
Do you think graffiti could be considered a form of art therapy? Why or why not?

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  • Module Seven: Presenting Social Science Concepts and Research
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  • 7-1 Applying Social Science Perspectives
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  • Introduction to Art Therapy
  • Introduction to Art Therapy

    Art therapy is a mental health profession that utilizes expression and creativity through visual art, dance, and music to address
    health issues and improve an individual’s sense of mental and physical well-being.

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    Copyright © 2021 MindEdge Inc. All rights reserved. Duplication prohibited.

    Art therapy is a relatively new specialization within psychology, but it has proven extremely useful for individuals that have
    difficulty expressing themselves verbally. For example, young children who have not yet developed enough language or
    emotional maturity to describe their experiences are good candidates for art therapy. This form of therapy is also helpful for
    people who can no longer communicate verbally, such as the elderly, or those who have had brain damage or stroke. It can help
    when the topic itself is difficult to talk about, such as trauma, combat, and physical abuse. Finally, art therapy can be useful when
    a person’s mental state makes self-expression a challenge, such as in cases of anxiety or depression.

    Art therapy is not exclusively for people with language difficulties; it can also be used as a springboard for verbal expression. For
    example, a therapist might ask a client to draw a picture related to his or her issue and then ask questions about the colors
    used, the emotions shown, the other objects included in the drawing, the position of each object, and so on. These types of
    questions can get the client explaining the issue, facilitating a more in-depth discussion.

    Copyright © 2021 MindEdge Inc. All rights reserved. Duplication prohibited.

    While the specialization is still relatively new, research has shown positive outcomes in patients of art therapy. These include
    increased behavioral functioning and mood, decreased stress, fewer symptoms of mental and physical illness, improved self-
    image, and improved interpersonal interactions, among others (Slayton, D’Archer, & Kaplan, 2010).

    American Art Therapy Association (AATA). (n.d.). About the American Art Therapy Association.

    Slayton, S. C., D’Archer, J., & Kaplan, F. (2010). Outcome studies on the efficacy of art therapy: A review of findings. Art
    Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 27(3), 108–11.

  • Video: Art Therapy: A Universal Language for Healing
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  • 7-2 Personal Reflection
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    The Importance of Reflection

    The Importance of Reflection

    When a person engages in reflection, they are thinking about events, thought processes, actions, beliefs, motivations, or status
    in order to gain insight. When this type of thought is directed at oneself, it is self-reflection or personal reflection.

    Self-reflection helps you determine what you are good at and where you could improve. If you have ever overreacted, self-
    reflection allows you to pinpoint why. It lets you examine your behaviors to determine how others perceive you. In terms of
    achieving goals, honest self-reflection helps you understand whether your actions are moving you in the direction of your goals
    or not. By engaging in self-reflection, humans gather and evaluate evidence about themselves in order to form meaningful
    conclusions about who they are.

    Self-reflection also presents an opportunity to assess whether and how things have changed over time. Small changes occurring
    over time can be difficult to notice; self-reflection allows a person to really step back and appreciate the impact of those

    Deliberate, purposeful reflection allows for processes to be tweaked, communication to be clarified, and behavior to be adjusted.


  • Reflecting on the Research Investigation
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  • Personal Reflection in the Narrative
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    Reflecting on the Research Investigation
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  • Creating the Presentation Script
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    Copyright © 2021 MindEdge Inc. All rights reserved. Duplication prohibited.

    About the American Art Therapy Association

  • Presentation Scripts
  • Creating Presentation Scripts

    A presentation script is exactly what it sounds like — a document detailing the words that will be spoken during a presentation.

    Presentation scripts can be very helpful, and in some cases, necessary. Those of you who get nervous at the thought of
    speaking in public may benefit from scripting what you will say. No matter how nervous you may be, if you have written,
    memorized, and practiced your presentation, you’ll find that you’ll feel confident and prepared.

    It’s not always necessary to write down what you will say word-for-word in advance of a presentation, especially if you know the
    material by heart or have presented on the topic before. However, there are many instances in which presentation scripts must
    be prepared. Just a few examples of these instances include:

    When the content of a presentation contains information that must be worded correctly for legal reasons, the presenter will
    create a script. It may even need to be approved before the person can present the content. For example, each of the TED
    Talk presenters needed to submit a script to TED for approval.
    When many people, departments, or organizations contribute to a single presentation, they may send their slides along
    with the script for the presenter.
    When a single presentation is used by many people (such as a training presentation), a script may accompany the slides.

    Guidelines for Creating A Presentation Script

    Your vocabulary, grammar, and syntax should be professional, polished, and free of errors.
    Your script should be directed at your chosen audience.
    You can incorporate conversational words and informal sentence structure to engage the audience; however, your main
    concepts must be presented using audience-appropriate language.
    Do not use foul language.

    Creating the Presentation Script
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  • Module Seven Short Responses
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    Copyright © 2021 MindEdge Inc. All rights reserved. Duplication prohibited.

      Module Seven: Presenting Social Science Concepts and Research
      This assignment does not contain any printable content.
      7-1 Applying Social Science Perspectives
      This assignment does not contain any printable content.
      Introduction to Art Therapy
      Introduction to Art Therapy
      Art Therapy

      Video: Art Therapy: A Universal Language for Healing
      This assignment does not contain any printable content.
      7-2 Personal Reflection
      This assignment does not contain any printable content.

    • Exercise: The Importance of Reflection
    • The Importance of Reflection

    • 7-3 Reflecting on the Research Investigation
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      Personal Reflection in the Narrative
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      Reflecting on the Research Investigation
      This assignment does not contain any printable content.

    • 7-4 Creating the Presentation Script
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      Presentation Scripts
      Creating Presentation Scripts
      Guidelines for Creating A Presentation Script

      Creating the Presentation Script
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      Module Seven Short Responses
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