HA560 Unit 7 Discussion

 In two diferernt paragraph give your personal opinion to   Olivia Wondrely  and

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 Christopher Moran  


 Olivia Wondrely 

            This week’s discussion mentions the importance of realistic goal setting when implementing strategies. In addition, goal setting is crucial so the parties implementing strategies know what they are working toward. Someone with some great organization skills should be in charge of keeping track of the goal itself and the progress that is being made. The SMART methodology is a great way to help one simplify the goals at hand. The acronym “SMART” stands for: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely (Career Wise, 2018, P.1).

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            The first step of SMART is “specific.” This step helps define exactly what is wanting to be accomplished. Second, is “measurable.” This phase is meant for breaking down trackable elements to record them at each stage. Thirdly, SMART presents “attainable.” In essence, this step holds one accountable for creating goals that are realistic to achieve. The fourth step is “relevant.” The relevant step is to recognize WHY one is setting the goal. Essentially, this step keeps you on track to remember the issue at hand. The final step of SMART is “timely.” Timely is a crucial step to maintain a realistic timeframe for the goal to be met. (Career Wise, 2018, P.1)

            Whenever a project is getting started, it is pertinent to lay out the objective of the project in its entirety. Using the SMART method basically organizes your work for you, you just have to fill in the blanks. Defining a specific issue of a targeting community gives you an objective; make it better!

Setting goals – how to use the SMART methodology. (2018, April). Retrieved October 07, 2020, from https://careerwise.co.za/setting-goals-smart-methodology/

 Christopher Moran  

            Implementing strategies that is difficult to do if there is not a solid foundation and clear goals and expectations to accomplish the strategy. The SMART tool makes it possible and clearly defines each step that is needed. S-specific and goes into the 6 W’s that need to be answered in order to ensure the mission is accomplished. M-measurable, this is where having a foundation and measuring the success of the strategy is considered. A-achievable and is intended to motivate yourself and those involved. R- relevant to the mission statement and goals. T-time tables to ensure that the strategy is adhering to a possible schedule (Eby, 2019). Having this tool assists with defining the specific goals and objectives.

            Having an end point in mind is important; however, if there is no map to get you there the objective will be lost. Utilizing the SMART tool and being as detailed as possible makes that a possibility. Within the 6 W’s there are who, what, when, where, which, and why. These W’s give the specificity needed in order to be closer to accomplishing the goal (Eby, 2019). It also allows for the goal to be tailored to a specific community and ensures it aligns with their culture. 

            By tailoring the SMART tool you can look at the disparities of an itemized group by the following traits shared values, traditions, customs, and history, as well as beliefs and practices of the population (Torres-Ruiz et al., 2018). Tailoring it ensures that there is more consistency with the information needed and that the objective is not overlooked. By keeping a clear objective it keeps those involved motivated and prevents any possible confusion.

Have you used the SMART tool to implement a new initiative?

-Moran, C


Eby, K. (2019, January 9). The essential guide to writing SMART goals. Smartsheet. https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/essential-guide-writing-smart-goals 

Torres-Ruiz, M., Robinson-Ector, K., Attinson, D., Trotter, J., Anise, A., & Clauser, S. (2018). A portfolio analysis of culturally tailored trials to address health and healthcare disparities. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(9), 1859. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph15091859


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