HA599 Unit 9 Discussion

In two diferent paragraph give your personal opinion to  Alyssa Lucas  and  

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 Felita Daniel-sacagiu 

 Alyssa Lucas 



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Denneson, L.M., Tompkins, K. J., McDonald, K. L., Hoffmire, C. A., Britton, P. C., Carlson, K. F., Smolenski, D. J., & Dobscha, S. K. (2020). Gender differences in the development of suicidal behavior among United States military veterans: A national qualitative study. Elsevier, Social Science & Medicine 260.


Novotney, A. (2020). Stopping suicide in the military. Monitor on Psychology, 51(1).


 Felita Daniel-sacagiu 

Oral Presentation and Defense          


Opioid death rates are prevalent in the United States

The specific problem is opioid death rates are prevalent in Tennessee.  CDC states that Tennessee has had one of the highest opioid prescribing rates every year since data collection related to opioid prescription rates began in 2006.  Tennesseans received 94.4 prescriptions for opioids for every 100 residents.  In 2018, more Tennesseans died from the use of the drug fentanyl than any other medication

Who is at risk?

Long-term use of prescription opioids, even when under the care of and prescribed by a physician, can cause patients to build a high tolerance level, which means they need higher doses or more frequent doses of the medication to get desired treatment effects.  

Opioid dependency occurs with regular, recurrent use, causing the body to adapt so it can only function normally with the medicine.

The purpose of this research is to reduce death rates associated with opioid use in Tennessee. This is important because Fentanyl overdose deaths have doubled in the last five years. It is fatal and can be deadly in low amounts.

According to the Tennessee Department of health, overdose in Tennessee has increased by over 40% within the last four years and continues to evolve. 

Who is affected?

Addiction not only affects the individual who is dependent, but it is also detrimental to public health, safety, and socio-economic stability. 

Findings from my literary review

  • Substance abuse is a global issue.
  • Extensive prescribing of opioids began in the late 1990s after manufacturers and pharmaceutical companies reassured medical professionals that prescription opioid pain relievers were not addictive and safe for patient use. 
  • According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, over 20 million people over the age of twelve struggle with a substance use disorder. 
  • Over 1800, Tennesseans died of a drug overdose in 2018 (American Addiction Centers, 2020)

Oral Presentation and Defense          

More findings from my literary review

  • Despite substantial increases in naloxone prescriptions, the dispensing rate per high/dose opioid prescription is low
  • .

  • Medical school curricula do not allocate significant course time and training to education on addiction. Many physicians lack the knowledge of how to identify the need for assessment and therapy management
  • Deaths caused by Fentanyl overdose have increased significantly within the last five years.  
  • Despite substantial increases in naloxone prescriptions, the dispensing rate per high/dose opioid prescription is low

Unexpected Findings:  None

Recommendations which may address problems

  • Create a comprehensive website to educate physicians regarding naloxone treatment
  • Implement a certification program for medical students
  • Create a new pharmacy refill checklist assessment
  • Conduct additional research 

                                       Final Thoughts

This epidemic has led to increased criminal incidents, community deterioration, and destruction of the family system(s), resulting in personal isolation and preventable deaths. It affects all people, regardless of race, creed, color, gender, or age. It will continue to affect all communities resulting in the weakening of public health if attention and research are not strategically and effectively dedicated. The best strategy to save lives and improve population health should include evidence-based guidelines, improved patient monitoring, community strategies, and medical research expansion.

  • Chisholm-Burns, M.A., Spivey, C.A., Sherwin, E., Wheeler, J., & Hohmeier, K. (2019).  The opioid crisis:          Origins, trends, policies, and the roles of pharmacists.                American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 76(7), 424-435. https://doi.org/10.1093/ajhp/zxy089
  • Pezalla EJ, Rosen D, Erensen JG, Haddox JD, Mayne TJ. Secular trends in opioid prescribing in the USA. J Pain Res. 2017; 10:383-387
  • Ratycz., M.C., Papadimos, T. J., & Vanderbilt, A.A. (2018). Addressing the growing opioid and heroin abuse epidemic:  a call for medical school curricula.  Medical                    Education Online, 23(1), 1. https://doi.org/10.1080/10872981.2018.1466574

Hospital’s Quality of Care

The general problem is poor quality of
care is prevalent among hospitals in the
United States.


The quality of care should be moving upward, more and more are facing a high risk of
noncompliance. Hospitals have been facing an increase in mortality rates, 30-day
readmissions, adverse events, unplanned hospital visits, and timely reporting systems are just
a few that have posed to be challenge for many.

The specific problem is poor quality of
care is prevalent among hospitals in


• Develop an effective onboarding program for nursing staff in order to reduce high turnovers.

• Develop an education exit program for patient safety and wellness.

The purpose of this research is to improve
the quality of care among hospitals in

Final Thoughts:

A focus on a nursing onboarding program can help reduce the stress and not be so overwhelmed with learning your specific hospital process and requirements. They
won’t become burnt out so quickly. Implementing an effective onboarding program with a 90-day buddy system could help reduce a well rounded education.

Extensive research has shown that reducing readmissions has been a national priority for everyone involved in healthcare which has been a contributing factor in quality
outcomes. My recommendation is further expanding the transitional discharge process to include time on providing actual hands on training, first hand personal
experience with each patient and family so they can feel comfortable and understand the meaning of life changing measures and patient wellness.

Inadequacy of Resources for Caregivers for Dementia Patients in California

General Background of the Problems
Common cause of abnormal change in the brain-Alzheimer’s
Alzheimer’s accounts for about 60-80% of Dementia cases
46.8 million persons in the world live with Dementia

The most common cause of abnormal change in the brain is Alzheimer’s, accounting for about 60-80% of Dementia cases (Sauer, 2019). According to the World Alzheimer Report (2019), 46.8 million persons in the world now live with Dementia, and the number is double after 20 years.

General Background of the Problems
Dementia is characterized by:
Memory loss
Problem-solving inability

The general term for loss of thinking abilities such as memory loss, problem-solving, language, and others that are serious enough to impair someone’s day to day activities is Dementia.

Inadequacy of Resources for Caregivers for Dementia Patients in California
When does memory loss become unmanageable for family members and disrupt the elderly family member to live independently or maintain a social life?

Inadequacy of Resources for Caregivers for Dementia Patients in California
How does the lack of community resources influence the family care provider to care for the elderly with memory loss?  

General Background of the Problems
Dementia is characterized by:
Language inability
Thinking inability


Inadequacy of Resources for Caregivers for Dementia Patients in California
What initiatives can be developed to improve the quality of care provided by healthcare works in California

General Problem
Lack of appropriate caregiver support for the family members with Dementia in the
United States

This research’s general problem is that families do not have the appropriate support for the elderly with Dementia in the United States. Older adults with Dementia face a decline in their cognitive abilities that progressively decrease in their ability to carry out basic everyday tasks. As a result, they need full-time care, and mostly for the rest of their lives. In most cases, family members take on caring for Dementia (Bieber, Nguyen, Meyer & Stephan, 2019).

Untrained caregivers for the dementia patients
Need for help and support to deliver the care effectively
Balancing caregiving and their lives.

Family forms a large part of the informal caregiver group in Dementia care and the largest proportion of total caregivers for dementia patients. Because family care is informal since the family members, including children, grandchildren, or siblings, offering care are not trained professionally for the tasks, they need a lot of help and support to deliver the care effectively and obtain a balance for their lives.

Specific Problems
The family caregiver support not prevalent for elderly memory care patients in California

The family caregiver support not prevalent for elderly memory care patients in California

The research’s specific problem is that family caregiver support is not prevalent for elderly memory care patients in California. Statistics indicate that over 630000 dementia patients in California, with projections of the number rising to over one million by 2050, thus the need for support dementia patients and their caregivers (Flatt, Hollister & Chapman, 2018). The growing number of people suffering from Dementia demands for both formal and informal care services to attend to these people.

The patient’s access to the care depends on:
The socio-economic status
Availability of the healthcare providers

The patient’s access to the care depends on:
Availability of family Caregiver
Cooperation in care networks
Provision of resource services

The patient’s access to the care depends on the socio-economic status, availability of the healthcare providers, care setting, cooperation in care networks, and provision of services.

Purpose of the Research
To improve family caregiver support and resources for elderly memory care patients in California

This research aims to improve family caregiver support and resources for elderly memory care patients in California. They need to be educated on the care needs, protocols, prepare for the complex, and consume task ahea and support with avenues to take a break from the care routine. Also, caregivers’ social, economic, and psychological well-being needs to be considered and supported to promote appropriate care (Cheng, 2017). Thus, I need to improve family care ti8ver support and resources for dementia patients in California.

Taking care of family members is challenging for caregivers
Lack of resources for caregivers

Taking care of family members has proven challenging for caregivers due to a lack of resources in the United States. These patients needed care, and about 15 million caregivers were employed to help them. These people worked for a countless number of hours that they had not been paid.

Lack of payment for caregivers
Lack of education for caregivers

This can lead to serious demoralization among the caregivers (Behrman, Wilkinson, Lloyd & Vincent, 2016). The findings from this essay may lead to addressing the growing needs of the caregivers.

Family caregivers are not assessed for capacity, willingness, or ability to take care of the elderly
Not equipped with the skills and knowledge

. Family caregivers are not assessed for capacity, willingness, or ability to take care of the elderly (Molnar & Frank, 2018). They are also not equipped with the skills and knowledge they need to deliver the care appropriately competently. More so, family caregivers’ personal lives are not considered in tasking them with the responsibility, which later leads to their personal lives.

Unexpected Findings
Insufficient resources to effectively support family caregivers
Structural barriers
Lack of knowledge of support programs and facilities

There are insufficient resources to effectively support family caregivers, structural barriers, and a lack of knowledge of support programs and facilities (Schilz et al., 2018).

Provision of tax incentives to the caregivers
Free counseling sessions for caregivers
Availing the needed resources

The government need to provide tax incentives to the caregivers. One’s children, relatives, siblings, or other family members care for many elderly people in need. Many caregivers barely make ends meet while also delivering quality care to family members which can be challenging. The time, energy and financial stress that goes into caring for a loved one can be massive. Family members do not have the resources to pay for professional care which eliminates the ability to claim professional care tax deduction.
The development of community caregiver resources would include respite care, free counseling session for caregivers, and easy accessibility to needed resources. The main caregiver is given a break for a given duration of time to attend to their needs and other issues. At the same time, a secondary caregiver also takes care of the pantie for a given time duration. During the break period, the main caregiver can undergo an assessment to check their mental status, to help prevent them from developing conditions like depression.

Caregivers’ training programs
Provision of courses in geriatrics

The government can also develop and also help in the provision of courses in geriatrics. This is because dementia is a disease that is majorly associated with the elderly. This will help the caregivers develop essentials knowledge that they can use to take care of their elderly sick patients. Doing this will help reduce cases of patients being abandoned by their families due to their condition, claiming they lack the necessary skills that they need to take care of their patients.

Final Thoughts
Opportunity for community leaders in healthcare to:
Develop community programs

Findings from this research revealed that there is an opportunity for community leaders in healthcare to develop community programs, educate family member, care givers and provide needed resources

Final Thoughts
Opportunity for community leaders in healthcare to:
Educate caregivers
Provide needed resources

Findings from this research revealed that there is an opportunity for community leaders in healthcare to develop community programs, educate family member, care givers and provide needed resources

Aigbogun, M., Stellhorn, R., Hartry, A., Baker, R., & Fillit, H. (2019). Treatment patterns and burden of behavioral disturbances in patients with dementia in the United States: a claims database analysis. BMC Neurology, 19(1). doi: 10.1186/s12883-019-1260-3
Behrman, S., Wilkinson, P., Lloyd, H., & Vincent, C. (2016). Patient safety in community dementia services: what can we learn from the experiences of caregivers and healthcare professionals?. Age And Ageing, 46(3), 518-521. doi: 10.1093/ageing/afw220
Hiyoshi-Taniguchi, K., Becker, C., & Kinoshita, A. (2017). What Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia Affect Caregiver Burnout?. Clinical Gerontologist, 41(3), 249-254. doi: 10.1080/07317115.2017.1398797
Kelley, A., McGarry, K., Gorges, R., & Skinner, J. (2015). The Burden of Health Care Costs for Patients With Dementia in the Last 5 Years of Life. Annals Of Internal Medicine, 163(10), 729. doi: 10.7326/m15-0381

Morgan, R., Bass, D., Judge, K., Liu, C., Wilson, N., & Snow, A. et al. (2015). A Break-Even Analysis for Dementia Care Collaboration: Partners in Dementia Care. Journal Of General Internal Medicine, 30(6), 804-809. doi: 10.1007/s11606-015-3205-x
Thies, W., & Bleiler, L. (2013). 2013 Alzheimer’s disease facts and figures. Alzheimer’s & Dementia, 9(2), 208-245. doi: 10.1016/j.jalz.2013.02.003
Wolff, J., Spillman, B., Freedman, V., & Kasper, J. (2016). A National Profile of Family and Unpaid Caregivers Who Assist Older Adults With Health Care Activities. JAMA Internal Medicine, 176(3), 372. doi: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2015.7664
Zwingmann, I., Dreier-Wolfgramm, A., Esser, A., Wucherer, D., Thyrian, J., & Eichler, T. et al. (2020). Why do family dementia caregivers reject caregiver support services? Analyzing types of rejection and associated health-impairments in a cluster-randomized controlled intervention trial. BMC Health Services Research, 20(1). doi: 10.1186/s12913-020-4970-8

Policies in place to protect the caregiver and the patient
Policies include; the National Alzheimer’s Project Policy Act
The policy signed by the former president, Barrack Obama

Policies have been put in place to help protect both the caregiver and the patient, and they have been put to help in giving the procedure stat need to be taken into account when taking care of these patients. Policies like the National Alzheimer’s Project Policy Act have been put in place to help such scenarios (Morgan et al., 2015). This policy was signed by the former president of the United States of America, Barrack Obama.

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