Global Business

BCO311-GLOBALBUSINESS Task brief & rubrics

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Resit Task Brief

As an individual assignment, you will need to pick-up a franchise company of your choice that:

• Is listed in the Entrepreneur 500 ranking ( )

• And that is not yet present in the popular Republic of China

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You will develop and submit an analysis report listing and explaining the following concrete questions/topics:

1. (20%) The different Strategic steps the company must follow to succeed in China.

2. (20%) The specific Market segments it will target,

3. (20%) The new Chinese subsidiary development phases in order to expand through new Chinese franchises.

4. (20%) The opportunity for growth, the competitor’s, environmental and SWOT analysis for entering the Chinese market and its main competitive
advantages in China.

5. (20%) The company 5-year Strategic Objectives for growth in China.

You will need to:

• Apply and highlight the concepts and theories learned in the course
• Use models, graphs, images and templates to enrich the report


• Type of Report. Uploaded into Turnitin as a PDF
• Word count: 2.500 – 3.500
• Line Spacing: 1,5
• Cover, Table of Contents, References and Appendix are excluded of the total word count.
• Font: Arial 12 pts.
• Text alignment: Double Justified.
• The in-text References and the Bibliography have to be in Harvard’s citation style.

Submission: SUNDAY 13th DECEMBER 2020, 23:59HRS ON MOODLE

Weight: Resit – worth 100% of the overall grade – Please remember resits are capped at 70%

Learning Assessments

It assesses the following learning outcomes:

• gain a deep understanding of the combination of localization and globalization factors;
• be able to discuss the means and ways to develop abroad;
• critically examine various management functions and constraints in an international environment;
• assess and evaluate the challenges (currency risk, shipping, cultures) and rewards of international expansion;





Marginal fail



Student selects all
relevant concepts,
demonstrating an
excellent understanding
of the task.

Student selects some
key concepts,
demonstrating a good
understanding of the

Student selects a few
demonstrating a fair
understanding of the
task although some
concepts might be

Student fails to select
relevant concepts,
understanding of the

Student fails to select
relevant concepts,
demonstrating very
understanding of task.

Knowledge &
Understanding (20%)

Student demonstrates
excellent understanding
of key concepts and
uses vocabulary in an
entirely appropriate

Student demonstrates
good understanding of
the task and mentions
some relevant concepts
and demonstrates use
of the relevant

Student understands
the task and provides
minimum theory and/or
some use of vocabulary.

Student understands
the task and attempts
to answer the question
but does not mention
key concepts or uses
minimum amount of
relevant vocabulary.

Student fails to
understand the task and
attempts to answer the


Student constructs a
coherent argument to
present a well-justified

Student constructs a
mostly coherent
argument to present a
report with some

Student attempts to
construct a coherent
argument and present a
report, although it may
lack justification or
demonstrate minor

Student attempts to
construct an argument
and present a report,
although it lacks
justification or

Student is unable to
construct an argument
to present their report.
Insufficient/ no
justification is provided
and significant
misunderstandings are
in evidence.


Student communicates
their ideas extremely
clearly and concisely,
respecting the page

Student communicates
their ideas clearly and
concisely, respecting
the page limit.

Student communicates
their ideas with some
clarity and concision. It
may be slightly over or
under the page limit.

Student communicates
their ideas in a
somewhat unclear and
unconcise way. It is over
or under the page limit.

Student fails to
communicate ideas
clearly or concisely and
excessively over or
under the page limit.

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