Health Assessment in Family

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what action plan should be conducted when having healthcare assessment in a family



Health Assessment in Family

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Health Assessment in Family

Family health assessment is significant while assessing the family involve and examining the different areas in which the members of the family are supposed to put more effort in order to enhance the whole family’s health status (Perry, 2019, November). Usually, the members of the family are assessed using an appropriate pattern of health that give distinct functions which should be examined. SDOH (Social Determinants of Health) typically alludes to the difficult situations that possess the potential of influencing the health of individuals, they incorporate; education, socio-economic, political and also healthcare accessibility. This paper aims at examining an appropriate action plan which can be included in the strategies of promoting health for Shawn’s family.

The impacts of Social Determinants of Health

The social determinants of health incorporate the situations that individuals are born, work, and live with which are responsible for shaping health. The factors of social determinants of health include the physical environment, socioeconomic and political status, education and employment (Labonté, 2017). Shawn’s father is aware of the importance of physical exercise and also the importance of eating healthy foods regularly for his condition. It is quite significant to address the social determinants of health to improve health and minimize disparities involving health as well as health care that are longstanding. The family was eager to learn about how to live a healthy lifestyle to support their ambulatory father. The family not exercising is the major cause of their health complications and can lead metabolic health issues. Exercising regularly can help the family in fighting infections such as cancer and stroke. I encouraged the family to exercise regularly and eat healthy foods like fruits and vegetables and not to eat unhealthy foods like Filipino food.

Screening test

Screening test is significant in detecting health complications or even potential health issues in individuals who does not reveal any symptom or sign of the disease. Furthermore, the fundamental objective of a family conducting a screening test is to detect the disease early enough so that any possible risk that can be caused by the disease can be minimized and provide effective treatment to the disease. The lifestyle of the family together with their lack of exercise have revealed that they can easily contract health problems such as stroke, cancer, asthma, hypertension and diabetes. The genetic health complication is from the grandparents and the parents of the family. Screening test is significant to the family because they will be able to determine whether any member of the family has the illness and take immediate action (Alexander, 2019). The mother should regularly take exams of breast cancer. Since the most known chronic issue in America is tooth decay, Shawn’s son should consider visiting the appropriate dentist to screen for healthy teeth.

Health belief model is a model that which can be utilized in guiding health promotion together with disease programs of preventing diseases. This model is significant since it explains and also predicts health changes of every individual in the family. Besides, health belief model is among the models that is widely utilized in understanding health complications. Nurses should utilize this model to teach people how to change their lifestyle using Health Belief Model components. However, a nurse can also strengthen the exercise done by patients so as to encourage healthy living.

A nurse can be useful in helping the patient to learn about the type of health complication that he has. Through thee patient learning about his health problem it will be easier for the nurse to help him fight it. The nurse can help in prescribing the appropriate foods and information for the patient to fight diabetes. Also, the nurse can visit the patient’s house and analyze his diet and the provide the patient with an appropriate nutrition plan. In addition, the nurse can provide the patient with information which can encourage the patient to comply with the healthcare provider’s treatment instructions. During the treatment, the nurse should also assess the disease and its treatment process together with the patient’s complications and then conduct the training. Appropriate assessment of the disease helps the nurse identify the areas where promotion of health education is needed.

Nurses can be useful in transforming the health behavior of the mother to a healthy human being free from health complications. If a nurse assists the mother in understanding the improvements that take place on her body in terms of increase in energy as well as happiness makes the mother to have a desire of continuing with healthy measures like eating healthy foods, regularly exercising, and physical therapy to help her archive positive outcomes. The Health belief model can be used by the nurses to help in making these efforts to enhance the probability of attaining positive outcomes. Generally, promotion of health alludes to the process of encouraging individuals to enhance their health lifestyle. Shawn’s family should take healthy foods and exercise regularly to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

To sum up, health belief model is important in explaining and predicting individual changes in health complications. It is significant to understand that avoiding the consequences of negative health behaviors is a fundamental element of the health belief model. The family can rely on information about eating healthy foods, motivation and reviews to increase their health lifestyle. Screening will also help the patients in preventing the health complication.


Alexander, M. (2019). What Will It Really Take to Address the SDOH? Journal of Nursing Regulation, 10(2), 3.

Labonté, R. (2017). Global Finance’s Impacts on Social Determinants of Health and Health Equity. Population Health in Canada: Issues, Research, and Action, 137.

Perry, A. (2019, November). Using Geospatial SDOH Risk Insights to Advance Health System Population Health Management and Community Benefit Strategies. In APHA’s 2019 Annual Meeting and Expo (Nov. 2-Nov. 6). American Public Health Association.

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