Health Fitness homework – for Essays Guru

Complete the fitness assignment. There are 4 attachments:

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1. Fitness Assignment -> complete this doc, fill in the data

2. instructions doc-> instructions from teacher and other data to help complete the above assignment

3. Two powerpoint presentations for reference as shared by teacher

Due on 27th Feb 7am PST

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Name: __Xavier Roberts_______________________________

For this assignment, the goal is to assess your current physical fitness and create a FITT plan to further your fitness.

To start, make sure you are cleared for exercise. The PAR-Q seven questions are used to determine this. Filll this out.

1. Yes____. No__N__. Has your doctor ever said you have a heart condition and that you should only perform physical activity recommended by a doctor?

2. Yes____. No__N__. Do you feel pain in your chest when you perform physical activity?

3. Yes____. No__N__. In the past month, have you had chest pain when you were not performing any physical activity?

4. Yes____. No__N__. Do you lose your balance because of dizziness or do you ever lose consciousness?

5. Yes____. No__N__. Do you have a bone or joint problem that could be made worse by a change in you physical activity?

6. Yes____. No__N__. Is your doctor currently prescribing any medication for your blood pressure or for a heart condition?

7. Yes____. No__N__. Do you know of any other reason why you should not engage in physical activity?

If you have answered “Yes” to one or more of the above questions, consult your physician before engaging in physical activity. Tell your physician which questions you answered “Yes” to. After a medical evaluation, seek advice from your physician on what type of activity is suitable for your current condition.

If, for any reason, you are unable to complete the fitness testing complete the data table and FITT plan for average results.

To assess fitness, click on the hot links and follow instructions. Put your score and your rank in the table below. (tests are linked to their titles): (10 pts)






Rockport Walk Test (use VO2 for score, calculated using formula in instructions, then comparing to VO2 chart to find rank)


Muscular strength:

Abdominal Strength Test

Muscular endurance:


Sit up


Sit and Reach

*The cardiovascular score and rank are essential in order to write the FITT plan. Without this data credit cannot be given to the FITT write-up.

Next, look at your cardiovascular score (your VO2 score). This is what we will be concentrating on now. How can you possibly improve this (if it was low) or how can you possibly maintain this (if it was very good)?

Your cardiovascular plan will include all four parts of the FITT mode: frequency (how often you should work out per week), intensity (your specific training heart zone), time (how long your work out session should be) and type (running, swimming, biking…). This is very exact, detailed information. Do not use opinion.  Report your target heart zone in beats per minute and percent of maximal heart rate (70 – 85%).

Based on my cardiovascular rank of _____ my FITT plan is as follows:

(4 pts). Frequency:

(8 pts). Intensity (Your target heart zone):

(4 pts). Time:

(4 pts). Type:

Note: I am looking for fact here. This is not an opinion paper. Your text book and the powerpoint presentation will give you help regarding this assignment.

Submit this completed form as a / x or .rtf file attachment to the assignment area (not email nor the discussion forum). 

See the calendar for due dates

Assignment check: Did you successfully complete all five (5) physical tests? Did you put the correct score with the corresponding rank in the table? Did you compose a FITT plan for you based on your cardiovascular fitness level? Do not turn in a general plan, create a cardiovascular plan for YOU.

This assignment is for HLTH 101

My weight is 280lb, height 6’2 

Its a health class, I gave you my height and weight so that you can base the information off of that, I don’t care what information you make up (such as how many push ups i can do etc) .

The teacher posted the information below to help with the assignment

Though you are testing many fitness components, after you give me the table with the scores and rankings you are only writing up a cardiovascular FITT fitness plan based on your cardiovascular test.  Therefore, base your FITT plan off your cardiovascular rank (poor, average, superior…). Do not write up a general FITT that anyone could use – this is about you. For example, if you are highly fit the frequency is not 3 – 5 times per week (that is too general).   What would the frequency be?  Also, do not include strength, flexibility….in your detailed write-up.

This is not a big write-up.  The high point value for the assignment is due to the fact that I am asking you to perform a number of physical tests – you get points for that.  The write-up is simply – a table with scores and ranks (do NOT write this out, use table format) and then a cardiovascular FITT plan.  One or two lines for each part of the FITT should do it.  That is it!  For the intensity information be certain to use the correct THZ that you calculated for the THZ post.  If you got the THZ wrong, correct it for this paper.

Note:  The score is the quantitative number you performed (or calculated) and the rank is the qualitative term ‘excellent’ all the way to ‘very poor.’

my target heart zone is 135- 165bpm, i used these numbers for a previous assignment. I saw that you need it in this one.

Fitness I
Fitness Part I

P. L. Rhea

Why Exercise

P. L. Rhea

Reduced risk of premature death

Improved cardiorespiratory functioning

More efficient metabolism

Improved cell health

Decrease body fat

Disease prevention

Disease management

Prevent low-back pain

Improved immune function

Emotional release

Stress reduction

Decrease fatigue

Improve sport performance

To look good at the beach

Disease Prevention and Management
Cardiovascular disease
Sedentary life is one of six major risk factors of CVD
Exercise affects the risk factors for CVD and interferes with the disease process itself
Regular physical activity also reduces risk of:
Type 2 diabetes

P. L. Rhea
Advantages for your new fit life?
Increased energy levels
Increased lung functions
Decreased fat levels
Decreased cholesterol
Decreased blood pressure
Increased metabolic rate
Increased overall well being
Increased quality of sleep
Stronger heart

Figure 10.1 Health Benefits of Exercise

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Figure 10.2 Exercise Promotes Longevity
Poor muscle strength increases the risk of premature death.
SOURCES: Adapted from a composite of 13 studies involving more than 200,000 men and women. Arem, H., et al. 2015. Leisure time physical activity and mortality: A detailed pooled analysis of the dose-response relationship. JAMA 175(6): 959–967; Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee. 2008. Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee Report, 2008. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.


P. L. Rhea
Physical Fitness
Ability to carry out everyday tasks with vigor and alertness, without undue fatigue and with ample energy to enjoy leisure and meet unforeseen emergencies.
This is a loaded definition!

Physical activity vs Exercise
Physical activity
Body movement that requires energy
Planned, structured, repetitive body movement intended to improve fitness
P. L. Rhea

P. L. Rhea
Components of Fitness
Cardiorespiratory function
Body composition (relative leanness)
Muscular strength
Muscular endurance

Skill-Related Components of Fitness
Ability to perform a particular sport or activity
Reaction time

Where are you now?
P. L. Rhea

P. L. Rhea
Good excuses ? 
No time
No motivation to workout
Don’t know what to do
I’ll get too sweaty
More excuses?
It’s all up to you
Schedule time
Work out with someone
Hmm, glad you’re here with us
Indoor plumbing
More answers

P. L. Rhea

P. L. Rhea
What about limitations?

P. L. Rhea
Does Age Matter?

She is just too cute.

P. L. Rhea
Designing an Exercise Program
Best program = Health and Fun.
To Improve health activity should be performed regularly.
Current level should determine starting point and how to increase physical activity.
Are you clear for take-off?
You filled out a health history form
Men over 40 and Women over 50 need medical clearance (?)

In general
At least 150 minutes per week
Or 75 minutes
Strength training
Moderate or high intensity
All major muscle groups
2+ days per week
P. L. Rhea

P. L. Rhea
Ability of circulatory and respiratory systems to supply fuel during sustained physical activity.
So what.
Energy to accomplish tasks, decrease risk of CVD. Last the whole game? How do you feel after half-time?

Cardiorespiratory Endurance
Ability to perform prolonged, large-muscle, dynamic exercise at moderate to high intensity
Cardiorespiratory training conditions the heart and metabolism
Related physical functions improve
Functioning of the body’s chemical systems also improves

P. L. Rhea
Body Composition

Relative amount of body weight that is fat and nonfat.
What percent fat are you?
Obesity? Risks?

P. L. Rhea
Muscular strength

Ability of the muscle to generate the maximum amount of force.
What do you mean?
How strong are you?
Bone density?
Can you get out of the bath tub?

P. L. Rhea
Muscular endurance

Ability of the muscle to perform repetitive contractions or to hold a single contraction for a prolonged period of time.
Say again?
Bone density? Carry groceries? Run better? Better posture?

P. L. Rhea
Ability to move a joint through the full range of motion without discomfort or pain.
I do not want to be that flexible.
Healthy lower back.

P. L. Rhea
Necessary to maintain full range of motion (R.O.M.)
Static or dynamic stretching
Complete flexibility workout should have
3-5 repetitions with a count of 10-30 seconds each.
Rest for 30-60 seconds between repetitions
Should last around 20-30 minutes.
At least 2-4 times a week.
Golgi Tendon Organ


P. L. Rhea
Stretch before and/or after workout?

P. L. Rhea
Cardiovascular Fitness

P. L. Rhea
Frequency: 3-5/week
Too much?
Too little?
no benefit
Train your body to use fat as a fuel source.
Muscle fibers
36 – 48 hours of recovery to prevent overuse injuries
Bone stress (especially for obese)
Joint stress (especially for obese)
Cell wall recovery
If your cv fitness score was low, work out 3/week.

Fitness II

P. L. Rhea

P. L. Rhea

P. L. Rhea
Cardiovascular Fitness

P. L. Rhea
Frequency: 3-5/week
Too much?
Too little?
no benefit
Train your body to use fat as a fuel source.
Muscle fibers
36 – 48 hours of recovery to prevent overuse injuries
Bone stress (especially for obese)
Joint stress (especially for obese)
Cell wall recovery
If your cv fitness score was low, work out 3/week.

P. L. Rhea
Intensity: Overload

P. L. Rhea
Overload principle
In order to train one of the body’s systems, that system must be made to work harder than it is accustomed to working.
Heart rate
Work out at 70 – 85% of this age predicted max.
60% for less fit folks.
220-age=max heart rate

P. L. Rhea
Target Heart Zone
220 – age = max heart rate
Work out at percent of max (not at max)
Example for 20 year old:
220 – 20 = 200 beats per minute
(200) (.70) = 140bpm; (200) ( .85) = 170bpm
Figure out YOUR target heart zone
220 – _your age___ = X
(x) (.70) = ___ (x) (.85) = ___

P. L. Rhea
Overall Target Heart Zones
25 year old
136 – 166
30 year old
133 – 162
35 year old
130 – 158
40 year old
126 – 153
45 year old
123 – 149
50 year old
119 – 145
55 year old
116 – 140
60 year old
112 – 136

P. L. Rhea
How hard are you working?
Rate of Perceived Exertion
Good/Bad days
Use your judgment
Bad Karma?
How do you feel? Adjust accordingly

P. L. Rhea
Talk Test
A safe “comfort zone” of aerobic intensity for beginners
VT1 level
Too conservative for higher level workouts

P. L. Rhea
Time (Duration)
Beginners – low cv fitness ~10 – 20 minutes
Very de-conditioned: multiple sessions of short duration (5-10 minutes)
Average- 15-45 minutes
Highly fit-30-60 minutes
Bottom line: Work up to 20 minutes and then work beyond
This time does not include the warm-up and cool down.


P. L. Rhea
Warm-up: Easy walking/jogging
Gradually increases HR, BP, core temperature, dilation of blood vessels…
Allows CV system to adjust blood flow to active muscle (blood shunting)
Duration depends on level and intensity of activity and your fitness level (probably 5-10 minutes)

P. L. Rhea
Cool Down: Easy walking/jogging
Slowly decreases HR and metabolism
Reverse blood shunting
Prevents blood pooling in veins
Ensure adequate circulation to muscles…
Sudden cessation-too rapid drop in BP puts weak heart at risk
Duration: Depends on workout, probably 5-10 minutes

P. L. Rhea
Large muscle groups in a continuous fashion
Rhythmic squeezing action of large muscle groups (venous return)

P. L. Rhea
How do you know you are getting fitter?
Resting heart rate
Recovery heart rate

P. L. Rhea
Key to Cardiovascular Fitness
Frequency: 3 -5 times per week
Intensity: 70 – 85% maximum heart rate
Time: 20+ minutes
Type: Running, swimming, cycling, walking…
Fitness Log
Record type, time, intensity and comments

P. L. Rhea
Muscular Strength and Endurance
Equipment: Free weights vs. machines
Both men and women can increase strength through resistive training
Men typically are stronger b/c of larger muscle mass and more testosterone
Women tend to develop more defined muscles
CAUTION about Supplements.


P. L. Rhea

Timing of contraction
Full range of motion
Muscle pairing

P. L. Rhea
Generic Weight Chart
All major muscle groups/all pairing
Two-three times per week
Goal Resistance Repetitions Sets
Strength heavy 5-6 3
Endurance light 15-20 3
Combination 70% 1RM 10 3

P. L. Rhea
Getting Started and Staying on Track
Select the best equipment you can understand.
Maintain a well-balanced diet and adequate water/fluids.
Manage your fitness program so that it becomes an integral part of your day.
Consistency: The Key to Improvement
Assess your own approximate level of fitness by retesting every six weeks or so.


P. L. Rhea
Body Composition

Relative amount of body weight that is fat and nonfat.

P. L. Rhea
Metropolitan Life Insurance Height/Weight Tables
When does MET Life pay out?
Mortality Charts

P. L. Rhea
Overweight Vs. Obese
Excessive accumulation of body weight
Excessive accumulation of body fat

P. L. Rhea
Body fat chart for adults
Percent body fat Female Male
Essential 10 – 12 3 – 5
Endurance Ath. 12 -14 6 – 8
Athlete 15 – 19 9 – 13
Healthy 20 – 24 14 – 17
Borderline 25 – 29 18 – 22
Obese 30 and up 23 and up

P. L. Rhea
Who has a higher percent body fat?
Can an underweight person be obese?
Can an overweight person have low body fat?

Body Mass Index (BMI)
Wt kg/ m2 Problems?

P. L. Rhea

Fat Placement
Waist/Hip circumference
Use measuring tape
To determine the ratio, divide your waist measurement by your hip measurement.
Eg: Female 28/36
W/H ratio = .77, at risk?

Increasing Physical Activity
ACSM 2011 guidelines for weekly exercise:
At least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity, or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity
For more extensive health benefits, increase activity to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity activity or 150 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity
Adults should do muscle-strengthening activities of moderate or high intensity that involve all major muscle groups on two or more days a week
Everyone should avoid inactivity

Figure 10.4 Health and Fitness Benefits of Different Amounts of Physical Activity and Exercise
Lifestyle Physical Activity:
Moderate physical activity (150 minutes per week; muscle-strengthening exercises 2 or more days per week)
One of the following:
Walking to and from work, 15
minutes each way
Cycling to and from class,
10 minutes each way
Yard work for 30 minutes
Dancing (fast) for 30 minutes
Playing basketball for 20 minutes
Benefits: Better blood cholesterol levels, reduced body fat, better control of blood pressure, improved metabolic health, and enhanced glucose metabolism; improved quality of life; reduced risk of some chronic diseases.
Greater amounts of activity can help prevent weight gain and promote weight loss.

Moderate Exercise Program:
Cardiorespiratory endurance exercise (20–60 minutes, 3–5 days per week); strength training (2–3 nonconsecutive days per week); and stretching exercises (2 or more days per week)
Jogging for 30 minutes, 3 days per week
Weight training, 1 set of 8 exercises, 2 days per week
Stretching exercises, 3 days per week
Benefits: All the benefits of lifestyle physical activity, plus improved physical fitness (increased cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, and flexibility) and even greater improvements in health and quality of life and reductions in chronic disease risk.

Vigorous Exercise Program:
Cardiorespiratory endurance exercise
(20–60 minutes, 3–5 days per week);
interval training; strength training
(3–4 nonconsecutive days per week);
and stretching exercises
(5–7 days per week)
Running for 45 minutes, 3 days per week
Intervals: running 400 m at high effort, 4 sets, 2 days per week
Weight training, 3 sets of 10 exercises, 3 days per week
Stretching exercises, 6 days per week
Benefits: All the benefits of lifestyle physical activity and a moderate exercise program, with greater increases in fitness and somewhat greater reductions in chronic disease risk.
Participating in a vigorous exercise program may increase risk of injury and overtraining.

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Figure 10.1 Health Benefits of Exercise Appendix
Immediate effects:
Brain: Increased oxygen and nutrients to brain; increased levels of neurotransmitters
Heart: Increased heart rate; greater volume of blood pumped to body
Lungs: Increased breathing rate and oxygen consumption
Skin: Increased blood flow to skin; increased sweating to maintain body temperature
Muscles: Increased blood flow to muscles; increased energy production
Long-term health benefits:
Brain: Improved functioning, learning, memory; reduced stress, anxiety, depression; improved sleep; reduced risk of stroke; possible reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease
Heart: Increased heart size, lower resting heart rate, lower blood pressure; improved ability of cardiovascular system to carry oxygen to body tissues; greatly reduced
risk of heart disease and heart attack
Respiratory system (lungs, bronchi): Reduced risk of colds and respiratory infections
Liver: Improved blood cholesterol profile
Pancreas: Increased insulin sensitivity; reduced risk of type 2 diabetes
Intestines: Reduced risk of colon cancer and certain other cancers
Abdomen/hips: Improved body composition, decreased body fat, higher metabolic rate
Genitals: Improved sexual functioning
Muscles: Increased muscle mass; increased strength, endurance, power, and speed
Bones: Increased bone strength; reduced risk of low-back pain and osteoporosis; improved joint flexibility

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