Group Proposal Topic Assignment

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Group Proposal Paper: Topic Assignment Instructions


Proper planning for a group is essential. In the early planning process, it is important to have a clear rationale for the group, determine the focus and type of the group and identify the specific population.


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Develop a topic proposal paper that clearly articulates what the focus of your Group Proposal Paper Assignment will be and a rationale for developing this group. Include specific information on what type of addiction group you will be planning (support, psycho-educational, or treatment type of addiction group) and the addiction to be addressed. Also, discuss what population your group proposal will be focusing on (ex. Adolescents, court-mandated adults, offenders, parents, etc.) along with the reason this type of group is needed. The rationale needs to be strong and cannot be based upon opinion. This assignment must be at least 2 complete pages, not including the title page, abstract and references. All sources must be properly cited. A minimum of 3 peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles and the Gladding text are required to be used as resources and listed on the reference list. One website (.gov or .edu) may also be utilized in addition to the other source requirements. These sources are to demonstrate the benefits of group work with this population and provide a strong rationale for the type of group being planned. Ensure that you include a current APA formatted title page, abstract and reference page.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the SafeAssign plagiarism tool.

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