GPU Databases (Kinetica, SQream, BlazingDB, Omnisci etc)


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I want a Power point Presentation(PPT) with 25 Slides which needs to cover below questions, I have already mentioned Title of Topic on Above.

Need to cover these Questions on Presentation:

  1. What are the key database products made by the vendor OR the key database platforms available under the database category (pick at least three for this presentation)
  2. If a vendor, who are the competitors to the platform? If a database technology class, who is the clear leader and why?
  3. What industries are these database vendor tools or database technology platforms used in? Is the market increasing or decreasing for technology?
  4. What are the key features for each of these database platforms? What are differentiators compared to other database platforms in its like-kind class?
  5. Are these databases used on-premise only? Cloud-based only? Mainframe only? Explain the infrastructure use case for each of these databases that you are discussing. 
  6. Provide three (3) business uses for why a customer/client would want to use your vendors/class of database technology in their environment.
  7. What are key technical skills a data administrator or database administrator would require if they use this platform?
  8. Where do you believe this technology will be in 3-5 years?

Instructions to make PPT:

 The presentation should be a MINIMUM of 15 slides (including Cover and References). The deck should NOT EXCEED 25 pages. 

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  • You should make the presentation for an executive audience. That means, Times New Roman or Arial Font Face, Size 14-18 for text. Size 20-24 for headers. (20% of your grade is presentational design)
  • Graphics are essential. A minimum of 8-10 graphics should be included that are meaningful. Custom graphics/tables are preferred!
  • If you put figures or tables in your slides, you have to make your own tables and figures. Please don’t copy and paste it from the reference.
  • Your first page should include your group member’s name, date, title, and course name.
  • Clearly, concise well written presentations are essential. Grammar/Spelling count for 10% of your grade. 
  • Each slides should include a minimum of one reference. (You need to reference your source material for each slide in APA format).
  • Following APA is a strict requirement. 

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