Health Care Organization Selection

I have to do a Health Care Marketing Business Plan Project which will be broken up into 5 phases. 

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Phase I: Executive Summary

Phase II: Company Profile and Industry Overview

Phase III: Service Overview, Competitive Analysis, Marketing Mix

Phase IV: Service Delivery and Human Resources Plan

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Phase V: Financial Statement and Balance Sheet 

However, I just need you to do the Health Care Organization Selection for now because it has to be approve by my professor first, then we will go from there. 

Health Care Organization Selection: 

Select a Not-for-profit or For-profit Health Care Organization for your Health Care Marketing Business Plan. The chosen health care organization will either market a new product or service to a specific target market. 

  • Once you have chosen the type of HCO you will market for, then comes the decision of whether you want to market a new product or service. 
  • Try to make the product or service as original as possible. 

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