Global Issues: Chapter 2

Please answer these questions. 

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is very important in understanding international relations (IR).  For that
reason, I want you all to address the questions below by writing out your
answers to them based on your reading in Mingst.  I have posted the
outline for Ch. 2 under this module as a guide for you to keep you on track in
your answers here.  Use it, but broaden your answers based on your reading
in the book.  You should be able to write a short paragraph on each one of
these questions. 

Why do we care about history when studying IR?

Why is the Treaty of Westphalia so important in modern IR and history?

When was the “Concert of Europe? and how does your book characterize it?

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Describe what “Balance of Power” means in IR.

According to your book, what are the major events in IR during the years
between WWI and WWII?

During WWII you should be somewhat aware of the Fascist leaders Hitler and
Mussolini and what they did.  But, what was going on between Japan and
China at that time that could impact decisions of both those countries today?

Why were the Geneva Conventions created after WWII?

When was the United Nations created and why?

Name and discuss briefly 4 factors that contributed to the emergence of the
Cold War.

What is the purpose of NATO?  Why was it founded? Does it matter to the U.
S. today? Why or why not?

When did the Cold War end and why?

What major world events marked the 1990s?

for a grade, but ONE LAST QUESTION:  What global issues interest you the
most?  What would YOU like to find out more about this fall?

Summary of the 2000s:  The 1st 2 decades of the 2000s have been marked by
terrorist attacks and the world financial crisis (it wasn’t just an American
crisis!). China is rising in power. Russia is attempting to regain its old
buffer states on its western border and its former power.  North Korea and
Iran threaten nuclear proliferation.  Populism is rising in the U.S. and
Europe in contrast to the previous liberal globalization trend which expanded
from 1945 till recently.  And now, COVID -19 is impacting the world. 
As we study IR this fall, we need to look at concepts that have defined IR for
over 100 years, but we also need to consider modern technology and its impact
on the way countries react/act.  Finally, is everything new or is IR just
a different version of the old power-seeking realist theory that each country
seeks its own well-being regardless of the cost to others?  That is, that
each country is out for itself and that cooperation for the common good is not
possible?  CAN the countries of the world cooperate to cope with problems
like global warming, rising seas, migration and pandemics?

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