
 Review the CIA World Factbook to use in your research for this course:

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Choose a country to research for a hypothetical expansion. Throughout this course you will develop a report that will be presented as your final project. The report will explore countries in which possible expansion can be achieved.  As you begin, you will need to choose an existing company to use as your example for expansion into the chosen country.


Using the research from the CIA World Factbook as well as information from your textbook and other sources, answer the following questions about the country you are seeking to hypothetically expand into:

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1. In what ways does the political environment of the country you are researching pose an opportunity and/or a threat for American Multinational Companies (MNCs) seeking to do business there?

2. Why would U.S. multinationals be interested in going into the country you have selected? How much potential does the country offer? How might this country compare to others as a place to do business?

3. Will there be any opportunities in your country for organizations like yours? Why or why not?

4. How might different ethical philosophies influence how managers make decisions when it comes to off-shoring jobs?

5. Why are MNCs getting involved in corporate social responsibility and sustainable business practice Are they displaying a sense of social responsibility, or is this merely a matter of good business, or both? Why would your organization participate in a corporate responsibility program?

Write a minimum 3-page paper using the questions above.

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