Guidance and Discipline Observations: Early childhood education assigment


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In this assignment, you will conduct observations in a variety of early childhood settings to identify age-appropriate practices to promote guidance and positive discipline strategies for children.

  • Create a 3- to 5-page paper (not including the title and references pages) in a Word document for your response.
  • Use APA 7th edition format for the paper and citations.
  • Develop an introduction and conclusion for your paper.
  • Create a title page and references page in APA format.

To identify age-appropriate practices to promote guidance and positive discipline for children:

Observations 1. Observe an early childhood setting and look for examples of young children’s inability to sit still for very long.

  • What problems do you observe when adults forget this aspect of child development?

Observations 2. Observe toddlers while watching for expressions of developing emotional autonomy.

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  • How do adults in their environment respond?
  • Do you recommend any different responses based on your understanding of this aspect of emotional development?

Observations 3. Observe preschoolers and watch for their desire for real work.

  • Does their environment meet this need?
  • What changes could be made to assist their development of initiative?

Use research to support your analysis of the behaviors and tactics used by the teachers.

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