Global Expansion Assignment

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You are a business analyst working at a small domestic organization that produces high-quality baseball bats. Your organization has begun to see its sales flatten in the domestic market. While the organization is not losing money, leadership would like to explore options to continue to grow. One option that leadership has noticed competitors attempting is entering international markets.

You have been asked to examine the benefits, drawbacks, and key considerations for your organization to enter one of the global markets below, and to summarize your findings in a business brief for leadership.

Select one of the following international markets to use for your course project:

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  • Republic of Korea
  • Canada
  • Germany


In this milestone, you will complete Section One of the Business Brief Template (located in the Guidelines for Submission section of this document).

Drivers for Global Entry: Develop the first section of the Business Brief Template that explains the purpose of global expansion, business impacts of global business, societal impacts of global business, and cultural considerations using evidence from course and outside resources to support your explanations. Make sure to use evidence from course resources to support your responses.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  • Country Selection: State the country you have selected to use for your course project.
  • Purpose of Global Expansion: Explain key benefits of successful global expansion for domestic organizations.
  • Business Impacts of Global Business: Explain how global expansion of a domestic organization can impact business operations such as strategic planning, marketing, supply-chain management, human resources, and so on.
  • Societal Impacts of Global Business: Explain how the global expansion of organizations has impacted society, citing specific examples regarding culture, transportation, employment, infrastructure, and environmental climate.
  • Cultural Considerations for Global Business: Explain the importance of researching the culture of a potential global market prior to market entry, as well as key cultural considerations to explore to inform expansion decisions.

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