Global Ethics Project 2

Addressing a Community Issue – Global Ethics Project

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Identify an important ethical issue in your community and create a hypothetical community organization that addresses it. Design a poster for this organization that describes the community and the problem, presents the organization’s services, and includes the ethical framework in which it operates. There are 3 checkpoints in this project:

1. Part 1: Select a community issue – a problem or need in the community that is also interesting or meaningful to you considering your values and your moral foundation – and create an imagined community organization that will help address that problem/need. Identify the guiding ethical principles that will drive your organization’s work.

Part 1 Project Checkpoint: Community Issue Proposal

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To complete this checkpoint, select a specific city, town or community within a larger city or region and conduct research on the community you select. You may wish to select a town or area familiar to you, such as your home area or your current place of residence.

Using reputable news sources, identify a problem or need that this community is facing. You can use the Widdows textbook and other course materials to identify potential issues that you could then explore in your community. Issues may relate to:

·  public health

·  gender, race, ethnicity, LGBT+ (consider discrimination or bias)

·  poverty

·  climate change

·  business and labor conditions including employment

·  access to resources (i.e. income, food, water)

·  education or healthcare (consider disparities)

·  war/the military

·  law enforcement and the judicial system

·  the US political system (local, state or national)

Finally, consider the three ethical frameworks we have studied so far – Utilitarianism, Kantianism, and Virtue Ethics. How would a global ethicist apply each theory to the issue you have selected? Which theory best aligns with addressing the problem/need you identified?

Assignment Instructions: Your week 3 submission should include answers to the following questions. Your answers may be brief, 2-4 sentences for each question, but must convey that you did some research:

1. What community is your organization going to serve? This must be a specific city, town, or region. Why did you choose this community?

2. What ethical issue did you identify as a problem/need in the community? How do you know this is an issue? Why is this issue interesting to you – how does it connect to your values/moral foundation? (include a link to a reputable news article if appropriate)

3. Which ethical theory or framework could act as a guide for your organization’s mission and work? Describe which of this theory’s principles line up with addressing this community problem. NOTE: YOU MAY CHANGE THE THEORY LATER. We will learn about additional theories as we move through the term, and you may decide at any checkpoint to switch theories if a different theory makes a stronger connection.



PHIL 3240

March 22, 2020

Leon Valley Community

(please check the format with the project instruction)

(This is in a different format instead of the project format)

The region I choose to focus on the Leon Valley in San Antonio in Texas City. This region is in Bexar County and is one of the lovely places to live in Texas. The area is more of a suburb, with most of the residents living in their own homes. However, few persons live in rented houses, especially young individuals. Mostly, people in Leon Valley are focused on mortgages and whereby the price is considerably fair (“Leon Valley Demographics and Statistics”). The residents in Leon Valley are mainly the working class. The population in this area is about 11300 and above in number. The value of the individual homes is around $160 100, and the average rent is about $970 (“Leon Valley Demographics and Statistics”). The income level of people living in this region is considered above average, and they are quite friendly and open to new ideas and concepts in the world. The population is mainly comprised of the Hispanic persons who make 58% of the total population, with the white persons making 32% and African Americans, and the Asians share the remaining 10% in order of 7% and 3%, respectively.

The more significant population segments in this region are mainly the adults who range from the age of 25 years and above. The other considerable age bracket in this region is the teenagers and those ranging from the age of the 10 years up to 17 years. The rest are those below the age of 10 years who make up 10% of the Leon Valley population. The education levels in this region are considerably impressive, whereby the largest segment comprises of college or associate degree holders. There is a significant number of bachelor degree graduates, and about 7% of the population consists of masters holders (“Leon Valley Demographics and Statistics”). The high school diploma holders in this region make a significant percent of about 26% of the total population. The college and associate degree holders earn about 38% of the total population, making the region have a significant number of learned residents.

Despite the region having a considerable number of the elite, health literacy in the area continues to below, which can lead to misinterpretation, management, and prevention of different diseases. However, since the population comprises mainly of the elite, the chances are that improving health literacy in the region can be very easy and less resource consuming. Therefore, I purpose to establish a health literacy improvement organization within the area by the name Leon Valley Healthy informative Centre. The main goal for the Leon Valley Healthy informative Centre is to increase health literacy in the region trough seminars, crusades, and public education services within the region. All the educational services are offered at no price to the public in this region. The Texas government, with the help of the well-wishers, will fund the organization and provide the materials for mass education. There already exists an organization helping in improving health literacy in Texas. For example, in 2019, there was a TX Health Literacy conference aimed at increasing the need to prevent harm amongst the attendants (Wittich et al.). However, considering that Texas is such a large state, it may take time for such services to reach the people of Leon Valley. In that case, I will establish the Leon Valley Healthy informative Centre, which will help in improving health literacy in this region with the help of other medical practitioners and professions. The medical practitioners will be offering their services at free will in the Leon Valley Healthy informative Centre and based on the organization’s schedule.

Please add this part for this essay:

Which ethical theory or framework could act as a guide for your organization’s mission and work? Describe which of this theory’s principles line up with addressing this community problem. NOTE: YOU MAY CHANGE THE THEORY LATER. We will learn about additional theories as we move through the term, and you may decide at any checkpoint to switch theories if a different theory makes a stronger connection.

Work Cited

“Leon Valley Demographics and Statistics.” Niche,


R. Wittich, Angelina, et al. “Colorectal cancer screening: Understanding the health literacy needs of Hispanic rural residents.” AIMS Public Health, vol. 6, no. 2, 2019, pp. 107-120.

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