.

Example of the Full Sentence Outline Structure:

Thesis Statement:

Question(s)/Issues Begin Addressed:


I. Man-made pollution is the primary cause of global warming.

A. Greenhouse gas emissions are widely identified by the scientific community to be harmful (Smith, 2014).

1. The burning of coal and fossil fuels are the primary releasers of hazardous greenhouse gases.

Full sentence outlines are often accompanied with an APA reference list on a separate page. Quotes within the outline must also utilize in-text citations in current APA format.



1. Belcher, W. L. Week 6: Strengthening your structure. In Writing your journal article in 12 weeks (pp. 171–188). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. ISBN: 9781412957014.


OWL @ Purdue: Types of Outlines and Samples


WriteExpress – Writing an Effective Outline


Sample Outline


You are to submit the outline in its designated area. You are required to read all instructor feedback and implement it on future assignments.

This assignment is due through SafeAssign by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module 4: Week 4.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the SafeAssign plagiarism tool.

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